I read stories of people who were diagnosed with hpv, but it turned out to be molluscum. Didn't know aldera could be so brutal, nor did I know molluscum is transmitted through sex. My Dr didn't want to prescribe it to me, but I insisted as freezing wasn't working. This was after the nurses said his diagnosis was false. I told him you misdiagnosed me months ago, but he still insisted it wasn't hpv. He said "I'm not always right, but I still believe its pearly papules. Seems these days Im schooling Drs. That Dr would talk about weird ****, like explicit chit, stuff you dont talk about with your patient.
That's a crazy story about your ex. People who knowingly give their std/sti to others always seem to have a preplanned story to tell in order cover up they knew they had it. My gf in high school waited right before we were about to have sex to tell me she had hpv. She started crying, telling me she was raped, yada yada. I respected her for telling me and ended up dating her for 3 years. Even being so young at the time we were safe as possible. Never hit it once without a rubber.
I can only imagine your emotional state of mind having a cute chick cutting off your cold sores. I bet if you were in that situation again you wouldn't hesitate to ask for her #.
You speak the truth man. I'm trying to own it man, but no matter what I do, it's owning me. I've tried everything I can do to help pass the pain, but the memories haunt me on a daily basis, heck Im still having nightmares of her. Even 16 months since my bpd ex moved, I have fallen back into deep depression, been suicidal. I can't work due to my depression being so bad. Never would I have thought a relationship could bring me too my knees and destroy my life.