Social circle, social circle aaaand social circle


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
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Was at a party yesterday with mostly girls. There was ofc just a couple of good looking girls single, as most are always taken.

When talking about dating and one of the unprettier ones mentioned tinder, I suggested a few things and just said that most girls (I ofc mean girls who are attractive, ugly ones- who cares, but I cant say that in this setting) sitting around this table, have probably met their current bofriend through their social circle, because it feels more natural and convenient for them. Ofc ALL had met their current boyfriend through a social circle, one of the prettiest fuked her current boyfriends friend until she met him.

So I went after the one I liked the most, we all went out, just danced a little and had played it safe as it was my first time in this group of girls (who had a strong friendship together so I had to be a little bit careful). Got her snapchat, next day I text her first on snapchat, then on face just for the heck of it. Got ignored on both platforms.

Did some snooking unfortunately, found out her ex was one of the least attractive humans you could put in a picture. Point is, they went to the same school and probably and hopefully he is a smart guy who has other things to offer than a horribly skinnyfat body and a 3/10 face. Now I am very cautious about where I put myself, but I am leagues ahead of this guy in looks, and thats not even my strongest side. When I go to parties, girls often tell me I should do standup, heard it for years so socially I feel pretty good and get invited to several new social circles.

My point is, in many places, smaller communities, cities, even cultures, ATTRACTIVE GIRLS JUST DONT GIVE A **** about tinder or "dating" at all. Some even say they think its for losers, in 2018 that just shockes me! These are "smart" attractive women I have spoken to, or the closest thing you get, who are engineers etc.

It seems to me, quality women, girls who are in long term relationships, seem to hang around in a relatively small social environment where they have so many guys to pick from its actually hard to fathom. IT IS INSANE lol. A cutie could move to a new country, work at a supermarket, next month she knows 1000 new guys and is rocking it at several parties. Whats the point of crying here? FIND THE SOURCE, where are all these girls going!?

My advice to myself and others who are thinking about elite social circle game, is to enter a university, be serious about grades AND party a lot, be unneedy and have fun, meaning you need to pick something you would enjoy doing hard work in, at least not hate. The opportunities you get just from being around women "naturally", "NATURALLY" guys, is a life hack.

I would say to a young guy 20-30 who REALLY wants to invest into this sht, pick a study out of the ones girls typically enjoy most that you could also like, and go for it. This is one of the few chances you get to rebuild a social circle if you move to new cities, and your attractiveness increases just because you are one of the few guys on the parties. Ofc look attractive, be fun and confident, and offer value into these social circles when you enter them. Nothing is handed to you obviously unless you are genetically blessed.

Now that you have enjoyed at least a bachelors degree and build up a great social circle, you might think you just spent 3 years chasing pssy? It doesnt stop there, a big social circle has no ending. You have unlimited access to parties where you meet even more attractive people.

I believe this is the game that needs to be played hard, while ofc doing tinder and all that on the side. Find a social circle or die


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
I personally think OLD is played out and we will be/are moving into a reality where people will look to meet people socially, instead of online


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
I had a guy message me yesterday morning, his opener, calling me gorgeous and a princess and asking to spend the weekend with me.

Seems to have devolved into a bunch of desperate people who attract other desperate people using grooming and manipulation tactics, and then wonder why the people they meet are fvcked in the head.

Normal people are mixed in, but what a beat down to find them.

OLD == screen HARD
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Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
I had a guy message me yesterday morning, his opener, calling me gorgeous and a princess and asking to spend the weekend with me.

Seems to have devolved into a bunch of desperate people who attract other desperate people using grooming and manipulation tactics, and then wonder why the people they meet are fvcked in the head.

Normal people are mixed in, but what a beat down to find them.

OLD == screen HARD
See how easy it's to get validation for women ?

BTW... OP is 100% right!

And Sacz, I'll use your post to prove it.

If the guy on OLD had Social Circles (active one where they meet and chill and do all the crazy stuff)... They wouldnt have to use OLD or use weird lines. Why? Cause they have a social circle which provide them opportunities!

Look at firefighters or people with crew or they meet their girls online? NO, it was always someone from the group who winged the girl in the group.

Why girls are more attracted to GUYS with FRIENDS/ GROUP/Social circle? Because it's choose Social Value... He's a guy who attract others thus he has "proof" and he's suddenly less scary and more fun.

Everyone here felt ALOT MORE CONFIDENT when they had Buddies to support them in "sarging/going out/ask the girl out" . There is power in numbers.

Now, I am done with the dating part of social circle.
Succes/moneymaking/power value in a social circle.

Someone said you are the sum of the 5 people you hang the most with.

Someone said you have to ditch the people who are going no-where with their lives if you wish to be successful. Because losers will drag you down.

Notice all the successful people in business/acting/politics/works etc... they always surrounded by likeminded success oriented people.

How many times did you hear stories of X guy becoming Président of the USA and his roomate was the guy who invented Microsoft/Apple/Facebook etc.

Warren Buffet was Bill Gates Dad best friend. Bill Gates was playing Bridge/card game with Buffet every week!

Warren Buffet dad was a Senator, who gave his son .. 1 million dollar in the 60s to start his business. Buffet learned alot from his dad business/political connections.

Bush roomate in university was someone who became famous.

Zuckerberg invited FB with his roomates who all went to work on political campaign (Obama), build ventures in Singapour etc.

Actors who shared room with big musicians name.

Etc etc.

There is more people behind an individual success than we imagine.

It's actually more rare to see a 1 person army.

Now this part of wealth social group is done.

Now i need help:

1. I've always had a easier time making friends with Female.. why?
2. Why do i prefer being alone ?
3. Why is it easier to meet strangers than making friends? (I do icebreaking easily but barely go beyond)
4. Why do i attract? Décidé to LTR girls who are inexpérienced ?
5. How can i attract more successful guys around me ? (I do meet them but it always seems to hang around my elemantary school friend than them)
6. Why must i always initiate to hang around people ? (It's rare for people to ask me to come to a party/event.. I always do the invite)
7. Why if i invite 90 people.. 10 will show up mostly girls and the people ive hang around the longest aka primary school friends who are not as succesful?

I need help to improve my social circles and attract guys in my group. It start by introspection (see my 7questions)


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
@Von just to be clear, I found nothing validating about his opener. I swung more towards the "dude is desperate and creepy" feeling.

But I do get it, tons of women, and men, totally buy into this type of validation, yep. You have to wonder how desperate and needy these people are....
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I had a guy message me yesterday morning, his opener, calling me gorgeous and a princess and asking to spend the weekend with me.

Seems to have devolved into a bunch of desperate people who attract other desperate people using grooming and manipulation tactics, and then wonder why the people they meet are fvcked in the head.

Normal people are mixed in, but what a beat down to find them.

OLD == screen HARD
What is grooming and manipulation?
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
See how easy it's to get validation for women ?

BTW... OP is 100% right!

And Sacz, I'll use your post to prove it.

If the guy on OLD had Social Circles (active one where they meet and chill and do all the crazy stuff)... They wouldnt have to use OLD or use weird lines. Why? Cause they have a social circle which provide them opportunities!

Look at firefighters or people with crew or they meet their girls online? NO, it was always someone from the group who winged the girl in the group.

Why girls are more attracted to GUYS with FRIENDS/ GROUP/Social circle? Because it's choose Social Value... He's a guy who attract others thus he has "proof" and he's suddenly less scary and more fun.

Everyone here felt ALOT MORE CONFIDENT when they had Buddies to support them in "sarging/going out/ask the girl out" . There is power in numbers.

Now, I am done with the dating part of social circle.
Succes/moneymaking/power value in a social circle.

Someone said you are the sum of the 5 people you hang the most with.

Someone said you have to ditch the people who are going no-where with their lives if you wish to be successful. Because losers will drag you down.

Notice all the successful people in business/acting/politics/works etc... they always surrounded by likeminded success oriented people.

How many times did you hear stories of X guy becoming Président of the USA and his roomate was the guy who invented Microsoft/Apple/Facebook etc.

Warren Buffet was Bill Gates Dad best friend. Bill Gates was playing Bridge/card game with Buffet every week!

Warren Buffet dad was a Senator, who gave his son .. 1 million dollar in the 60s to start his business. Buffet learned alot from his dad business/political connections.

Bush roomate in university was someone who became famous.

Zuckerberg invited FB with his roomates who all went to work on political campaign (Obama), build ventures in Singapour etc.

Actors who shared room with big musicians name.

Etc etc.

There is more people behind an individual success than we imagine.

It's actually more rare to see a 1 person army.

Now this part of wealth social group is done.

Now i need help:

1. I've always had a easier time making friends with Female.. why?
2. Why do i prefer being alone ?
3. Why is it easier to meet strangers than making friends? (I do icebreaking easily but barely go beyond)
4. Why do i attract? Décidé to LTR girls who are inexpérienced ?
5. How can i attract more successful guys around me ? (I do meet them but it always seems to hang around my elemantary school friend than them)
6. Why must i always initiate to hang around people ? (It's rare for people to ask me to come to a party/event.. I always do the invite)
7. Why if i invite 90 people.. 10 will show up mostly girls and the people ive hang around the longest aka primary school friends who are not as succesful?

I need help to improve my social circles and attract guys in my group. It start by introspection (see my 7questions)
Because as you get older, you realize it's every man (or person) for themselves.

I used to be real popular having my phone ringing 30 times/day when I was involved with a lot of acid. I used to meet people, then meet their friends, get invited to parties, etc.

Now, I couldn't give a sh1t about any of that. Mostly the only people I hang around now are people I hire to do work, many of whom are 50 years old or older. I get along with them just fine as long as they're not d1ckheads, but it's more complicated than just "hanging out with the boys."

Even if girls think it's weird/odd if a guy doesn't have lots of friends, I'm not gonna change everything just because a girl thinks I should because what do they know anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score

Listen to the attitudes that ugly girls have even when asked a simple question.

Back on ignore you go.
I know! Right girl?! Entitled bishes suck!
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