Day2 for me. I noticed last month, more ladies making eye contact at the grocery store. I felt more relaxed in my interactions with them too at social events. Been about a month since my last date, so hopefully, I'll get some #s or the ball rolling this month.
A few things that are working that are complimenting NoFap:
- Progressing more in academics
- Graduated with my bachelor's degree this summer
- Now, planning for grad school admissions
- Progressing in the gym (shirts feel tighter and better, love that feeling)
- Cold showers
- Finding contentment in life overall
- Improving diet to a more plant-based diet after bulking fast April~July this year
- Guitar skills improving
- Social spheres expanding/taking more leadership role in leading a group
- More genuine in conversational interactions
Still want to look less for validation that lingers from previous issues. Be more present in the set.
I'll see how things go this month. At the end of this month, I'll be celebrating one-year divorced.