IMO looks get the initial interest (attraction) and I think that a fit body helps, but the facial look supersedes it. I think that overall look is 50% and personality/attitude is the other 50% (if woman is in the market for something with substance and not just a hook up).
To break down looks/appearance:
70% facial appearance (eyes, hair, mouth/smile/teeth, nose, etc).
30% body features (weight, height, muscle mass, etc)
Social skills (being outgoing, enthusiastic, talkative), positive attitude, laid back, sarcastic yet funny, motivated......all things that go a long way.
The initial looks get the interest. The rest of it is what draws chicks in closer.
With all of this I am referring to how most educated women (who are not trailer trash) are going to perceive a guy who she is evaluating.
In the past week I had one plate that I was fvcking tell me that I was too intimidating for her (She is not that educated, recently divorced and her life is a semi-mess right now). So your lifestyle is another element to all of this once you start plating a chick. Apparently she finds it intimidating that I have my own home, business and life sorted out.
If a woman is primarily just wanting to hook up with a guy then I would say that muscle mass and facial looks are 90% of it and personality and attitude really take the back seat.