It boils down to this-
There is no dating culture with the current generation of 20-25 year olds (or older). Its just a hook up culture.
Relationships take patience and work. Hooking up does not.
Relationships mean there is an investment into someone. Hook ups do not.
Over half of these women have grown up in a single parent family or mixed family home due to their parents divorcing. They are following suit of it being easier to throw it away and start fresh than actually working out their problems and being better at the end for it.
Most of these women had very little to zero responsibility growing up. No working part time jobs, etc, everything was handed to them.
At the end of the day the average 25 year old is as mature about relationships and life as a 16 year old was 20 years ago.
They are probably better off with a dog.
Not so different from the guys... but guys mature at a slower space than women.
Current culture put "adults" at around 25-30 years old... that's basic (people who come out of university)
We start our life "later"
Biological women grow up faster. So they meet guys who are kids or use them (bad boys who tends to be more manly than the "nice-good" guys)
Also they are thought to act like men.
Men are told to be in touch with their feelings.
It divides the biological patterns and set the society norms.
So women who want "male" and yet remain "dominating" choose dogs.. Like guys used to do.
I bet guys will go for cats now. (To be in touch with female nature)
Anyway.. Latest demographic statistics shows that female life expectancy is stagnating and going down, they also have more alcoholism and road rage than ever before. I guess being both male and female is taking a stoll on them.
We can't blame female for all the issues. Male are responsible too.
Society evolve and we have to adapt (like it is to nature)
What I admire from previous generations... it's there sense of DUTY.
DUTY to their female/wife
DUTY to their work.
When you have employer prefering 68 years old male to 25 years old male... because the "68" is reliable... you know something is wrong.
When we rejected religion... we rejected also the concept of moral duties.
Our parents might have it... but few of them gave it to their kids.
Including alot of us.