VALUE Proposition - Business Card Cold Approach


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
So over the past month I've been testing a new cold approach technique using business cards. Most guys who have tried the business card technique fail miserably because they basically hand women business cards with their contact info and hope for a call/text. What they miss is the most important element of dating.. VALUE.

So what I did was print several business cards that said the following:

You might have the opportunity to win a FREE vacation. Contact Urbanyst at xxx-xxx-xxxx to find out if you are eligible.

I would only hand these cards to women I cold approach that seemed on the fence OR had limited time to talk. If I get obvious high interest, I just get their number and move things along the normal way.

Anyway, several of the women who I gave these cards to did contact me. I would then tell them we need to schedule an interview. I would meet them at a Starbucks and basically tell them, if we start dating and it works out, I will take them on a FREE vacation. I managed to get two plates this way lol.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
But... Are they in it for the free vacation?

If so, do you intend to honor it?
Yes, provided the relationship works out. I like to travel anyway and I make decent money. Next time I travel, they can come.

If not, do you think they will stick around?
Don't care.

After spending some time with me.. they should develop feelings. If they don't, its probably better they leave.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I've given my number to women (sans "free holiday"), and it doesn't work in getting them out.

I never did this, and i can't understand how one goes from the dynamic of "you have won cash prizes", to "surprise! It's just a d1ck in a box" without freaking a woman the fvck out.

When I say we have to "schedule an interview first" I'm already putting it in their mind that the FREE vacation is not a guarantee. They must be eligible.

If they have any attraction to me at all.. they let it slide. If not, they get angry and leave. Its a numbers game. BUT you weed out the low interest women too. If she is willing risk dating a guy for a while to MAYBE get a free vacation.. she must have some level of attraction/interest.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm

Yes, provided the relationship works out. I like to travel anyway and I make decent money. Next time I travel, they can come.

Don't care.

After spending some time with me.. they should develop feelings. If they don't, its probably better they leave.
Then I'd say it's a solid strategy.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
So over the past month I've been testing a new cold approach technique using business cards. Most guys who have tried the business card technique fail miserably because they basically hand women business cards with their contact info and hope for a call/text. What they miss is the most important element of dating.. VALUE.

So what I did was print several business cards that said the following:

You might have the opportunity to win a FREE vacation. Contact Urbanyst at xxx-xxx-xxxx to find out if you are eligible.

I would only hand these cards to women I cold approach that seemed on the fence OR had limited time to talk. If I get obvious high interest, I just get their number and move things along the normal way.

Anyway, several of the women who I gave these cards to did contact me. I would then tell them we need to schedule an interview. I would meet them at a Starbucks and basically tell them, if we start dating and it works out, I will take them on a FREE vacation. I managed to get two plates this way lol.
Lmao! Sir what you have here, is just the benefit of having fixed your Personality to the point of where you can have fun in the process of meeting women.

I do all sorts of goofy shyt too man, most of which if most of the guys on this forum seen it in person, or via text, they would swear by GOD that the shyt would never "work" in a million years. The reality is though, once you have a great Personality that connects.....there are no rules. Be creative, have fun, and take advantage of this BOOMING short term dating marketplace.

And remember, Personality wise, what works for Tenacity or The Urbanyst, might not work for you, and vice versa. For example, I could never pull off that "smooth cat" shyt. I'm a Class Clown, I'm wayyyy too goofy for that shyt lol.
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Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Lmao! Sir what you have here, is just the benefit of having fixed your Personality to the point of where you can have fun in the process of meeting women.

I do all sorts of goofy shyt too man, most of which if most of the guys on this forum seen it in person, or via text, they would swear by GOD that the shyt would never "work" in a million years. The reality is though, once you have a great Personality that connects.....there are no rules. Be creative, have fun, and take advantage of this BOOMING short term dating marketplace.

And remember, Personality wise, what works for Tenacity or The Urbanyst, might not work for you, and vice versa. For example, I could never pull off that "smooth cat" shyt. I'm a Class Clown, I'm wayyyy too goofy for that shyt lol.
Yep. There are really no rules once you stop caring.

Once you get your mind out of the whole "relationship, marriage, family" way of thinking along with worrying about losing and keeping women, you start coming up with different approaches to the game.

I know for me.. taking my emotions out of the dating process freed my MIND to get more creative. My penis is the primary motivator because I've accepted the LTR market is TRASH anyway.

I've met more women and had more short-term plates this year than any other. The two HOT plates I had this past summer and wrote about... whom I thought would be LTR material and turned out to be garbage was the official breaking point for me lol.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Yep. There are really no rules once you stop caring.

Once you get your mind out of the whole "relationship, marriage, family" way of thinking along with worrying about losing and keeping women, you start coming up with different approaches to the game.

I know for me.. taking my emotions out of the dating process freed my MIND to get more creative. My penis is the primary motivator because I've accepted the LTR market is TRASH anyway.

I've met more women and had more short-term plates this year than any other. The two HOT plates I had this past summer and wrote about... whom I thought would be LTR material and turned out to be garbage was the official breaking point for me lol.
Yes and dude look at it another way. If a girl thinks you're "attractive", you can honestly get away with a lot of "violations". For example:

- The "being a bad boy/treating women like shyt/talking shyt to women" stuff only is allowed by guys that the girl is attracted to. If she's attracted to you, you can get away with flaking, talking shyt, and treating her like shyt.

- If she's attracted to you, you can get away with calling her pet names up front, being openly sexual, etc.

If she's attracted to you, you can get away with a TON of typical "violations" because it's not what you say, it's not what you's all about WHO is saying it and WHO is doing it.

This is something that I honestly don't think the Manosphere as a whole understands, which is why the Manosphere focuses so much more on "tactics, techniques, and word associations" rather than BUILDING an ATTRACTIVE GUY.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.......if you are attractive, you don't need "game".


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Yes and dude look at it another way. If a girl thinks you're "attractive", you can honestly get away with a lot of "violations". For example:

- The "being a bad boy/treating women like shyt/talking shyt to women" stuff only is allowed by guys that the girl is attracted to. If she's attracted to you, you can get away with flaking, talking shyt, and treating her like shyt.

- If she's attracted to you, you can get away with calling her pet names up front, being openly sexual, etc.

If she's attracted to you, you can get away with a TON of typical "violations" because it's not what you say, it's not what you's all about WHO is saying it and WHO is doing it.

This is something that I honestly don't think the Manosphere as a whole understands, which is why the Manosphere focuses so much more on "tactics, techniques, and word associations" rather than BUILDING an ATTRACTIVE GUY.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.......if you are attractive, you don't need "game".
Finally Tenacity, you are making sense. You OK buddy?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sir this is literally the same stuff I've been saying since I joined here lol.
No your position evolved. But yes, appearance is boss when dealing with attraction. I definitely encourage all men to focus heavily on their appearance (shamelessly and unapologetically) and in every way possible instead of "game." This is assuming one already has normal social skills.

This is why SoSuave is geared toward self-improvement as opposed to PUA. And it really is the best direction for men for myriad reasons, not only for attracting women.


Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
No your position evolved. But yes, appearance is boss when dealing with attraction. I definitely encourage all men to focus heavily on their appearance (shamelessly and unapologetically) and in every way possible instead of "game." This is assuming one already has normal social skills.

This is why SoSuave is geared toward self-improvement as opposed to PUA. And it really is the best direction for men for myriad reasons, not only for attracting women.
Did you shamelessly alter your mug so it wouldn't get picked out in the next police lineup?


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
This seems to have evolved into a Looks/Money vs Game thread. Can't we just agree that all of them matter.

We've swung from 1990s mantra of Game trumps and that looks aren't important to Looks/Money is all that matters in the last few years. With the latter being the most dominant position in the last few months here.

I myself have been guilty of championing the "Money over Everything" flag in the past but the answer is somewhere in the middle.

What you might call "Game" I call social skills. There are levels to this. So in that sense Game definitely matters but is only useful beyond a certain point.


Aug 22, 2017
Reaction score
So over the past month I've been testing a new cold approach technique using business cards. Most guys who have tried the business card technique fail miserably because they basically hand women business cards with their contact info and hope for a call/text. What they miss is the most important element of dating.. VALUE.

So what I did was print several business cards that said the following:

You might have the opportunity to win a FREE vacation. Contact Urbanyst at xxx-xxx-xxxx to find out if you are eligible.

I would only hand these cards to women I cold approach that seemed on the fence OR had limited time to talk. If I get obvious high interest, I just get their number and move things along the normal way.

Anyway, several of the women who I gave these cards to did contact me. I would then tell them we need to schedule an interview. I would meet them at a Starbucks and basically tell them, if we start dating and it works out, I will take them on a FREE vacation. I managed to get two plates this way lol.
You got 2 plates out of how many girls? I assume they call you to get free vacations, not to date. How many girls give up when you mention word 'date' ?

PS do you actually take them on vacations?