at my job, I see decent to handsome athletic men dating and marrying women who range from mediocre to fat to ugly all the time (I sell cars). I see it more and more every day - it's terrifying
What's going on here? Are we in the middle of an all time low in the dating market where women have more power than ever before? You have to be an 8/10 male to get a 4/10 female nowadays?
Dr. Helen Smith depicted the following in her book, "Men on Strike." Male academics has been declining for the past half century. Society pedals social conditioning that supplicates to female mating strategies. Women with high kill count is celebrated. Single moms are promoted. I lose count of tinder or bumble bios that read, "proud single mom." The anti fat shame movements, the #metoo victim tangents, and the series of false accusations like the Jion Ghmeshi situation whereby, a man's life is just ruined by hogs that cannot get the ring.
Ask yourself, what are the commercials like the one where it portrays men being rapey doing to male psyche? Can you imagine if men made one about the female chameleon or single moms? If one was made of the outrageous initiated divorce stat by women or the majority of domestic abuse initiated by women was made into a satire?
I recently was at a Gold's gym. I saw a 35+ year old divorcee single mom of two being followed around the gym by a cuck with really low testosterone. I've never witnessed anything more pathetic in my life.
I've seen men dating butter faces, rocking bod but 6+ facial asesthetics (AT BEST) being pretty bad but, the single moms are just beyond lost testosterone and next level pathetic. Its like, when thin, attractive, and at the height of her SMV, she is squandering it, and when she hits the wall, beta male provider comes to the rescue. Its weak.