"Game" means thinking short when you should be thinking long

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Jan 28, 2017
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The City
Take two random guys in their early 20's.

Guy #1 makes the decision to spend the next 10 years of his life focusing on MONEY.

Guy #2 makes the decision to spend the next 10 years of his life focusing on women and "game".

At age 40 which guy do you think will be in a better position?

The dirty little secret about life is the rules change as you get older. The sh*t a guy in his 20's can get away with will make a 40 year old man seem like a complete f*ck up. What does a 40 year old man working the forklift at Home Depot (but has top "game") have to offer a HOT woman?

Compare that to a 40 year old guy with MONEY and less "game".

Are you wasting the most important years of your life focusing on stupid hoes? I hope not.


Mar 5, 2018
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Take two random guys in their early 20's.

Guy #1 makes the decision to spend the next 10 years of his life focusing on MONEY.

Guy #2 makes the decision to spend the next 10 years of his life focusing on women and "game".

At age 40 which guy do you think will be in a better position?

The dirty little secret about life is the rules change as you get older. The sh*t a guy in his 20's can get away with will make a 40 year old man seem like a complete f*ck up. What does a 40 year old man working the forklift at Home Depot (but has top "game") have to offer a HOT woman?

Compare that to a 40 year old guy with MONEY and less "game".

Are you wasting the most important years of your life focusing on stupid hoes? I hope not.
Excellent thread and it aligns directly with what this website is supposed to be about....which is the creation of the DON JUAN. It was the Sosuave Legend himself, POOK (who helped finalize the DON JUAN objectives) who said the following in this thread here: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/threads/aphorisms.77960/

"The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is this: the former INVESTS his time while the latter SPENDS his time. Most young people don’t realize that they are at a golden moment to plant seeds of talent to harvest throughout their lives. Some think, “When you get older, it gets harder.” That’s only if you SPEND rather then INVEST. If you INVEST your time, life keeps getting easier and more fun."

But of course, they liked it when the almighty God Pook said it....but when Urbanyst says it, they flame him? I think that just goes to show that the current CROP of folks participating on the forum today are mainly the lazy, anonymous, broke, unattractive dudes who are abusing MGTOW.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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In golf there's short game and long game. As we mature "game" becomes charm and social Intelligence. It shouldn't be overlooked. Player supreme gave a true break down of the SYSTEM of game at least for the dating and hookup world.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2018
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Why not both?

You seem to believe that the guys here are obsessed with game at the detriment of LMS. When I want to work on LMS I go to sites focused on that. When I want to work on game I come here.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
Why not both?

You seem to believe that the guys here are obsessed with game at the detriment of LMS. When I want to work on LMS I go to sites focused on that. When I want to work on game I come here.
Exactly. Like a third of the threads here are along the lines of: I spent the last thirty years doing everything ‘right.’ I have a good job, I bought a house at 22, I dress well, I workout. Why don’t women LIIIIKE me??

And what’s even MORE ironic, is the staunchest supporters of LMS are the ones who complain the most. Not even poking fun at you, @Grit-Persist, I think you’re an admirable guy I’m a lot of ways, but I don’t see how you can wave the LMS flag on one hand and then complain about how the girls you want go for deadbeat thugs and the girls you do attract are just looking for a meal ticket.

You can blame the market all you like, but the market doesn’t give a fvck about you—and it’s your responsibility to navigate the market as effectively as possibly. And, obviously, if it were as easy as just putting your head down like a good little workhorse and grinding until you have money & status, then guys, successful guys, in particular, wouldn’t have as many problems as they do.

The reason I don’t let this sh1t fly—even though I think LMS are reasonable pursuits in & of themselves & can be useful leverage—is because Game is more effective, more necessary, and more applicable across a wider variety of contexts. Every piece of social conditioning tells guys they have to bow at the altar of LMS just to get a little bit of play or to make themselves desirable to the girls they want while those same girls are giving away more for next to nothing to guys who make them feel the right emotions.


Mar 5, 2018
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And what’s even MORE ironic, is the staunchest supporters of LMS are the ones who complain the most. Not even poking fun at you, @Grit-Persist, I think you’re an admirable guy I’m a lot of ways, but I don’t see how you can wave the LMS flag on one hand and then complain about how the girls you want go for deadbeat thugs and the girls you do attract are just looking for a meal ticket..
Dude when did I say this? Like seriously, you guys have NO true rebuttal/argument against the stances I make so you make up random shyt.

What I have said is that I personally don't like how a lot of women (black especially) fvck LOSER MEN....loser men in this case is based solely on the guy not having his financial house in order.....even though (granted) a lot of those loser guys might have decent looks and personality.

I just think that the black community (especially with the fatherless situation) is better served with black women NOT getting pregnant by loser men like Ray Ray and Pookie. It's led to a significant issue in the black community with young men growing up without Fathers and all of the stats show that this situation contributes to the prison rate, drop out rate, and more black people being added to the welfare rolls.

But no where did I say women just fvck me for a meal ticket. What meal ticket? I don't pay a chick's bills.

Do you have an actual rebuttal against the arguments I've put out? Or are you going to sit up here and just make up strawman stances, then write a couple paragraphs in relation to the crap you just made up?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Short game is as important as long game. Cause without short game you won't be sinking it in the "hole"


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
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Dude when did I say this? Like seriously, you guys have NO true rebuttal/argument against the stances I make so you make up random shyt.

What I have said is that I personally don't like how a lot of women (black especially) fvck LOSER MEN....loser men in this case is based solely on the guy not having his financial house in order.....even though (granted) a lot of those loser guys might have decent looks and personality.

Oh sh1t. My bad ;)

But no where did I say women just fvck me for a meal ticket. What meal ticket? I don't pay a chick's bills.

Ok lol.

Do you have an actual rebuttal against the arguments I've put out? Or are you going to sit up here and just make up strawman stances, then write a couple paragraphs in relation to the crap you just made up?
Exactly. Like a third of the threads here are along the lines of: I spent the last thirty years doing everything ‘right.’ I have a good job, I bought a house at 22, I dress well, I workout. Why don’t women LIIIIKE me??

And what’s even MORE ironic, is the staunchest supporters of LMS are the ones who complain the most. Not even poking fun at you, @Grit-Persist, I think you’re an admirable guy I’m a lot of ways, but I don’t see how you can wave the LMS flag on one hand and then complain about how the girls you want go for deadbeat thugs and the girls you do attract are just looking for a meal ticket.

You can blame the market all you like, but the market doesn’t give a fvck about you—and it’s your responsibility to navigate the market as effectively as possibly. And, obviously, if it were as easy as just putting your head down like a good little workhorse and grinding until you have money & status, then guys, successful guys, in particular, wouldn’t have as many problems as they do.

The reason I don’t let this sh1t fly—even though I think LMS are reasonable pursuits in & of themselves & can be useful leverage—is because Game is more effective, more necessary, and more applicable across a wider variety of contexts. Every piece of social conditioning tells guys they have to bow at the altar of LMS just to get a little bit of play or to make themselves desirable to the girls they want while those same girls are giving away more for next to nothing to guys who make them feel the right emotions.
In case you missed it ;) That’s a pretty solid rebuttal.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Why not both?

You seem to believe that the guys here are obsessed with game at the detriment of LMS. When I want to work on LMS I go to sites focused on that. When I want to work on game I come here.
Why not both?

For the same reason when you go shopping you don't buy milk for both yourself and Santa Claus.



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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I have no problem in attracting strings of LTRs from women (even black women) whom you would define as quality, and in much higher echelons of looks and finances.

So, is your inability to find a "quality" LTR due to your lack of SMV or lack of "game"?


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City

I have no problem in attracting strings of LTRs from women (even black women) whom you would define as quality, and in much higher echelons of looks and finances.

So, is your inability to find a "quality" LTR due to your lack of SMV or lack of "game"?
Why are you single then?


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I’m not. You?
You're married? I thought you were DIVORCED.

So you're currently with a high quality black woman that Tenacity would like? Is that whats going on?

Yeah, I'm single by choice at the moment. Making MONEY and saving MONEY.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
You're married? I thought you were DIVORCED.

So you're currently with a high quality black woman that Tenacity would like? Is that whats going on?
Why would I get married if unnecessary?

I rejected LTRs with the black women. Great girls but into Eastern Europeans.

“Urbanyst” said:
Yeah, I'm single by choice at the moment. Making MONEY and saving MONEY.
Countless posts about the state of the market and your inability to find a worthwhile contender in NYC? Same question applies to you: Short in SMV or in game? If short in SMV, is that why you’re taking a “break”? To increase your SMV to qualify for “quality” contenders?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Why would I get married if unnecessary?

I rejected LTRs with the black women. Great girls but into Eastern Europeans.

Countless posts about the state of the market and your inability to find a worthwhile contender in NYC? Same question applies to you: Short in SMV or in game? If short in SMV, is that why you’re taking a “break”? To increase your SMV to qualify for “quality” contenders?
He felt his LTR choices had too much "baggage".


Mar 5, 2018
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Ummm...did you read that thread lol? I'm detailing how keeping a chick for a long term relationship is a challenge because 99% of the women still left on the market are FVCKED. The women who are worth a LTR are mainly off the market.

Same stuff I've been saying for a number of years now, nothing changed.

Lol, bro, you said I was a chick's "meal ticket".....that implies to me that I'm paying her bills and being a provider to her (or at least, I'm willing to do that). What I"m detailing in that thread is how I'm annoyed by some chicks coming to me AS IF I'm a provider (when I'm not).

Again, did you read the thread?

In case you missed it ;) That’s a pretty solid rebuttal.
Can you provide a more detailed argument on why you believe "Game" is effective at all? Again, when I refer to "Game" I'm referring to the PUA/Seduction Community's definition of using secret, pseudo, "conversational tricks" to TRICK a girl into getting wet over you. So you might "elicit her values" or "mirror her", or some of the tactics they discuss in the PUA Books.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Ummm...did you read that thread lol? I'm detailing how keeping a chick for a long term relationship is a challenge because 99% of the women still left on the market are FVCKED. The women who are worth a LTR are mainly off the market.

Same stuff I've been saying for a number of years now, nothing changed.

Lol, bro, you said I was a chick's "meal ticket".....that implies to me that I'm paying her bills and being a provider to her (or at least, I'm willing to do that). What I"m detailing in that thread is how I'm annoyed by some chicks coming to me AS IF I'm a provider (when I'm not).

Again, did you read the thread?

Can you provide a more detailed argument on why you believe "Game" is effective at all? Again, when I refer to "Game" I'm referring to the PUA/Seduction Community's definition of using secret, pseudo, "conversational tricks" to TRICK a girl into getting wet over you. So you might "elicit her values" or "mirror her", or some of the tactics they discuss in the PUA Books.
"Game" we rolled up into the "short game" on the green. LMS is "long game". Game consists of Charm, influence, manipulating the situation and rulesets are all part of it. It's like a good fundamental base structure to being an auto salesman. Game is part of it. If ya wanna get in the hole short game has to be considered.


Mar 5, 2018
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I have no problem in attracting strings of LTRs from women (even black women) whom you would define as quality, and in much higher echelons of looks and finances.
Then why aren't you married Guru? Remember, you argued for nearly 30 pages in "The Marriage Debate" about how getting married is an optimal solution if you find a chick who has the traditional mindset to be geared towards it.

So you have the luxury of finding all of these quality LTR women.......why aren't you married then?

So, is your inability to find a "quality" LTR due to your lack of SMV or lack of "game"?
I would say it's compatibility issues in terms of what I would need to GIVE UP in order to make the relationships last. Again, many of the women have issues to where being in an LTR with them would NOT make my life better.......at all....it would be another "chore".

Why would I get married if unnecessary?
I'm confused. You argue for 30 pages that Marriage is optimal if you find a unicorn. You mention that you have unicorns swinging off trees. But you are now saying the marriage isn't necessary? I thought you said in order to keep the unicorn, she would REQUIRE marriage?

I'm just confused lol. You are asking me why I'm not in an LTR/Married but you yourself are saying that marriage isn't required. Am I allowed to feel the same way (that marriage isn't required) OR when I say it, I must only be saying it because I'm full of shyt?


Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
*Tenacity wonders to himself*......

Tenacity To Himself: Hmmmm, I wonder how many PMs @sazc has sent the Moderators to notify them of Tenacity's return?

Self: Hmmmm, maybe 5? Maybe 10? Maybe as high as 25?

Tenacity To Himself: Hmmm, you might be right :confused:
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