Walking away, did I do the right thing?

Did I make the right choice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 92.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2015
Reaction score
Slept with her on the second date. She's inexperienced in relationships but went hot and cold on me. I dropped her and she became depressed, gave chase and I relented and got back together with her. She then went cold again. I was leaving for another town and she didn't want to see me. Then turned up at mine in tears saying she couldn't let me go. We got back together. Next morning I got a call from her about not wanting to lead me on; that we should go friends/ casual dating. I guess I kept making excuses for her and even up til today I still did. It wasn't until my female housemate asked why I was letting her lead me on that the final piece of the puzzle clicked.

She has taken this last week off going away coincidentally while I am leaving town. Being away, she was still blowing up my phone about how she keeps thinking about me but then when I mention us meeting up, she'd just give one word vague answers.

So I wrote her a card telling her basically good bye I won't settle for friends or being casual while she is unsure how she feels. Essentially I told her I was walking away and that I've been that guy before who hung on but I promised myself I'd never be that guy again.

So now I've rocked up into a new city, sitting in my room, wondering if I made the right decision.


Jul 30, 2003
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This chick is straight up borderline personality disordered. You did the right thing. This is what these chicks do..she mind fukked you already thats why your brain is now questioning your gut instincts.

Your brain will lie to you, your heart will fail you..but your guts will always be right. You definitely did the right thing in walking away but bro you have to STAY AWAY from her. Dont let her get close. Go out meet new girls.

Realize this girl is mentall unstable, shes already playing you like a fiddle and you are all caught up in your feelins. She love bombs you and then stays out of reach. Its a game shes playin bro.

Stay away from this.


New Member
Sep 21, 2017
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I have a friend who went through something similar.....
Ended in a similar way, she telling him that she is unsure and doesn't want to lead him on....

I think you did the right thing in leaving her. Man, peace of mind is very important.

Such chicks can never give you that peace


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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What the hell is wrong with guys these days wanting to wife a chick up when all she wants to do is fvck???

Let me explain something to you.

You are a man. It is your job to fvck and not worry about relationships for as long as possible. She is the woman. It is her job to wonder what you think of her and to try and lock you down into a relationship.

Why are you so intent on playing the female role and forcing her to play the male role?


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
So now I've rocked up into a new city, sitting in my room, wondering if I made the right decision.
Do you really have to wonder? Do you believe she would magically become the woman you wanted her to be? The right decision is always the one that lessens your stress and improves your life.

Given the fact that she stressed you out and didn't satisfy you, would you really choose that when you can solve it in seconds by simply saying no and walking away? Is that really something to second guess?

You'd be just another self harming idiot if you choose otherwise.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Slept with her on the second date. She's inexperienced in relationships but went hot and cold on me. I dropped her and she became depressed, gave chase and I relented and got back together with her. She then went cold again. I was leaving for another town and she didn't want to see me. Then turned up at mine in tears saying she couldn't let me go. We got back together. Next morning I got a call from her about not wanting to lead me on; that we should go friends/ casual dating. I guess I kept making excuses for her and even up til today I still did. It wasn't until my female housemate asked why I was letting her lead me on that the final piece of the puzzle clicked.
You weren't letting her lead you on. You dropped her and because was so in love with you and couldn't make love to you anymore, she become depressed and wanted to kill herself.

So I wrote her a card telling her basically good bye I won't settle for friends or being casual while she is unsure how she feels. Essentially I told her I was walking away and that I've been that guy before who hung on but I promised myself I'd never be that guy again.
I don't get you guys. Before sleeping with the girl, you are so so so smooth that you can get her into bed and have sex with her in less than 5 hours of meeting her.

Then after the sex, you turn into a completely different person.
I guess with movies, tv, music, magazines, tmz, smartphones, iphones, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram, women run the world because they are the ones who decide to give us sex.

So now I've rocked up into a new city, sitting in my room, wondering if I made the right decision.
No bro, you did not do the right thing.

What do you gain from telling a girl "I've been hurt before but I'll never be that guy again?" She doesn't care about your feelings. She is not your therapist. She is not your mother. She is there to get laid hard and look good when you go to famous parties. You lost free sex from her because of your "emotions."

But hey, at least you are alpha while being alone in your room, instead of beta and having sex with her.

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