Why women flake and why you should too


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Ever heard the saying: "If you can't beat them, join them?".

Most women flake because they have more friends, social obligations and daily commitments than they really have time for. They have also been trained by pop culture to play hard to get and not prioritize the men in their lives over their girlfriends and other sh*t. Technology is constantly feeding them new opportunities and its very easy to get distracted.

If you jam-pack your schedule every day, you will noticed that you really don't have enough time to do everything on your schedule. Having a very large social circle alone will cause you to become very flaky because people are constantly presenting new opportunities.

One common situation is you agree to meet some friends for happy hour at 5:30 while you have plans with other friends later at 8pm. But that happy hour runs long, you get drunk and you end up flaking on your 8pm plans.

The more busy you get, the more unreliable you become. I noticed one of my friends who does really well with girls is a massive flake. He invites women to sh*t all the time and doesn't show up. But they put up with it.

For you guys upset about flaking from girls, you need to fill up your schedule more. You'll end up being the flake more often than not lol.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Ever heard the saying: "If you can't beat them, join them?".

Most women flake because they have more friends, social obligations and daily commitments than they really have time for. They have also been trained by pop culture to play hard to get and not prioritize the men in their lives over their girlfriends and other sh*t. Technology is constantly feeding them new opportunities and its very easy to get distracted.

If you jam-pack your schedule every day, you will noticed that you really don't have enough time to do everything on your schedule. Having a very large social circle alone will cause you to become very flaky because people are constantly presenting new opportunities.

One common situation is you agree to meet some friends for happy hour at 5:30 while you have plans with other friends later at 8pm. But that happy hour runs long, you get drunk and you end up flaking on your 8pm plans.

The more busy you get, the more unreliable you become. I noticed one of my friends who does really well with girls is a massive flake. He invites women to sh*t all the time and doesn't show up. But they put up with it.

For you guys upset about flaking from girls, you need to fill up your schedule more. You'll end up being the flake more often than not lol.
Basically treat people the way they treat you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
You just discovered this?

When I'm actively dating, I flake on 60-70% of my dates. Average dating weekend, I would schedule 10 dates (comprising new dates, previous rain-checks, and other girls I dated), flake on 6 or 7, and appear for 3 or 4, with double-headers at alternate times or sometimes at the same time.

If you straight flake however (especially first dates on OLD), you will lose 70-80% of them. Instead, rain-check them for a specific day and time for the following weekend, and keep the retention rate higher.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
Ever heard the saying: "If you can't beat them, join them?".

Most women flake because they have more friends, social obligations and daily commitments than they really have time for. They have also been trained by pop culture to play hard to get and not prioritize the men in their lives over their girlfriends and other sh*t. Technology is constantly feeding them new opportunities and its very easy to get distracted.

If you jam-pack your schedule every day, you will noticed that you really don't have enough time to do everything on your schedule. Having a very large social circle alone will cause you to become very flaky because people are constantly presenting new opportunities.

One common situation is you agree to meet some friends for happy hour at 5:30 while you have plans with other friends later at 8pm. But that happy hour runs long, you get drunk and you end up flaking on your 8pm plans.

The more busy you get, the more unreliable you become. I noticed one of my friends who does really well with girls is a massive flake. He invites women to sh*t all the time and doesn't show up. But they put up with it.

For you guys upset about flaking from girls, you need to fill up your schedule more. You'll end up being the flake more often than not lol.
So, be undependable/unreliable and turn around and b!tch about the lack of quality women on the market. Didn't you make several threads just last week denouncing "game" and fraudulent tactics? If a man doesn't have his word, what the fvck does he have?.?. I understand chit just inevitably happens sometimes, but to use this as a premeditated tactic seems like a feminine trait to me. "Aspire to be unreliable". Really think about what you are saying. "Can't beat, join"? We are set apart, why follow now? So what if a woman flakes?.?. If you've got an endless pipeline, why worry or conform?


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
So, be undependable/unreliable and turn around and b!tch about the lack of quality women on the market. Didn't you make several threads just last week denouncing "game" and fraudulent tactics? If a man doesn't have his word, what the fvck does he have?.?. I understand chit just inevitably happens sometimes, but to use this as a premeditated tactic seems like a feminine trait to me. "Aspire to be unreliable". Really think about what you are saying. "Can't beat, join"? We are set apart, why follow now? So what if a woman flakes?.?. If you've got an endless pipeline, why worry or conform?
There is nothing fraudulent about a full schedule dude lol.

Also calm the f*ck down.

Mac very well put. Shouldnt be something planned. If your naturally busy it will show on its own.
Where did I say to be FAKE busy?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Flaking is pretty unmanly imho...reschedule because you have another date, cool...flaking? That's for women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
There is nothing fraudulent about a full schedule dude lol.

Also calm the f*ck down.

Where did I say to be FAKE busy?
Dude, you can try to spin it however you want, but what you are advocating in your post is some female tendency chit. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to you as a person, but I'm going to go ahead and call a spade on those actions.
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Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
The more busy you get, the more unreliable you become. I noticed one of my friends who does really well with girls is a massive flake. He invites women to sh*t all the time and doesn't show up. But they put up with it.

For you guys upset about flaking from girls, you need to fill up your schedule more. You'll end up being the flake more often than not lol.
Bro I don't know about that. It seems like you are confusing the issues. Even if are jam packed, presented with new opportunities, and women have been trained to not prioritize men in their lives, what does all that have to do with flaking?

If you make a date, stick with it. Back up your word. Don't be flaking because you are upset at the laws of the country and that its not the 1950s anymore.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Ever heard the saying: "If you can't beat them, join them?".

Most women flake because they have more friends, social obligations and daily commitments than they really have time for. They have also been trained by pop culture to play hard to get and not prioritize the men in their lives over their girlfriends and other sh*t. Technology is constantly feeding them new opportunities and its very easy to get distracted.

If you jam-pack your schedule every day, you will noticed that you really don't have enough time to do everything on your schedule. Having a very large social circle alone will cause you to become very flaky because people are constantly presenting new opportunities.

One common situation is you agree to meet some friends for happy hour at 5:30 while you have plans with other friends later at 8pm. But that happy hour runs long, you get drunk and you end up flaking on your 8pm plans.

The more busy you get, the more unreliable you become. I noticed one of my friends who does really well with girls is a massive flake. He invites women to sh*t all the time and doesn't show up. But they put up with it.

For you guys upset about flaking from girls, you need to fill up your schedule more. You'll end up being the flake more often than not lol.
Unreliability is a character flaw(for both genders) and has nothing to do with your business or non business. I am probably as busy or more busy than 99% of the posters here and it makes me physically ill to think about even saying you are going to do something and then not following through.

Just not happening ever. And just let me state that while you may think it's cool, it is definitely not.

If an emergency or something comes up that is one thing but just being a poor planner isn't an excuse.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Flaking is the natural effect of abundance. If some of you guys never flaked, you were never in abundance. Hence, why hot OLD women flake. It’s not so much an integrity flaw as it is the excess of options, and exercising those options who are best suited for you.

Men, don’t point at your scarcity and call it a virtue. You’re not virtuous, unless you have dozens of weekly options and have never flaked. And here I will call any of you out if you claimed this.

Don’t hate the “game.” Don’t hate women either. Just understand the “game” and get better.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Flaking is the natural effect of abundance. If some of you guys never flaked, you were never in abundance. Hence, why hot OLD women flake. It’s not so much an integrity flaw as it is the excess of options, and exercising those options who are best suited for you.

Men, don’t point at your scarcity and call it a virtue. You’re not virtuous, unless you have dozens of weekly options and have never flaked. And here I will call any of you out if you claimed this.

Don’t hate the “game.” Don’t hate women either. Just understand the “game” and get better.
Why are you always on their side?


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
How do you define flaking? I see it as making plans without having any intent to actually show up, basically low interest. The reason women flake imho is simply because they are much more agreeable than men and they will say yes and play along with it. Men in general don't hold women accountable for anything, therefore you say yes to plans and simply don't show up. As for men, I have a few buddies that are this way, and my friends and I no longer invite them anywhere hence unreliable.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
I have never flaked nor been late to ANYTHING in my life, unless a REAL emergency or serious situation came up. If you are a male and can not control your calendar and your schedule, you are acting like a chick.... Don't do that, it's very unattractive to most women. They can do this because being guided by their emotional whims plays into their gender role. So unless your goal is to find women that are attracted to emotional feminized males, then be a man and show up when you say you will.

I don;t blame or get mad at chicks for flaking... it's just chicks being chicks. They reason she flakes is because at that particular moment, whatever she has going on is more important than you. A chick that REALLY likes you will not flake on you without trying to set something up later. Do not read too much into things, it's not that complicated.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
As a side note, flaking has gotten so bad today that it’s not just people who reluctantly agree to plans out of politeness (but don’t really want to go). I get flaked on by men and women based on plans that THEY SUGGEST lol. They invite ME to do something and then back out at the last minute with no excuse or reason offered.

I can’t flake on other people. I keep my word on that stuff. I’ve been on (and continue to be on) the receiving end of flaking too many times.

Most times, I “lone wolf” it to places I want to go. Then nobody else can cancel lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
Flaking is the natural effect of abundance. If some of you guys never flaked, you were never in abundance. Hence, why hot OLD women flake. It’s not so much an integrity flaw as it is the excess of options, and exercising those options who are best suited for you.

Men, don’t point at your scarcity and call it a virtue. You’re not virtuous, unless you have dozens of weekly options and have never flaked. And here I will call any of you out if you claimed this.

Don’t hate the “game.” Don’t hate women either. Just understand the “game” and get better.
This is the opposite of abundance. It lacks self-control and discipline. Outside of virtue, that type of behavior just screams childish. Guys need to start acting like they've had a piece of pvssy before. Would you reward this type of behavior from your women?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Some things are more important, than pvssy. That's what it means to have abundance. Op used the example of telling his "friends" that he would be there at 8:30 and flaking on them. Who needs friends like that? I don't let ppl like that call me friend. Guys need to act like they've been there before. I'm sure we've all flaked incidentally before, but to

This is the opposite of abundance. It lacks self-control and discipline. Outside of virtue, that type of behavior just screams childish. Guys need to start acting like they've had a piece of pvssy before. Would you reward this type of behavior from your women?
You finger-point from a perspective of virtue. However, you are not virtuous unless you were in the same position and chose differently.

Don't be so quick to judge, unless you are in the shoes of the judged.

There is a difference between purposefully flaking (to be an assh0le) and flaking out of abundance. Same act, different motive. As to flaking out of abundance as it relates to women, I understand it and accept it.