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Yeah I'm 16.But how. Are you like 16 years old?
LMAOWow no one likes women who try to be bossy.
WTF did I just read? I am totally confused...1) you should have ignored the hesitation...after all you did ignore her "don't touch my *****" request (A+ for that), fuqk how old she is. Dude, you think too much.So I met up with this woman today. We sat in her car again and started making out and groping... She told me in a passive voice not to touch her pvssy... well I did and she enjoyed me and wanted me to keep doing it.. She then gave me a hand job... I could have really banged this lady.. but something inside me kept hesitating... Maybe cause she was older and my girl is younger... I am not a huge fan of her perfume (it wasn't bad smelling like the eastern european girl I nexted in the other thread) but it wasn't the type of perfume you get so aroused with... I am pretty sure her boobs are fake too.. she has such a petite body and perfect big tits..
Anyway its good to know that child birth doesn't affect the pvssy... Thanks Von, I think you had one of the few relevant replies in this thread.. She actually told me that she had sea-sections with her kids because her pvssy is so small... So I wouldn't have had that problem.
But I ditching her in the middle of our date. I told her I had to go to the bathroom and then I ended up getting in my car and going home afterwards. I was just kind of bored for some reason.. I don't know I am so fvcking weird... I texted her that I wasn't feeling well and was going home. She got mad at me and told me never to text her again. The whole dynamic of this relatinship is her telling me how in love with me she is blah blah blah blah and then telling me she doesn't want to talk to me again blah blah blah.. usually if I don't respond to her texts in time. She has always come back around after bi polar disorder kicks in but today might have been the final staw.
I guess we will see... This girl was all over me today in her car... I think I am starting to feel validated knowing that I could bang girl and not have to go through with it... I am a weird dude
Yes, or a small candle, placed far away in the room, behind something. Just enough light that you don't stick your tongue in her azz right off the bat. Lmao!thats what light switches are for man
I know I'm really odd.. I guess I wasn't that into her... maybe I love my girlfriend or something and I felt weird.. I don't really know.. cause sometimes I get horny thinking about this milf and beat off to her.. but yeah I probably ruined it today... I think knowing that I could have had her validated me somehow and I didn't feel compelled to go through with it... Her perfume, probable implants, and short hair are really the only flaws she has if you want to call them that..WTF did I just read? I am totally confused...1) you should have ignored the hesitation...after all you did ignore her "don't touch my *****" request (A+ for that), fuqk how old she is. Dude, you think too much.
I know modern perfume sucks, it all smells like those godd@mn cherry cigars bythches were into 10 years ago, yuck...go test some perfumes and next time with a chick, if you don't like her perfume, spray her with yours, because it "so turns you on!!". Seriously, we have the right to our pleasures too and I also hate modern perfumes, not sexy at all. "White Diamonds" is still around (I think...)
And she had C-Sections...tight puss...cool.
But why the fuch did you ditch her? You just confused and pizzed off another modern woman...guys like you ruin it for the rest of us. No wonder they think we're nuts!
You need to get some help, man.
I would bet the farm that she has been with WAY more guys than she is telling you.I know I'm really odd.. I guess I wasn't that into her... maybe I love my girlfriend or something and I felt weird.. I don't really know.. cause sometimes I get horny thinking about this milf and beat off to her.. but yeah I probably ruined it today... I think knowing that I could have had her validated me somehow and I didn't feel compelled to go through with it... Her perfume, probable implants, and short hair are really the only flaws she has if you want to call them that..
But this woman is nuts... she said she had only been with 1 man which her is ex husband... She kept asking me when the last time I had sex was... She said she did a few years ago.. she is like super horny.. She made it seem like she was reserved at first and then boom she is just a super horny girl... always trying to have text message sex with me.
I tried to text her a little while ago and she told me she hated me and doesn't seem like she wants anything to do with me anymore. She frequently does get upset with me though and then the next day is fine.. I probably should next this woman though she is psycho
You know I wonder that myself... she is just super sexual... and is very aggressive. This girl is nuts though.. I mean psycho.. she literally changes personalities... Today she basically was telling me she hated me again.. never wanted to see me... wasn't attracted to me anymore etc... For the hell of it I told her there was this girl at work I would give a chance if she didn't want to see me again... She started freaking out and telling me off even more, then she told me she was sick to her stomach and even threw up... Long story short after a bunch of this nonsense from her, I started telling her a bunch of BS how I wanted her blah blah blah.. She ends up having phone sex with me and now she's back to the same pattern..I would bet the farm that she has been with WAY more guys than she is telling you.
We both like the thrill of the chase. Sometimes when the woman surrenders sex (whether it happens or not), the thrill is gone.
To me, if a woman gives in too easily, she is a pump and dump. I like the anticipation of feeling as if I have to work a little (pursue) but I will not chase if she makes it TOO hard.
You have a gf. Maybe you are getting soft in your old age and in the back of your mind, you really dont want to fvck things up with her. Which is a good call with this woman btw because she has the characteristics of a woman that will show up at your house and provide all kinds of trouble for you once she realizes she was your pump and dump.
I will say that she is crazy in the sack, but make sure she can't figure out where you work or live. I've dealt with these women before and it goes from all good to all bad.You know I wonder that myself... she is just super sexual... and is very aggressive. This girl is nuts though.. I mean psycho.. she literally changes personalities... Today she basically was telling me she hated me again.. never wanted to see me... wasn't attracted to me anymore etc... For the hell of it I told her there was this girl at work I would give a chance if she didn't want to see me again... She started freaking out and telling me off even more, then she told me she was sick to her stomach and even threw up... Long story short after a bunch of this nonsense from her, I started telling her a bunch of BS how I wanted her blah blah blah.. She ends up having phone sex with me and now she's back to the same pattern..
But yeah I am so ambivalent on this.. Some of the times I don't care about pursuing her at all but the other half I feel like I should treat her like a whvore in bed and then dump her... She is fvcking bat **** crazy though... She doesn't know where I live and I would never tell her. I'd get like a hotel room somewhere.
This girl always talks about how its all about love and she's not looking for sex.. and she is a good church girl and we can't do this... Then all of a sudden she turns into a sex freak and starts texting sexual texts initiating mutual masturbation and today we had phone sex for the first time.
I either need to go cold turkey and cut her out or just decide to bang her and get it over with...
Exactly my thoughts... This time took the longest to recover with her though... she ended up temporarily blocking me and then wrote me this whole paragraph about how she is going to have her ex husband move back in with her (long story here)... I ended up sweet talking her, then insulting her, then sweet talking her again and she is currently biting out of my hand. She is just so crazy and obviously so full of drama and lies though. I keep wavering back and forth on whether to pursue it... The funny thing is when I thought I lost her I wanted her more... just because it's a probable sex opportunity for me. I would be accomplishing 3 accolades I never have before 1. Banging a hot cougar 2. Banging a MILF and 3. Revenge on someone (long story I won't get into cause I don't want to get flamed or have the moral police chime in)I will say that she is crazy in the sack, but make sure she can't figure out where you work or live. I've dealt with these women before and it goes from all good to all bad.
I like how you called her bluff......and she came back with her tail between her legs. Good stuff.
I know.... She has one too I think so we are kind of in the same boat... But this woman has shown some vindictive characteristics.. She texts me paragraphs about love and how deep she feels about me then if I don't respond fast enough to her messages or thinks my attention is elsewhere she tries to put me down with stupid crap.. I really laugh at it most of the time. Just now she randomly messaged me how she wants to have a baby boy and take him away from everything and give him unconditional love.. This woman has issues.. I think her ex or current husband might have abused her but she might also just be innately nuts.. She has crazy sexual issues... but this is the type of woman I've been wanting to find and have sex with for a while lol... Must be a freak in bedShe sounds like bad news if you continue with her, but hey it's your call.
Good luck to you if you go for it. Just watch yourself, you're messing with a crazy woman, and you already have a relationship.
Man, this could blow up in your face big time.
Well I am not married yet so she can't technically do that... but yeah she seems obsessed and kind of scary lol. She told me recently her tubes are tired and I could bust one in her... I'd be stupid do to this right? She claims she's been with just one man... part of me wants to experience raw dog with her.. but I'm paranoid too.Sure, bang away. But "those issues"...
Don't let yourself get attached to her.
My fear would be that she will get attached, and follow you/confront you with your wife and cause almighty hell to beak loose @ home.
Don't fall for that trap. Wrap it up so you don't have explaining to do later.Well I am not married yet so she can't technically do that... but yeah she seems obsessed and kind of scary lol. She told me recently her tubes are tired and I could bust one in her... I'd be stupid do to this right? She claims she's been with just one man... part of me wants to experience raw dog with her.. but I'm paranoid too.
This is what we've been doing.. she talks sweet one minute and then if I don't respond to her fast enough she starts insulting... She also tried to mention how she was meeting some guy when she goes away, I told her good luck and she later admitted she made that up and only wants me.. This girl is nutso but could be fun in bed... She gets really nasty when she is mean, and the insults seem to escalate.. but then it always come back to her missing me and saying she loves me etc... We just had some phone sex.I can't remember, does the one you're living with have kids? If not, could be a Daddy trap...So could the other one, for that matter.
If you have the right personality for it (and she'd handle it well lol), you could have some fun with her crazy days. Example..Her- "I hate you today". You- "Yeah I hate you too. Go fix us some breakfast. I love you anyway, and you'll love me for it tomorrow." Lmao...
Don't worry, chances are she won't catch the pun and you can start having fun with it. Hell, it might even fix her mentality, might be what she needs to hear. Sounds sick, I know but she has issues and that might lighten her up.
Yeah I've wondered the same thing... I can't really trust her... She just seems like the type that will get mad if I wrap it up.. She'll take it like I don't trust her or something (which I don't lol but I have to make her feel comfortable)Don't fall for that trap. Wrap it up so you don't have explaining to do later.
If she is DTF that easy there is no fvcking way she has only been with one dude.
Yeah she is super sexual holy shvt! She even has said **** about she was going to get some operation for it... But the thing is it took me some work to get this woman.. I messaged her off Facebook and she was very resistant at first but then after a while she just become obsessed with me.. I feel like I should reap the fruits of my labor so to speak.Yes I’d call BS. One other man? Ya right.
She’s hyper sexual. Milf. Wants it from
a younger man.