Am getting to the stage where I'm gonna have a 3plus rotation on my hands.
What are your top tips for handling multiple options on a weekly basis?
1) rotate the bars and clubs you take these girls out to
2) try to take them out to places farther away than the town you live in
The reason for these two is I was seeing about 4 girls over the summer and two of them had a huge amount of orbiters. I didn’t care, wasn’t going to date these girls but these guys really cared when I went to the bar with girl 1 on Friday and then the same bar with girl 2 on Saturday.
Sunday morning I wake up to a mountain of texts from both girls saying how guy X saw me at X bar with X girl. Still ended up diffusing the situation when I said we weren’t dating.
3) remember who you’re texting.
Juggling 2 girls it’s easy to remember but sometimes with 4+ girls you pop into the wrong chat window and say the wrong thing. Always double check.
4) a calendar (your phone) will help organize the dates per girl so you don’t forget , especially after a busy work week when we all are fried. Writing things down helps.
5) never full disclosure only honesty.
Don’t fully come out and say you’re dating multiple women, if asked about it, just jokingly say yes (not a lie) and then change the subject. No straight answer given and no lie was given. She thinks you’re joking when you’re not, and if the subject comes up later if she finds you with another girl always say I told you, no I wasn’t joking.
Bonus: set up as many dates as you can back to back for fun.
No idea why but I liked doing this so my weekends were always full of adventure. No better feeling than it being Friday night and you’re coming to the close of date 1 knowing you have another “late night “ date planned for later. It almost relaxes you on date 1 and girls pick up on that and find it super attractive.
That’s all I can think of for now.
Have fun