I know the feel. I deserve way better looking chicks than currently desire me. Problem is, said chicks don't really exist in this area EXCEPT at the gym. And you don't talk to girls in the gym. You just don't. They aren't there to socialize, or make new friends or to get stronger or more athletic. They are there to get attention and make themselves feel like they are hot on IG or some ****. It's ****ing retarded. I actually want to just **** every single semi-decent chick I see, especially because I'm 19 now. This type of stuff pisses me off. And I know for a fact that it isn't me, I've improved far too much for it to be me. I got girls when I was much worse off, and now that I'm better I don't? Hahaha, life sure has a great sense of humor. Too many inconveniences happened that stopped all opportunities of me getting women. I'm not around them enough to where they'll deal with me. And the ones that are in my area are stuck up af and think they deserve men equivalent to models or famous celebrities. They can go **** themselves. RIP life.