What's up DJs?
I made it to day25 before a reset (w/o porn). Almost 30 days, homies.
At least five good things from this month experiment:
1) I didn't look at any porn - zip, zilch, nada
2) I was more visible, active, and social
3) I got a few #s and social media contacts (w/o approaching heavily...)
4) I felt more relaxed, comfortable and confident in my own skin (fewer nerves, approach anxiety)
5) Experienced IDGAF vibe more often
For me, I'm getting closer to achieving the goal I envisioned for NoFap all along these past few months: quit porn. I haven't looked at it as heavily when I was a teenager in recent years, yet it has still been my crutch when I felt low or lonely.
Last year as I mentioned in my OP, I was successful at giving up porn and acquiring a fwb for a while.
I want to quit porn forever, so I can objectively look at potential relationships from a healthier perspective.