Bro...fvck that lol. Focus on sounding more
dominant. If you have super high status & preselection (an entourage, media coverage, girls in VIP) you can get by with mumbling like a little b1tch
because everyone already cares with what you have to say. Practically, if you're going out by yourself or even in your day-to-day life, you'll get far more mileage out of cultivating a 'breaking-rapport' tonality & speaking with more authority/projection & a slower cadence.
Remember, your voice is a tool to project
your reality. What is that reality? Do you know? Is it 'street?' Or will that be super incongruent to you? You're inviting yourself to a world of sh1t testing & clowning if you sound like you're putting up a front; will you be able to handle that sh1t testing yet? Probably not--and that's no offense, but your frame isn't there yet from what I can tell--and furthermore
it's not something that will even get you much tangible benefit (unless your exclusively fishing for hoodrats or white girls that really want a super stereotypical black bf to show off on Insta since that's pretty trendy right now lol).
That said, there's something to be said to cultivating an 'air of danger' or an edge. But that can be done by just speaking dominantly & not qualifying or talking too much about yourself & being comfortable breaking social norms. You probably haven't gotten that far in TRM yet but pay attention to the sections on letting the girl's imagination do the work for you.
you are going to do cold approaches. If you want to improve lol. Tinder is pretty limited; and depending on your area, super limited. You can bang any number of desperate fatties with a couple texts without ever confronting the insecurities that will keep you from succeeding with the girls you really want. I’m not saying
not to bust your slump but realize that it’s not gonna solve your underlying issues. You’ll still catch oneitis for the girl who’s a cut above what you’re used to when she shows the tiniest bit of interest.
Logically, it makes sense to start at the bottom & work your way up, but really it’s easier to start at the top sometimes. Growth is on the edges. You’d be surprised what your brain is capable of coming up with when you’re dealing with women you’re really, really attracted towards. And, believe it or not, even when I was starting out, I had a far easier time pulling girls who were 8+ than girls in the 6-7 range. Generally, hotter girls are super socially calibrated & are less threatened by fear of rejection; they tend to be more receptive & sh1t test far less. Unfortunately, really hot girls are super rare so you'll have to practice with girls you aren't super attracted to.
But stop worrying about being creepy. Girls feel about you the way you feel about yourself. If you think what you're doing is creepy then, yeah, your vibe'll be creepy & you'll be working within a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're a man; you have needs & you're naturally attracted to girls. There is 100% nothing weird from approaching girls who interest you. In fact, you're being fundamentally dishonest
if you don't approach her.
That's creepy.
That's unnatural. Now, be respectful; if you can sense a girl is getting uncomfortable take a step back; if she reject you, smile, say have a great day, and walk away. But, congrats, you just won. You went after what you wanted.
You're also young (and from what I can gather) in your hometown. The social stakes probably
seem really high from where you are; it probably seems like the connections you have with those people are the most important connections you'll ever have (even though in 5 years, 90% of those people will no longer be an active part of your life). Are there other areas 15-30 minutes away where you can go out and practice? Especially starting out, you'll be socially uncalibrated & uncalibrated, so you
will weird some people out. That's OK, but better to weird out people who aren't in your social circle & who you probably won't ever see again. Plus, you'll get less pushback from your environment, since they haven't already put you in a box of who they think you are.