The problem guys... is
the paradox of choice.
Due to an influx of a myriad of issues we've been discussing on this forum for years, women (and men) now have greater access to options than ever before. Like others have said... evolution hasn't changed... our access to options has.
Look at it this way... let's go real old school and say you walk onto a car lot and you see 5 or 10 superb Ford Model T cars... so at this point, it comes to a preference of the paint job since most of the mechanics are the same right?
Now, fast forward to 2018 and you want to buy a new car... what are your options? You can go dealership to dealership. Surf third party sites. Use search engines or you can use signs up on Consumer Reports for one month to find the car you want. You go through the shopping cart service and pick out all your must-haves, add-ons, etc. and hit submit. 5-30 minutes later you get 3-10 offers in emails from salesmen giving you a quote and go for a close tactic like "how soon can you stop by?"
OLD is no different if your perceived value/status, pictures, etc. sell your image up front. So why would a woman or a man settle and go exclusive at the first offer or couple of offers if you're value/status aware and can back it up? There's always a crowd of guys DMing hoping for their next chance in line. That won't change, it's a reality here to stay, so we have to adapt to this mating strategy.
The grass is always greener, DJs ...and many... probably to most people in the dating game.
Ever hear the line "yeaaaaaaaaahhh, but........" (I can do better)? This is ingrained in them thanks to blown out the reality of entitlement, yet that's another post for another day...
Moving away from the car buying analogy and getting a little serious. We can't decide who and when a significant other will walk out of our lives and trade up for someone of perceived value or meets her needs in that moment after she has calculated in her head if leaving you is a safe enough option to jump ship for another guy's monogamy serial game and she knows she can still pull pre/post wall.
Again, I bring up my previous post, we as men can decide our direction and keep striving for what we want out of life. We can't control the events or circumstances if and when a woman may make that decision to leave for someone else.
Our frames aren't bulletproof, we slip up (body, work, memory-lapse, attentiveness, we age, natural circumstances, declining interest level, etc. etc.). I say this because we have to learn to be content with the things that bring us joy in life. No love is unconditional, although a mother's love is close.
Don't worry about your woman being monogamous (unless you're married... you'll have other financial concerns to occupy your mind)... just enjoy the time she's spending with you, have fun, be light-hearted, laugh, and make sure she's a lower priority
. Seriously guys, just learn to relax a little and worry less, you'll enjoy life a lot more.