You say, "We are all adults here". What many fail to realize is that when threads degenerate into petty bickering and name calling, the result is anything but "adult". It conveys childishness and reads like a kindergarten-level fight. This petty bickering erodes the integrity of this site and detracts from its purpose.
I'm not singling anybody out, but in general many banees tend to be so embroiled in their little fights that they are completely blind to the pettiness they convey. These people think of themselves as "Alpha", when in fact they are reactive and emotional, the very antithesis of "Alpha". They often are on some kind of crusade, never stopping their reactiveness enough to recognize that they are publicly displaying a near-complete lack of self-control and destroying what would otherwise be good threads.
There have been one or two who have said, "Yeah, I was being d1ck", and have gone on to become valuable and effective members. It's always great to see that transformation. These are the men whom I personally respect.
Reactiveness to the point of sustained bickering and insulting is anything but manly. Just as in real life a man who is that way poisons the atmosphere of a room, so does that man poison a forum with that behavior. Foot-stomping doesn't garner any respect at all. It only makes a man appear childish and out of control. This is repelling to men and women alike.