What went wrong?


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2017
Reaction score
So I was part of book reading club, and this club had a whatsapp group ( where almost everything apart from books are discussed ).

Anyways me having a little free time decided to chat up in the group. To get the entire group to be active I used a Role Playing Opener ( "I am forming a team to rob a bank, I am the getaway driver, take your roles people!"), and a few of the active members started coming up with roles etc ( it was fun ).

Anyway there is this girl, whom I assigned the role of distraction and she questioned:

her: "why so?".
Me: "because you are the cute playful one of the group right (puppy)!".

The moment i said this her replies comes "Ahem".
And then the second girl replied "dude do not pass your boundaries ", the same girl (first one) even said my remark was creepy & derogatory and I should learn more about people.

My point is I wasn't flirting or anything, it was just a friendly joke! Why did they react that way? The other group member tease her that way all the time! What would you do in a situation like this?

One more thing: that group is totally into feminism and stuff. I had an argument with the second chick for using the term "ugly girl" in a fictional example [she called me sexist etc].
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Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
You made the question and the answer in the same post. They're feminists, man. Any compliment is some kind of mansplaining mixed with sexual harrasment. Not allowed, dude, not allowed. Those genes are weak and destined to die off. Let them dissapear.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Is that the only reason..or could there be more?
It could be that they hate men and took it out on you, or it could be that they dont like you (for what ever the reason might be. Rational or not.) Look at the state of the world right now. Feminists want men fired from their jobs for holding doors for them. Feminists hate you simply because they need something to blame for their own unhappiness.

Point is now they have formed their opinion if you (just or not) and this girl believs you do like her and she is making it clear she isnt interested by acting like a bïtch and the groups pissed off femminsts dont need much fuel to pile on.

I would just make it clear that you arent interested and stick to the topic of the books or leave a man hating group that is a complete waste of your time.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
You can tease chicks like this only when you have them one on one.... they are herd animals, overly concerned about what other chicks think. You did his where other chicks could hear so they naturally came to her defense in an attempt to virtue signal.

In addition, she might not have liked you. If she is a 7 and she thinks you're a 9, then when you do this you are funny and cute. If she's a 7 and thinks you're a 5 then you are a clueless creepy stalker and potential rapist.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
You did NOTHING wrong! These chicks are uptight. I don't care if they are feminists or not, there IS a thing called decorum..... And they lack it. Your comment was sweet. The chick SHOULD have taken it as a compliment and responded reasonably. Even if she didn't like what you said, she certainly could have handled it better.

Someday, when no dude is telling her she is sweet, etc, she's going to think twice about all the times men were being nice to her and she responded by being a b1tch.

My suggestion is continue to be sweet. Ignore the b1tchy responses and pay attention to the positive responses you get.

Daygame, which this is a form of, requires you to develop a think skin.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
who the fukk cares!?!


So I was part of book reading club, and this club had a whatsapp group ( where almost everything apart from books are discussed ).

Anyways me having a little free time decided to chat up in the group. To get the entire group to be active I used a Role Playing Opener ( "I am forming a team to rob a bank, I am the getaway driver, take your roles people!"), and a few of the active members started coming up with roles etc ( it was fun ).

Anyway there is this girl, whom I assigned the role of distraction and she questioned:

her: "why so?".
Me: "because you are the cute playful one of the group right (puppy)!".

The moment i said this her replies comes "Ahem".
And then the second girl replied "dude do not pass your boundaries ", the same girl (first one) even said my remark was creepy & derogatory and I should learn more about people.

My point is I wasn't flirting or anything, it was just a friendly joke! Why did they react that way? The other group member tease her that way all the time! What would you do in a situation like this?

One more thing: that group is totally into feminism and stuff. I had an argument with the second chick for using the term "ugly girl" in a fictional example [she called me sexist etc].
You're a man in a feminist book club. Any hatred or discontent they have for men will be directed at you because it's less risky then directing it at the men they are actually mad at, the men in their lives who did them wrong.

If you are getting something out of the group stick around but don't allow
yourself to be their punching bag. Keep it light and chill but be mindful that your presence there will attract butt hurt women who want to lash out at men and feel justified in doing so because it's 'their space'.
I've seen this exact same thing on women's sites where men post.
Don't take them too seriously.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2017
Reaction score
You can tease chicks like this only when you have them one on one.... they are herd animals, overly concerned about what other chicks think. You did his where other chicks could hear so they naturally came to her defense in an attempt to virtue signal.

In addition, she might not have liked you. If she is a 7 and she thinks you're a 9, then when you do this you are funny and cute. If she's a 7 and thinks you're a 5 then you are a clueless creepy stalker and potential rapist.
I have a feeling, that this could be a contributing factor as well. Well who cares? I just want to learn so I don't repeat the same mistake again.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2017
Reaction score
You're a man in a feminist book club. Any hatred or discontent they have for men will be directed at you because it's less risky then directing it at the men they are actually mad at, the men in their lives who did them wrong.

If you are getting something out of the group stick around but don't allow
yourself to be their punching bag. Keep it light and chill but be mindful that your presence there will attract butt hurt women who want to lash out at men and feel justified in doing so because it's 'their space'.
I've seen this exact same thing on women's sites where men post.
Don't take them too seriously.
I don't think so. Most of the books they discuss are blue pill books, fantasy novels, romance novels etc! I only joined because I thought I might find few intellectuals worth talking to. But currently I am just to study how group dynamics works.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
The response:

"I set my own boundaries"


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
She isn't attracted to you. If she were, she would have bantered back and you would have likely been fvcking her on all fours (puppy) and God knows what else. Most of these feminist freaks are into some weird chit anyways.


New Member
Jan 16, 2018
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I'm gonna take a different track and not blame feminism. Could be that's what it is but everyone else already has said a fair amount about that.

I'm gonna say you went to a slightly flirty line (I know you weren't trying to flirt but that line is slightly flirty) too soon. Also in the wrong arena. You said she was the cute one of the group, implying no one else was cute in the group, while talking to the whole group.

You said that someone else talks to her that way and it's no big deal, well that's them. Different people have different relationships where different things are allowed and are ok.

On a feminist related note: a lot of girls I seem to attract are hardcore feminist. Most of them have been awesome and are surprisingly really into rough sex. So I have fun with them.