Market Trend Analysis - Too Many Options


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
When you have too many options.. the VALUE of each option seems lower.

Seems like WOMEN are stumbling upon their own "red pill" these days.

This article is written by a woman talking about why dating SUCKS and I actually agree with most of it:

The meat of it talks about how its really a supply and demand issue. People have so many dating options and ways to meet people through technology that there is no reason to really "invest" in people anymore. Once someone coughs the wrong way you reject them and move on to your next option.

The solution? There really isn't one.

It seems the short-term relationship market will dominate for the foreseeable future with the LTR market continuing to be trash and a place for only the most attractive people in the market and the most desperate people in the market lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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True to an extent. Usually this complaint (which I've heard often) of "Men have too many options, so there is no real investments" are proclaimed by 7s (or less but I haven't dated lower to know). I never heard an 8 or 9 complain about OLD or the market.

So usually, if a girl tells me this before first meet, I know she is not an 8 or 9 IRL, lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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It's because the 7s are going for 10s there hah(Fvckboy). Which is why I don't bother, being a male 7 myself...they can not hold a candle to what I get irl.
True. I do a lot of OLD dating, but I usually meet my hottest women in person.

There is a 1-2 SMV pt. differential as to physical expectations on OLD vs. offline. This is also assuming you have pics which reflect your actual SMV, which many men don't.

However, despite this, there are specific physical types that women have. For example, I have that Goodfellas look, so my greatest appeal are to Eastern European and Russian/Asians from the -stan countries.

Attraction is already DNA wired in certain regions: It's important to know which subset of women you physically appeal to most, and focus on those women. So I can walk into, let's say, an Uzbekistan wedding and clean up most any woman in the room.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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Well, that was an uplifting article (j/k...) :whistle:

I think that's why I keep preaching around here... Do what you love. At least you'll be following your passions, hobbies, and interests.

If a girl comes along and wants to stick around for the ride and not kick you to the curb when she stumbles upon a better option... cool.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Look at what the subject girl wrote in her article:

Going on with the vending machine metaphor, let’s talk about how guys and girls reject one another. I’ve personally had men get absolutely brutal and ditch the date the minute they saw me. I know I’m not alone. Moreover, most people get ghosted all the time.

Getting walked out on once they saw her.
Brutal. Hence, the article.


Mar 12, 2011
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She isn't getting what she wants so she is making imposing statements.

"In a healthy relationship, both people would put in a serious amount of work to make things happen."
You work your butt of everyday and take abuse from
people who abuse, yell, want to see you go bankrupt and fail and live on the street. And then you have to come home and "work" on a relationship? I don't think so.

There is nothing new in the article. You change every time she says "guy" to "girl" or vice versa. and it would make as much sense.



Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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So usually, if a girl tells me this before first meet, I know she is not an 8 or 9 IRL, lol.
Exactly. As I keep saying, people complaining about lack or quality men or women are deluded. In fact in denial, purely about their own ability to attract quality individuals. Can't find some to have sex with you, or commit to an LTR, or whatever? That doesn't mean no one does, it just means no one wants to with you (yet) :lol:


Jun 23, 2014
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When you have too many options.. the VALUE of each option seems lower.

Seems like WOMEN are stumbling upon their own "red pill" these days.

This article is written by a woman talking about why dating SUCKS and I actually agree with most of it:

The meat of it talks about how its really a supply and demand issue. People have so many dating options and ways to meet people through technology that there is no reason to really "invest" in people anymore. Once someone coughs the wrong way you reject them and move on to your next option.

The solution? There really isn't one.

It seems the short-term relationship market will dominate for the foreseeable future with the LTR market continuing to be trash and a place for only the most attractive people in the market and the most desperate people in the market lol.
I'm actually enjoying this short term dating/ONS market BOOM. Granted, it took me some time to get used to this as I had a lot of programming from the Church along with other Blue Pill shyt that I needed to stomp out of me. Here's the benefits of the short term dating/ONS market after a guy has fixed his looks, personality, and finances to where he's "attractive" to most women:

- You get new, hot, fresh women coming into your life on rotation

- Your dating life never gets old, there's always something new and exciting (adventure)

- You never are lonely

- You never run out of pvssy, dates, etc.

- You get to enjoy all of the benefits of women (sex and companionship) without ANY of the costs (costs of children, costs of divorce, and the costs of being in a horrible relationship)

- You can also have the luxury of getting into an "LTR" with any of these chicks at any time, but because you aren't locked into a legal contract, you can also GET OUT at anytime without any financial issues (again, as long as there's no legal contract like marriage, civil union, cohabitation, or a kid being created).

- Also you can still operate in this model once you are older (let's say 55 - 70) as what happens then is you just have an "LTR" older girlfriend that you keep with you going forward. Because you and her are older, even though you are operating on the short term dating side, the relationship is likely to be a much LONGER one in duration so you indeed have a girlfriend by your side during your older years.

This notion that we as Men have to "grow up and settle down" is B.S. Gentlemen, life is what YOU make it. There are a host of benefits you enjoy operating in the short term dating/ONS side of the market that once you get fully invested, you will never want to leave it. Don't let society, church, or anybody pressure you to "grow up" and settle down with some chick (that's about to be fat and ugly within 5 years) in a marriage contract, or civil union contract, cohabitation, or the creation of kids unless you ABSOLUTELY want to do such a thing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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A couple of exceptions aside, OLD seems to make people miserable & is a cesspool of validation!

I've never done OLD so I wouldn't know, it just seems to be the general consensus of members & people I know IRL! I know plenty of females in my social circles who claim to never have used OLD.

She can't even be a 7 if men literally walk away when they see her!

I know I haven't encountered many issues in the market & have attracted above my looks level IRL. I'm happily ignorant as far as OLD goes.


Mar 6, 2017
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Well, that was an uplifting article (j/k...) :whistle:

I think that's why I keep preaching around here... Do what you love. At least you'll be following your passions, hobbies, and interests.
This is where I'm at and its so much more satisfying. I've lost the fire in me to chase after them. Unless she is a damn unicorn, I'd rather go without. They've overpriced themselves. They can sit and wonder where all the good guys went.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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This is where I'm at and its so much more satisfying. I've lost the fire in me to chase after them. Unless she is a damn unicorn, I'd rather go without. They've overpriced themselves. They can sit and wonder where all the good guys went.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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The article starts out on the right premise but quickly degrades into your typical blue pill mainstream male bashing with no mention of how women's actions have also caused the market to be the way it is.

"Knowing this, a lot of people — in fact, most people — have taken an “onto the next” attitude. A girl didn’t like unsolicited **** pics? Oh, well, the guy will send it to the next girl. A girl didn’t appreciate being called a ***** or didn’t put out fast enough? Well, he’ll just hang with her until he finds something better."

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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"Guys stopped sending flowers to girls they liked, but girls still dated them. Girls stopped cooking meals for guys, but guys kept dating them. Guys stopped paying for dates, girls picked up the slack. Girls started to ghost guys regularly, guys started to do the same. You get the idea."

Ummm....when did guys stop paying for dates? Last I checked, men pay for over 90% of dates.

I sure as hell don't see any women buying flowers on Valentine's Day.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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This is where I'm at and its so much more satisfying. I've lost the fire in me to chase after them. Unless she is a damn unicorn, I'd rather go without. They've overpriced themselves. They can sit and wonder where all the good guys went.
Exactly my position. Particularly the bold.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
She isn't getting what she wants so she is making imposing statements.

You work your butt of everyday and take abuse from
people who abuse, yell, want to see you go bankrupt and fail and live on the street. And then you have to come home and "work" on a relationship? I don't think so.
That's how I see it too.

Guys are started to realize most women on the market today are more trouble than their worth. We all deal with sh*t all day and don't need to come home for more. So a lot of guys are taking these relationships less seriously and investing LESS in them. Guys who haven't caught on yet are typically just one divorce, custody battle or sh*t tests away from going red pill. My breaking point was as recent as this past summer lol.