Should Men act like "Robots" to keep women?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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But in telling men "don't calibrate", you also devalue any discussion of how best to calibrate.

Once you accept that calibration must take place in order to form a relationship (as you have), then this is the natural progression. To improve one's game. To adapt to market conditions.

The market isn't going to adapt to you or me.

"Don't calibrate" seems to be in the same line of thought as, "the market is sh*t and needs to change for me", and "I don't need to re-evaluate any of my behaviours".

"I'm not wrong, it's everyone else".

The "don't calibrate" philosophy leads nowhere positive or productive from my view. No personal growth, constant upset at the ways of the world, and constantly trying to jam a round peg into a square hole.
Don't calibrate means find women who will calibrate to you. As player supreme says find one who "choose you". You don't have to throw yourself blindly into the game and be shredded.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Calibration: the process of establishing a desired relationship by controlling your effort and action to produce an outcome.

The new-school refers to it more as the ability to read and adapt to a situation and circumstances.

I guess in @Urbanyst lingo, it means "serving the feminine imperative", but I can assure you that's an idiosyncracy particular to yourself. Or perhaps just your reframe of men taking an active role in getting laid.

Edited due to this probably ending up another 10 page thread, and it being on the weekend. We'll agree to disagree.

So we are basically on the same page. But you would rather split hairs than admit you agree with Urbanyst.

Whatever dude.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
He does it all the time. Trying to always one up you even though you both agree. Its insecurity
You've been displaying your insecurities by whining about women's behaviors and your past for awhile lol you're not any better. Seriously you need to chill and stop being bitter with that nonsense you keep spewing about being held accountable. Will never happen and the sooner you realize that the sooner you'll focus on yourself and your own needs and happiness.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
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View attachment 1126
What kind of pathetic loser with no character takes something so personally that they resort to making comments like this in an attempt to be malicious. Talking sh!t to some random guy, that you don't even know, about why his marriage failed? Infact most of your posts are literally just insulting people. Talk about being insecure. I'm sure you're real happy and get a LOT of pvssy .
LMAO good that you resurrected old comments cause you're bitter. You're the type that holds grudges, now I understand the impetus behind your reactions in this thread and about women in general.

Neither have I used PUA tactics as I stated before but I definitely found the content on inner game the most useful and is what I mostly focused on. Claiming I mostly insult people tells me you never bothered looking at the context of things and judge from bias.

I'll also add I am very happy and always have been despite whatever circumstances I may be in, most people always ask me why I'm smiling and happy all the time. I've had a very different experience with women than you that's for sure.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
If a girl flakes on me, I'm going to react.

If she disrespects me, I'm going to react.

If she ghosts me as a result? GOOD. That means she's showing her true colors.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
If a girl flakes on me, I'm going to react.

If she disrespects me, I'm going to react.

If she ghosts me as a result? GOOD. That means she's showing her true colors.
The distinction is “responding,” not “reacting.”

Difference being the former accurately understands the underlying dynamics and acts accordingly, whereas the latter is subject to what appears on the surface, which may or may not be the underlying truth.

For example:

You: “let’s meet at xyz at 8pm.”
Girl: “I can’t tonight.”

You (reacting): “how about tomorrow at 8pm”

You (responding): <Ghost>

The “reactor” understand her words at face value, that she can’t [that night] and thus requests another night.

The “responder” understand her words as she is not that interested as if she were interested enough she would counteroffer or have invested more in her response.

Here gentlemen is the most rudimentary example
that each of you have once experienced that shows the difference between overt and covert communication. Until you men begin to understand that female “language” originates covertly, you will all be scratching your heads thinking women are frauds or insane.

The old Manosphere cliche, “judge her by her actions, not her words,” originated because her actions show her intent more clearly, as her words are often covertly directed.

Women are very easy once you understand them.

It’s a shame that this forum turned into this. Ten years ago, the covert language of women was DJ 101.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I don't believe calibration is serving the feminine imperative. I think that's an extreme view, which is contrary to any reality i've ever experienced. I also believe this is a way of shaming guys who make an effort to game women as being "robots" (you've done that sort of thing before), and just an excuse to shun social skills in favour of using something such as "seeking arrangements" or whatever. Making a virtue out of being mentally lazy.

I find this thread, and it's assertions, lacking in any pragmatic function whatsoever (the lack of real world, in-field examples weren't lost on me either).

That makes this a purely idealogical thread. An equaliser, crabs in a bucket, more for your ego's worth, than a serious assessment of approaching, dating, managing, women.

I disagree with the assertion, and don't find any value in it. My position clear?
Yeah, yeah, yeah..

Urbanyst says "red" @deesade says "blue". Urbanyst says "cold" @deesade says "hot".

This goofy contrary crap you do makes you sound retarded. Just stick to what's true and what's not.

You call it being "mentally lazy". I call it being "authentic". You call it "game". I call it "manipulation".

Clearly you support fraudulent behavior to attract and keep women. Typical of men with low VALUE. I don't have to CALIBRATE to attract women. My problem is the market and its sh*t quality. Women want me. I don't want them. That's my problem.

Lets agree to disagree then. This is getting stupid lol.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I see.

Which is why you came up with a fiddle where you pretended to have a cash prize giveaway, in order to get women out on dates?

"A bait and switch".

But learning some social skills? No, can't have that. Low value calibration!


Clearly a detrimental attitude to anyone with even a few sets to reflect on, and two brain cells to rub together.

Crabs in a bucket.

You must be slow.

There was never a "cash prize" giveaway dude. Furthermore there was nothing "fraudulent" about the approach tactic. As I explained to YOU and others.. it was a "conditional" offer which I specified from the beginning. So how is that fraudulent?

Anyone who clicks the link will see that. So you just made an ass of yourself lol.

Maybe if you stop doing hard drugs you'll actually remember the conversations you have with people and possibly learn to READ better.