Speak Easy - A DJ's Self Improvement Journal... 9 Years later


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2009
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I'm not entirely certain what the goal of this post is, but I do know that it is my first post in close to 8 years on this site. This site truly changed my life when I found it in Grade 10. I'm since well and graduated from University now and sometimes I will run into people that could have been me: incredibly socially awkward, doing all the wrong things with girls, and never doing a thing to change.

Thankfully I found this site when I did, I maintained my will to change and push myself out of the comfort zone, and I saw results. In my near decade pursuing the Don Juan path I've had a couple of wonderful relationships with awesome girls, hooked up with 30-40 girls for only being single 5 years, and improved so many areas of my life. I don't write these things to brag, I write them to give you a sense of my accomplishment and resulting gratitude for what this site has given me.

I'm 25 years old now and I've really entered into a slump. It stems from a 'recent' breakup with a girl I was dating for ~2.5 years. The breakup happened 9 months ago, but I still think about her and our relationship every day. We were living together when the breakup happened, and it was pretty nasty. It was the culmination of many things, but I was the spark that started the raging fire in which she ultimately dumped me. To summarize, she was miserable with her new job and would come home from work miserable and make me miserable. We fought all the time. I was working a new job from home, making twice what she was, and I was really enjoying it. This created a bigger rift between us, and I eventually told her that her mood was bringing me, and us, down and I couldn't take it anymore. I told her that she needed to figure herself out. This created a huge fight in which we both said terrible things I'm sure we both regret, and ultimately with her ending the relationship.

I was rather unfazed in the moment and left to go stay with some friends of mine for a few days. I was happy that I was out of this toxic relationship, but still rather hollow on the inside. When I went back to the apartment to get my stuff, she was there, and guys, I folded like a leaf. It's quite pathetic to think about, and to write, but I quite literally pleaded with her to take me back. At one point I was even on my knees...

Thankfully she didn't. When I knew it was done, I went no-contact and packed all my stuff up and left to go live on a couch for a month: full-on divorced dad mode. It ended up being the best month I've had in a long time. I was living in the big city with some close friends of mine who were all single and we would go to the bars every weekend, hit on girls, and have a blast. I did some travelling for a couple of months and thought less about her all the time.

However, in September I moved to a much smaller city where I only have a few friends. All of these friends have girlfriends, and the city itself has hardly any single girls that are my age. Any single 25 year old girls gtfo out of this city.

I work from home and really only interact with my business partner every day. I work two jobs: one from around 7-3 (at home), and then another from 4-8 (at home). Sometimes a week will go by and I have not left my apartment. I feel so isolated. I've never felt like this before. I'm used to having lots of friends, social engagements, and being in environments where single girls are ubiquitous.

I know I'm depressed, but that doesn't exactly make snapping out of it any easier. It's also quite difficult to go out and do things when I'm almost always working ( I also work majority of the weekends). At the beginning I would tell myself that I was just focusing on work right now, and when I finally solved the big problem I am working on right now I would get back into the swing of a regular life. That mindset seems to have been quite detrimental to my mental health. Anyway, the point is that the more depressed and in this rut I have gotten, the more I keep thinking about my ex girlfriend. I dream about her at least twice a week and I am always stuck thinking about our relationship when I lie down at night. Multiple times a day I catch thoughts that sound something like, "I miss Sarah". It's straight up awful.

I've been on a few dates since moving here and had sex with 3 different girls, but it just feels hollow. I feel like my standards are now almost unrealistic for my next girlfriend. I feel the crunch of time and I'm frustrated by how almost every girl I meet in this city is in a relationship.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I need you guys again. I broke off on my own, internalized the DJ mindset for a long time, had incredible success in my romantic and personal life, and it truly felt like I finally "made it". However it seems I have neglected my mindset, and life in general, and I need to sharpen things up again. I still have no problem talking to girls and if I do have a conversation with them I can almost always make them laugh and get a phone number (IF THEYRE SINGLE). They're all in relationships FFS. Lol. I digress...

This post will be the start of a weekly, possibly daily, journal of my progression out of this slump.
To begin I'll do a quick analysis of my life as it is broken down into strengths and weaknesses.

  • I'm in pretty good shape
  • I'm doing 'cool' work, I make good money, and I'm my own boss.
  • I live alone in a beautiful apartment downtown on the water
  • I have a solid friendship with my business partner who I spend 10 hours every day with.
  • People generally like me and I can make people laugh.
  • I have (or use) to have a ton of diverse hobbies.
  • I'm taking an Acro Yoga class with lots of girls in it.

Weaknesses/Areas for Improvement:
  • All I do is work. This has isolated me, prevented me from having a real life, and has probably been the main contributor to this depression.
  • I don't work out as much as I should/could. Lately I've only been running/working out once a week. I'm thankful that I have a body where I don't have to exercise and I'll never get fat, but I have definitely lost muscle/bulk from my sedentary, working lifestyle.
  • I smoke pot almost every night before bed. While I do enjoy this activity, it is probably messing with my brain chemistry in a negative way and could be replaced with something more productive (e.g reading a book).
  • I don't have a social circle. The only person I spend time with is my business partner. He and his girlfriend don't have a large network and they don't have any get-togethers or anything like that. I have a few friends here in town, but they are also busy with work and their relationships.
  • I don't maintain relationships with people well. I'm terrible at texting people back or calling my friends from out of town to stay in touch.
  • I don't keep up on errands and the minutia of life as well I could.
  • I have an ever-increasing ToDo list.

I could almost certainly continue this list, and probably will as time goes on. The goal is to move the items from the Areas for Improvement list into the Strengths list. I have been thinking about my need to start another regime of self improvement for the last couple of weeks now, and I have made some progress already. I started taking an Acro yoga class a couple of weeks ago, which is almost entirely girls btw, and I've had a ton of fun. I've been playing it extremely cool with the girls there, as I don't want to be 'that guy'. All of the other girls I've had conversations with have worked in 'their partner' or 'boyfriend' into the conversation, but I still noticed interest signals from a few of them anyway. I've been making an attempt to be very social, jovial, and confident at these classes. I'm most definitely not pursuing those leads though as I'm not a homewrecker. It is quite difficult finding girls I would be interested in that are also single at this age in this town for some reason. Anyway, I know they are out there and I plan on finding them through finding myself...

My goals for the following week:
  • Read a book instead of smoking pot before bed
  • Do some sort of exercise every day
  • Go to some sort of social event this week (in addition to my weekly yoga class).

Your encouragement, opinions, and criticism are more than welcomed. I truly need you guys more than ever at this moment in my life. I am at rock bottom, and I am looking forward to climbing out with your help. I've overcome challenges much greater than this when I first started out, so this should be a piece of cake in comparison. Here we go.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

Half the battle is realizing there is a problem. Good for you on that and on listing out in detail both the positive things and the things you need to work on.

You are working a tremendous amount. Think about whether you can carve out a block of time for any sort of volunteer work or charity work...perhaps at a local hospital for example. Or see if there are any local charities or arts organizations that do something which interests you. There are often dynamic people involved in such endeavors and it could be an opportunity to increase your social circle and sphere of influence.

Also along those same lines, you might consider either Rotary Club or the Jaycees in your area (or both). This will introduce you to the movers and shakers in business in your area, Jaycees are generally youngish professionals (20's & 30's) and will be well networked. I'd recommend those types of organizations for social and professional exposure.

Each day journal your progress. Many things in life trace back to good habits. You establish good habits day by day as you note in your post.

To your success - BE


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2009
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Week 1 Recap

Re: BeExcellent. Thanks for the advice BeExcellent. I'm in a transitory phase right now as there big life decisions coming my way and I will probably have to move again in September. I've been avoiding taking on volunteer commitments because of that, but perhaps I should investigate some places only looking for a small commitment. You're also right, journalling is so key to self improvement. When I drastically changed my life the first time (~9 years ago) I religiously wrote in a journal. It really allowed me to set goals, analyze my behaviour, and track improvements. I'll get back into this!

Re: EmotionalGeek. I like that question - it really nails it down. I think two weeks ago, I had no idea. Just thinking about this now and it really boils down to a desire to be awesome again and a desire to have as much fun as I used to. I want to improve the level of fun, excitement, and new experiences coming into my life. I'm going to work on that.

As far as last weeks goals: I accomplished them (for the most part). I missed a couple of days of reading prior to bed and one day of exercise. As far as the social event went: I ended up meeting an older girl (35) on Tinder who was pretty cute. She randomly had 2 tickets to some Feminist burlesque show (not usually my cup of tea LOL), but I said wtf and went. I made an effort to be as open minded and fun as possible. It actually ended up being pretty hilarious for both of us and we had sex after. I don't expect, nor would I want, this to progress anywhere besides casual sex. She has a couple of kids, is 10 years older than me, and is on a different life path. However, casual sex is good right? I do worry that I might just placate myself with casual sex instead of finding that girl of my dreams: an ultimate goal. Whatever, for now I enjoy the good things and use the bad as obstacles to improve from.

Goals for Next Week

For this next week I plan on pushing myself a little bit more. I plan on maintaining the same goals while also stepping out of the dreaded comfort zone a little bit more. I haven't done anything that's scared me for a while, and I used to do that sort of thing all the time. I completed the Don Juan bootcamp twice and was always terrified for the last couple of weeks, but it felt SO GOOD to finally overcome it. Anyway, I'm back in the city in which I went to university and I'm going to try and organize anyone that might be left here to go out sometime next week (almost certainly only a couple at best), but wtf. It could be something and it's a bit scary to try and put something like that together. I will start small and see where it takes me.

So here it goes. Goals:

- Organize a social gathering of sorts. I will first focus on trying to get people from my program together who graduated a few years ago with me. If that fails, then I will think of something else.
- Take up another physical activity (currently I've been going to the gym daily and doing yoga once a week).
- Be out of bed by 730 every day.

Thanks for the support guys. Another week begins.



Don Juan
Feb 10, 2018
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Cali Sunshine
I just wanna say Good for you man! I'm excited to read a journal like this, I'll be following... I'm also at a low point in my life, I was locked up for almost 2 years just got out last week, my toxic gf finally separated from me just a few months before I was getting out, I have no social skills as I see right now, no inner game, nothing, except for being a bit buff thanks to rigorous working out (though bodyweight only) past couple of months.

This place once helped me and gave me the confidence and helped me achieve my first few GF's back in 07, 08, and some time after. I'm 28 right now, been in a relationship since 25... anyways, enough about me! Keep us updated SPEAK! This is inspiring bro and just what I need. A friendly kick in the ass reminder to start my self improvement hustle ASAP.

Oh, and AcroYoga is something I'm trying to look into as well, I just read about it in Tim Ferris' book Tools of Titans, and it really intrigued me, I'm glad to hear positive things about it, I hope I don't freeze in my nervousness while in class, I can picture myself being all AFC just so I don't get looked at as some creep in there going just for the girls lol
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
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Well, for starters you are having sex at least. There are guys here who would give their left nut to experience half the things you have, let alone myself only a few years back, and Im hitting 30 this year.

I do know a lot about serious depression and having suicidal thoughts, as it made me a virgin for 26 years. To think I can go on dates with beautiful young girls a few years later is still hard to believe for my brain, as I know well enough complete loneliness, zero confidence and motivation. Hell, I even shave my head now cause I like how it feels, freedom.

In my opinion, it seems you have to make up your mind on having a successful business life/career and pursuing life outside your job. The eternal struggle ofc, but its no shame in wanting to change, and not unusual at all that we need different things at different stages of our lives.

If your work demands so much energy that you cant improve in the areas that are making you depressed, it seems to me that we have a problem within your echosystem. Would it be possible to have a less demanding job and still live a great life? Would it be more rewarding traveling, working out, pursuing hobbies? Just a thought. People talk about traveling all the time but never do, its actually quite rewarding and will give memories throughout your life that money cant get close to.

Good luck getting back on track! (PM me if you need it)


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2009
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Responses To Messages:

Re ExoticOne:
I just wanna say Good for you man! I'm excited to read a journal like this, I'll be following... I'm also at a low point in my life, I was locked up for almost 2 years just got out last week, my toxic gf finally separated from me just a few months before I was getting out, I have no social skills as I see right now, no inner game, nothing, except for being a bit buff thanks to rigorous working out (though bodyweight only) past couple of months.

This place once helped me and gave me the confidence and helped me achieve my first few GF's back in 07, 08, and some time after. I'm 28 right now, been in a relationship since 25... anyways, enough about me! Keep us updated SPEAK! This is inspiring bro and just what I need. A friendly kick in the ass reminder to start my self improvement hustle ASAP.

Oh, and AcroYoga is something I'm trying to look into as well, I just read about it in Tim Ferris' book Tools of Titans, and it really intrigued me, I'm glad to hear positive things about it, I hope I don't freeze in my nervousness while in class, I can picture myself being all AFC just so I don't get looked at as some creep in there going just for the girls lol
I'm glad I could inspire you ExoticOne. It's good that you have identified positive qualities, like being buff, in addition to highlighting some areas you want to improve on. It's more helpful to focus on your improvements than on your mistakes. When you say that you have 'no inner game', you have actually proven yourself wrong through the very utterance of that statement. You are already so much farther ahead than most guys in your situation by just being aware of the problem. That really is amazing, and I am happy for you to begin realizing that. Have you tried the DJ Bootcamp? I remember doing it back in high school and it helped me tremendously with my social skills, and there is no better time than the present to start. At the very least consider getting a part-time job that requires you to have many interactions with people, OR (my personal favourite) do something that makes you uncomfortable every day. If you want, I'll do it with you so we can keep each other accountable - I'm always into more practice!

ALSO, In regards to your fears about joining a yoga class or something else: I have some concrete advice for you. First off, sign up right the f**k now. Seriously. Go sign up online right now. Ok. After that's finished, it's important to always just focus on being the guy who is having the most fun. This works anywhere you go in life: yoga classes, house parties, etc. If you go with only the goal of having fun, people are naturally attracted to that. Try to keep a big goofy grin the whole time and laugh quickly. You might feel panicked on the inside, but as time goes on and you keep smiling/laughing you will actually trick your brain/body into feeling relaxed, at ease, and ultimately confident. (This is NeuroLinguistic programming at work, but I digress...) . Good Luck!

Re Milano:
Your support is tremendously appreciated: thank you. It is always nice to hear other success stories, and I am glad you are in a good spot now. While it is true I have had many successes at different parts in my life (romantically, relationships, work, etc), I find I can be quite critical of my current situation when I compare it to past ones. I can sometimes be too hard on myself when I look back and compare my past self to my current self, but I think that comparison is all that should matter when one pursues self-improvement.

Week 2 and a bit Recap:
First of all, it's been over a week since my last entry and there really isn't an excuse for that. I have been quite busy, and I've been taking steps in the right direction every day. I still have yet to smoke pot and I have been reading most nights before bed. I've been reading a lot of books on Stoic Philosophy and I find a lot of what is preached resonates with what my ideal image of a Don Juan is. I do recommend checking out "Letters to a Stoic" or "Meditations".

In regards to last week's goals: I mostly accomplished them. I made a facebook post in my old university group asking to see who is still around in the city. To be honest, almost everyone that replied I seem to remember being 'unfun'/strange, but I'm going to fight those biases and keep an open mind. This week I will actually organize something.

I have accomplished the goal of taking up another physical activity - in fact I have signed up for another Acro class as well as another gymnastics class. I am now going to the yoga gym 3 times a week and I'm having a great time. Everyone is incredibly inclusive and welcoming and I feel like I am starting to form friendships/a social circle for the first time in a long while.

I attended the first day of my new class today and there were so many hot girls there - it was insane. Also amazing! Anyway, I ended up working with two younger girls (20) who were decently pretty, but quite 'alternative'. I made sure to make sure everyone felt comfortable and encouraged. Most importantly though, I made sure to have fun and make it contagious. We were laughing, high-fiving, and generally having a great time.

I told myself when I first started going to these things that I was going to focus on making friends and having fun, and that I would avoid directly hitting on any girls there. I don't know if that's the best idea anymore after seeing all the girls at tonight's class haha. There were also quite a lot of jacked, good-looking dudes there as well. While part of me still sees them as 'competition', I am becoming more confident in myself to the point where I know I have lots to offer women as well and it bothers me a whole lot less.

One thing I noticed I need to work on is extending/initiating conversations with people. For the last classes I would always leave right after class and head home. I'm going to make the specific goal of being one of the last people to leave while also starting a conversation with a pretty girl. Specifically, I'm going to try for a 1-2 minute conversation.

Also, I had a girl flake on my for the second time yesterday so she's officially cut: I have too much respect for myself at this point. 2 Strikes and you're out... next! Which brings me to the next goal: start spinning some plates. I'm making a goal to go on a date with two different girls by my next entry.

So concretely:
Have a 2 minute conversation with a hot girl after yoga class (I give myself the ability to chicken out after 1 minute, but it has got to be that long)
- Organize a social event with random acquaintances from university
- Go on a date with 2 different girls
- Force myself to have a conversation when I normally wouldnt (elevator, in line at grocery store, etc)

On to the next boys. I'm feeling a hell of a lot better about life at this point. I'm looking forward to this week,


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