I look at it as nice vs considerate. Considerate is a good place to be IMO, but nice is not.
Nice guy: Buys her drinks all night; refuses to let her buy him one.
Considerate guy: Buys her one drink, lets her buy him one; thanks her kindly for the drink.
Nice guy: Doesn't call a woman out when she displeases him; allows her to do it over and over indefinately.
Considerate guy: Calls her out, but gives her another chance or two but not infinate; then dumps her if it becomes a habit.
Nice guy: Offers to fix her car on Saturday after a long work week; refuses any compensation in return.
Considerate guy: Offers to fix her car on Saturday after a long work week; suggests she make him dinner in return.
Haha. I'd be like...
Buy you a drink? You gonna suck my d1ck later?