Drama with other guys/Social circles


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
The City
There is a small group of people I regularly go to the club with. Pretty much all are in a relationship except for me and this other guy.

When I go out, I tend to on average dance with a few girls, and get a kiss from one.

The other guy complains that he doesn't get any action, not even a dance with a girl.

He seems to not want to talk about my successes with me at the end of the nights, and has been a bit manipulative lately.

He has lied to me before, where he told me a particular girl had a bf, when he had no idea if she did or not. He probably did this so that I wouldn't hit on her. On the same night he did that he tried it on with that girl, and failed. He was also looking frustrated everytime she would come to me for a bit of dancing.

Last night I made out with 2 women, he seemed a bit jealous after he didn't pull.

The problem is that he seems to not invite me as much to parties. And I need a social circle to go out and have fun with regularly.

Since he's being manipulative like this, should I just not take his friendship seriously, and just use him as a means to go out? If I end the friendship, how to I meet a cool bunch of people to go out with? Should I go out alone?


Jul 30, 2003
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Well bro im gonna take the high road here. I would flat out call him out face to face, no txt bs and ask him "Bro, why are you always so salty nowadays after we've gone out together"?

See what he says, if he denies just let him know he can be truthful and honest and you dont want beef, but real talk...if he needs help with his game and attitude be that guy there for him. it sounds like you are already using him just to go out, and you are basically leaving him in the dust doing 100% solo game and taking all the girls he likes. Why not WINGMAN dude and be a bro. Obviously you have more skill and game so help level him up and become a mentor in a way.

Either way he sounds like a new friend, and you know what they say NO NEW FRIENDS NO NEW FRIENDS....I stay with my day ones. Anyway if hes not receptive and honest and admits hes been a jealous lil bish and you can admit youve been kind of a douche about it in a way, if you are really friends you will work it out. if not...deuces.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
The City
Well bro im gonna take the high road here. I would flat out call him out face to face, no txt bs and ask him "Bro, why are you always so salty nowadays after we've gone out together"?

See what he says, if he denies just let him know he can be truthful and honest and you dont want beef, but real talk...if he needs help with his game and attitude be that guy there for him. it sounds like you are already using him just to go out, and you are basically leaving him in the dust doing 100% solo game and taking all the girls he likes. Why not WINGMAN dude and be a bro. Obviously you have more skill and game so help level him up and become a mentor in a way.

Either way he sounds like a new friend, and you know what they say NO NEW FRIENDS NO NEW FRIENDS....I stay with my day ones. Anyway if hes not receptive and honest and admits hes been a jealous lil bish and you can admit youve been kind of a douche about it in a way, if you are really friends you will work it out. if not...deuces.
I see what you say. But here's the thing.

I've helped him, sat down with him for hours multiple times talking about his girl problems and giving my advice to him.

Unfortunately he just doesn't take the red pill to heart. He agrees for a second and goes back to his afc self. Frankly I'm tired.

And it's not like I intentionally steal the girl he likes. I always let him make the first move on a girl he has expressed interest in. The thing is that the girls themselves don't want him lol

He doesn't want to accept that girls will go with who they like, regardless which guy has called dibs on them. Calling dibs in of its self is unfair to other guys and immature anyway lol

I dont mind being an occasional wingman, but I gotta look out for getting action for myself too. It seems he needs constant support which is draining, and frankly I don't think he deserves it after he lied to me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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if your 'freind' doesnt want to be helped there is not much you can do.

Relationships tend to be based on commonalities and like mindedness. They will fall apart, and get dramatic, if these things dont exist. I would keep him at arms length, use him as a tool to go out, and look for other avenues to be social, look to develop new relationships.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
From the other side of the coin....

A few times in my life I have been on the other side of this. Other times I've been where you are.

I had a dude in my group, same as you. Better looking and therefore far more powerful than I in club settings. However, I had a lot more in my locker. For weeks, I could not have a conversation over 2 mins with a woman because he would swoop in and literally take the girl off me. This is "my friend". Loads of guys will do this out of some point of principle. It's incredibly demeaning and also unneccesary on his part. This dude could get better women than the ones I tried with, yet he would still go for mine, because he could.

I had this with another friend when I was younger and you would end up saying BS like this guy has.

However, I have also sarged with far better looking guys who actively encourage and try to help you hook up with girls. Sure, they take the cream, but they want you to be getting laid too.

Once, I was a total d1ck, a girl liked me and she was talking to a guy I had general rivalry with. I took her off him. I didn't like the guy though.

Just analyse whether you are not allowing him a little slack to talk to girls and get his own. Lots of guys out there act like d1cks and have to prove these stupid points.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
He doesn't want to accept that girls will go with who they like, regardless which guy has called dibs on them. Calling dibs in of its self is unfair to other guys and immature anyway lol

how old is he ? 15 !?!

chicks will fvck the guy who they perceive to have the most confidence/ dominance end of story

that guy doesn't necessarily need to be the best looking ....it helps yes but for women its all about how they feel around you

this guy sounds like he is beyond saving i suggest you move on with your life


Master Don Juan
Jul 1, 2017
Reaction score
If he's considered a close friend there should be no reason he's feeding you "bad information" about a girls single or taken status for his own benefit.

That, my friend, is called a snake.

I have a friend just like this and I've learned you can't really change this behavior. Just take what he says with a grain of salt and do your thing.

Haters gon hate.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Your friend will ****block you and not think twice about it. He's probably already thrown you under the bus before and you just don't know it. I had a buddy like this before who would get jealous whenever I'd talk to girls.

Nothing you can really do except ignore it.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
The City
From the other side of the coin....

A few times in my life I have been on the other side of this. Other times I've been where you are.

I had a dude in my group, same as you. Better looking and therefore far more powerful than I in club settings. However, I had a lot more in my locker. For weeks, I could not have a conversation over 2 mins with a woman because he would swoop in and literally take the girl off me. This is "my friend". Loads of guys will do this out of some point of principle. It's incredibly demeaning and also unneccesary on his part. This dude could get better women than the ones I tried with, yet he would still go for mine, because he could.

I had this with another friend when I was younger and you would end up saying BS like this guy has.

However, I have also sarged with far better looking guys who actively encourage and try to help you hook up with girls. Sure, they take the cream, but they want you to be getting laid too.

Once, I was a total d1ck, a girl liked me and she was talking to a guy I had general rivalry with. I took her off him. I didn't like the guy though.

Just analyse whether you are not allowing him a little slack to talk to girls and get his own. Lots of guys out there act like d1cks and have to prove these stupid points.
I never intentionally go for the girls he is interested in. In fact, I try to avoid it because it's awkward between friends. 95% of the time we hit on separate women.

However, when a girl is in our social circle, and I genuinely like her, I will put my bid in regardless. He shouldn't feel entitled to any woman just because he likes her lol what if I like her too? Don't I deserve a shot?

Besides, I believe that at the end of the day the girl does the choosing. If she doesn't want him, but wants me, then who has the right to deny her that? Even if I try my best to hook him up with her it will fail because at the end of the day she didn't choose him.

What if she intentionally moves away from him, and sticks to me instead? Am I supposed to deny myself pus#y, and deny her the guy she wants (me), just because he is spoilt and feels entitled to her? That's asking for too much imo

The truth is dating and sex is competitive just like anything else. Guys that are not so good at it need to accept it and improve, and not expect to be more successful than the good guys straight away. I've already showed conpassion. I've helped him by wingmanning him a few times, talking to him for hours about game, and allowing him to observe me. But the lieing he did, and the entitled behaviour just pis#ed me off.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
I never intentionally go for the girls he is interested in. In fact, I try to avoid it because it's awkward between friends. 95% of the time we hit on separate women.

However, when a girl is in our social circle, and I genuinely like her, I will put my bid in regardless. He shouldn't feel entitled to any woman just because he likes her lol what if I like her too? Don't I deserve a shot?

Besides, I believe that at the end of the day the girl does the choosing. If she doesn't want him, but wants me, then who has the right to deny her that? Even if I try my best to hook him up with her it will fail because at the end of the day she didn't choose him.

What if she intentionally moves away from him, and sticks to me instead? Am I supposed to deny myself pus#y, and deny her the guy she wants (me), just because he is spoilt and feels entitled to her? That's asking for too much imo

The truth is dating and sex is competitive just like anything else. Guys that are not so good at it need to accept it and improve, and not expect to be more successful than the good guys straight away. I've already showed conpassion. I've helped him by wingmanning him a few times, talking to him for hours about game, and allowing him to observe me. But the lieing he did, and the entitled behaviour just pis#ed me off.
OK so there are shades of grey here.

If it was one particular woman he really liked. These women come up 3 or 4 times in a lifetime - those kind of women....then I say don't. I had my friend take one of the few women I truly loved away, we were very young, but I bear a grudge to this day - at least when we argue when drunk it comes up LOl, 20 YEARS on!

However, if it's just any decent woman he can't bag, then fvck him. He's being a d1ck. If you aren't sabbotaging his legitimate attempts then he's being a knobjockey.

The other thing is, one of my friends was a total PUA, it pissed me off because he had the gift but I knew 100% of the women would be in tears 2 weeks later and then I couldn't date them on principle...not taking my friends leftovers.

Anyhow, sounds like you're not the one at fault.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
The City
I've learned it's best for me to share my woman time or knowledge with very few bros. I've never benefitted--and I've rarely ever truly enjoyed--sarging with males. Bitterness, resentment, and envy (on both sides) are usually what result.

In my opinion it takes more guts and it's far more satisfying to solo-sarge (this includes clubs). Any knucklehead can walk into a bar or club with an entourage.
True. I hear real players go out alone. It's going to be awkward for me since I've never gone out alone before.

100% right so many jealous guys everywhere. What really makes me angry is when a guy sees that a girl likes me, then lies to the girl that I have a gf.

So few friends around who actually want the best for you...