Prostitution has been around for thousands of years and has always been accepted to some extent.
And you're using the slippery slope argument to compare prostitution to banging farm animals? Bug off. There have been threads about prostis since I've been around. And there were always guys who got their panties in twist like you.
I'm not even pro-prostitution, I just hate smug fvcks.
This guy again.
He didn't take the hint when I ignored his last comment so he spams me the same nonsense. Ok I'll give him the attention he needs from me...
Ok let's try have a civil exchange:
You calling me 'smug' because I have certain beliefs makes me think you are an extreme lefty/liberal. Everything goes right?
You want me to respect your beliefs that prostitution is Ok, yet you can't respect my beliefs that it's not. Ok, that's just where you're at..
You are free to do as you please, be with all the prostitutes you point is this...
If a MAN has to lower himself to pay cash for a mechanical sexual transaction....there has to be some sort of issue at play. He has my sympathy and my wish would be that he can learn ****e here and take control of his life and have the ability to go out and get poon through his own abilities.....
For me this site is about being a DJ, being the best version of you that you can be....this site is about self development and game......paying money to be with a disease ridden drug addicted prostitute says YOU HAVE NO GAME......our frog friend has ZERO INTEREST in learning game or becoming socially fact he disdains everybody on this site. And here you are running to white knight him....
....being with aids ridden hookers like
@Macaframalama likes to do when he can afford it screams to me that YOU HAVE NO VALUE AND NO MORALS AND ARE A FILTHY DEGENERATE
Now, for you to say that I'm saying that prostitution and beastiality are the same is dishonest or maybe you are just slow. I said they are both deviant behaviors, I didn't way they were on the same level. Try not to get too emotional as you tend to twist ****e.
Riddle me this:
You meet a girl and you really like her. She tells you that in the past she was with an escort and sucked off a stripper. Would you feel the same way about her? Would it make you think she's a low value skank? Bet you'd write a thread crying about her
You're younger brother wants to learn game. Would you advise him to fvck prostitutes and write field reports about it?
Why is it wrong according to you to have standards?
Why is it wrong according to you to have morals?