she isnt worth time. I foresee bad things in the future if I go down this road again
Ryan lets just say for example she was not banging another dude.. This still does not change the FACT that she ghosted your azz, over some BS reason.
She admits she gets close to someone, then runs a million fukin miles, without a word.
Does this sound like a reliable quality chick to you? Is this the best you can do?
You got ghosted by a girl with ISSUES and you need to ask us what to do?
Does a man with self respect put up with chit like this?
For all those who are advising op to invite her over for drinks? Really!!
OP you state in your OWN WORDS "I forsee bad things in the future with this chick"
So why are you ignoring your GUT instinct?
Glassguy is right.. you do Nothing unless she clearly makes the effort, to try to meet you!
If she doesn't make a move to make this happen, who FUKIN cares.. YOU ALREADY KNOW SHE IS UNRELIABLE AND TROUBLE.
Grow some balls man!!