Still in HS. Been working on becoming a DJ for the past 6 months and my mindset has almost completely changed. But there's one issue. Every girl I'd consider is taken. Every single one.
You say that "every girl you'd consider is taken". Allow me to make a suggestion then.......
Stop wasting your time with chicks already in relationships.
Switched schools this year to one of those public "charter schools" where all the smart kids hang. I fit better there anyways. School of about 300. Turns out, most of those guys are terrible with girls. I'm not the best, but I've got pretty much no real competition here.
Hmm... So this new school that you're in,you say that most of the guys ARE TERRIBLE with girls,and cause of that,you pretty much don't have any competition from other guys....
Ok,I just wanted to point that out and emphasize it at the moment,cause I'm going to return to it later on.
Again.... You have NO REAL COMPETITION from other guys at your it.....
There are 6 girls that I've built flirty relationships with, have been slowly escalating the kino, been going to parties and dances.
This is A MISTAKE. If you want a SERIOUS relationship or girlfriend,you need to stop toying around with "flirty" relationships. You have flirty relationships with them,while they have ACTUAL,REAL RELATIONSHIPS...where they spend time with,go out on dates with,and HAVE SEX with their
ACTUAL boyfriends.
Yeah....the same chicks you toy around and "flirt with",after they finish toying with you,they go suck off and sleep with their boyfriends.
Two of these girls are all over me. But they're all in relationships of ~1 year.
We used to have a name for what you're doing here. You're what's known as a "surrogate" boyfriend.
Basically the chicks use you to get ego boosts,and possibly to fulfill emotional needs their boyfriend doesn't fill.
See,chicks are EMOTIONAL. Toying and playing around with you stimulates them EMOTIONALLY.....
but that's as far as it goes. They don't have to have sex with or fool around with you.....that's what they have their boyfriends for.
So the boyfriends get sex...
the girl gets sex from her boyfriend and emotional stimulation from
And you get.....umm,
What was it you're getting from your "flirty" relationships with all these TAKEN girls again???
One girl I asked to leave her BF for me but because we had zero physicality and I was more beta at the time she said no.
You have
A LOT to learn.....a LOT. It's understandable though,since you're still in high school.
You shouldn't have asked her to leave her boyfriend for you. Dude,you don't understand....
She has AN ACTUAL,REAL RELATIONSHIP with her boyfriend. You're just some dude who flirts with her from time to time.
Her relationship IS SERIOUS. You're just somebody to play around with from time to time. There's nothing real between the two of you.
You expected her to leave an ESTABLISHED relationship for that?
Then I dropped contact. Ever since then I've been completely stuck. I can't get past this point with any of these girls.
That's because there's NOTHING THERE.'re NOT REAL. You're NOT SERIOUS. Their relationships
AS LONG AS you continue to have "flirty relationships" with girls who are
YOU WILL CONTINUE to run into this.
You either need to go for girls who
If you are going to go for taken girls,you need to stop the "flirty relationship" BS,and SERIOUSLY GO AFTER THEM...meaning,ask her out,go for the date,etc,etc. I suggest you go for the single girls.
I don't want to be the **** that ruins relationships, but at the same time I know what I want.
know what you want. And you're
certain about that,right? Ok,question.....
SERIOUSLY do you want?
And now that girl is saying that "we should talk".
So this chick who's saying you two should talk,it's the one who you asked to leave her boyfriend for you,correct? If so,question.....
IS SHE STILL SEEING HER BOYFRIEND? She still in a relationship with him? Cause if so,you two HAVE NOTHING to talk about.
You say you pulled no contact on her,now she suddenly wants to talk.
Well if she's still in a relationship,she can go screw off.....
If she's available,but isn't receptive to you two going out,she can go screw off.
Some of these girls are giving me every possible signal. One even told me she was basically in love with me. remember what I said earlier,about how you said you basically had NO COMPETITION from other guys at your school.
Well if you have no competition from other guys....
have girls giving you "every possible signal"....
and even had one girl tell you she's in love with you,then ok..........what's the problem? What's the hold up?
You don't have any competition. Got girls giving you all sorts of signs and signals,girls telling you they're in love with you,etc,etc. All that,but you say you're "stuck". And these same girls...the ones who give you all sorts of signals and who tell you they're in love with you,you can't make anything happen with them?
Would you like to take a guess as to why?
I'm not here to be anyone's fvck buddy, maybe these girls are just dreaming of the only non afc guy but don't want to leave the safety of their relationships.
BINGO. Well,you're
half right.
They're "not dreaming" about non afcs,but yeah.....they likely don't want to leave their established least,not
for you. You're NOT SERIOUS.
So what's my next move with these girls?
Honestly....I'd leave them ALONE. Or at least,I'd stop trying to flirt with them in hopes that it might lead to something. If you wanna talk,be civil,friendly or whatever,fine...but DROP those "flirty" relationships. And for pete's sake....
PLEASE don't start any more up.
If you wanna go out with a girl,then just ASK HER OUT.....STOP THAT "flirty relationship" bullsh*t.
Keep escalating until they make themselves available? Seems like a waiting game I don't want to play. Thanks.
NO...don't even do that. I TOLD're NOT SERIOUS. They don't look at you SERIOUSLY as someone they could SERIOUSLY date cause those those bullsh*t "flirty relationships" you keep doing. And if you keep that nonsense up,you're going to be in for one
RUDE awakening.....
You're going to keep flirting and "escalating"...waiting for one of them to become available,only when she becomes available,she's gonna go for SOMEONE ELSE to seriously date. She may momentarily drop by you to get an emotional charge or jolt,but when it comes to attraction and CHEMISTRY.....WHICH ARE REQUIREMENTS for her to want a RELATIONSHIP,you're gonna be outta luck.
You can get you a chick,but you have to BE SERIOUS when you pursue her......not do those "flirty" relationships that last for weeks and weeks with the girl (taken or not).