thats the thing i have no interest at all stating a landscaping company I'm 28 and just don't have the motivation to do it.
Think and grow rich is a good book. Read it. It will try showing you what a winning mindset looks like.
Defination of success is different for different people. For some it might be lots money (monetric), for others a good promotion(power/influence), for some it will be just hitting it off with the girl/woman they like. Your first step should be identifying what you want.
Once identified, ask yourself why do you want it? Will it really make a differnece in your life or you just like the thought of it? How badly do you want it? Are you willing to sacrifice everything: your old job, you comfort zone, some friends and family members?
Once you have the answer: take the first step. Want to be succesful in your own venture? Go ahead, put down your papers. You will automatically start thinking and working on your venture. Want to talk to the girl you like? Go to her, look her in the eye and say "Hi, I am Ryan.". What's the worst that would happen? She will probably ignore but that's okay. You have no idea how motivating these kindof rejections become. Your mind automatically starts thinking on how we should have done things differently. And when you meet the next girl you like, you change something.
A book on your journey to attain success is "The greatest salesman". You need to read a chapter of that book daily. It's very important.
And if you are confused about what you want to do in "Mastery" by Robert Greene. It will help you in figuring out your life's task.
Anyways that's all from my side. Remember books and people can only guide you. The final decisions are yours and yours only. If you are not where you are look at the decisions you have made. Good luck.