What is "Alpha" Anyway?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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For some time I've thought about making a thread about what I observe and what I grew up with in dealing with "alpha men." My father was alpha, my grandfathers were, every uncle save one, and I've had the priviledge of the company and friendship of many alpha men in my life.

An Alpha Man embodies certain characteristics that lead to his esteem among men and women

So many here think "Alpha" is about LMS (Looks, Money, and Status). Actually LMS is a by-product, not a pre-requisite. I thought it might be useful to share what "Alpha" looks like to a woman, in hopes that it might assist some of you in developing such characteristics in yourselves.

The Alpha Man is a leader.

He is a leader among men. Men are naturally drawn to him, women are naturally attracted to him. It has less to do with appearance and more to do with presence, confidence and self-assurance. Physical appearance, stature and size are nice, but unnecessary. Think of Napoleon Bonaparte. He was famously short and fairly ugly. Winston Churchill also was no looker, neither was Henry Kissinger. However each of these men are great examples of the Alpha Man who were not blessed with fabulous genetics but were highly sought after socially and by women.

The Alpha Man is ambitious and/or accomplished.

How this manifests is going to vary according to one's tenure in life. A college student will have goals he is working toward, self-discipline, and ambition at the forefront. An established man who is older is going to have accomplishments at the forefront. Typically these are men who are comfortable taking risks and who prefer to be in leadership roles professionally. My dad was a self employed lawyer for many years after serving as an Assistant Attorney General for a state in the US, He was admitted to, argued and won before the US Supreme Court. One grandfather was a successful independent oilman (a wildcatter), the other was a self employed physician and contributor to the Merck Manual. Entrepreneurs are common of various varieties. I married a businessman (that tale is elsewhere), and am dating a businessman now. These men have goals and are going places, with or without anybody else.

The Alpha Man is focused.

He is man who has an agenda for his life and is focused on achieving his agenda, period. His agenda may vary. It may include creation of a family in addition to his professional and leisure pursuits. The Alpha Man constructs his life in such a way to assist him in his focus and surrounds himself with subordinates aimed toward that goal. He is tenacious in his focus and determined. An artist friend of mine comes to mind. Stripped in a nasty divorce after discovering his ex-wife had embezzled over a million dollars from him, he is rebuilding. He does not wallow about what happened to him, he simply continues to re-create himself and that is his highest priority, above women, above comfort, above family obligations, he is the number one priority in life is obtaining the dream he has in his artistic pursuits, obstacles be dammed.

The Alpha Man has strength.

It's not that life never happens to the Alpha Man, its how he copes with it. He has the fortitude and character to get up and keep going when life knocks him down. He takes his responsibilities to those that depend on him seriously and he does not falter in uncertain circumstances. He is solution oriented and finds a way. Those who depend on him may be family members, minor children, his wife...it may be employees and/or business partners. He maintains a cool head through adversity and to paraphrase Churchill, 'if he is going through Hell, he keeps going."

The Alpha Man has wisdom.

Particularly as he gains in life experience he becomes aware of the limitations of his own knowledge and he is a seeker of information, knowledge, and wisdom from those whose expertise may interest or assist him. These are often cerebral men on some level, often avid readers and/or lifelong students in some capacity for they are constantly wanting to understand more about themselves and their place in the world. If he displays arrogance it is generally toward those he considers lessor than himself, (including at times women, lol.)

The Alpha Man has grace.

He has a manner that is borne out of knowing his stature among men and in the world and he is comfortable there in his own skin, imperfections and all. He may be vain, he may not reveal his flaws for public display but he is calibrated and appropriate. He exerts self control and emotional restraint.

The Alpha Man has perseverance.

He is not a quitter. He finds a way and figures out how to get where he wants to go. I have a friend who is creating a revolutionary set of proprietary inventions. He can cite Tesla's principals by heart and has been working on development of his original designs for more than 2 decades. Now he is on the cusp of material success and when he becomes known he will appear an overnight sensation. He is anything but that. He has toiled for years overcoming design flaws, patent laws, permits and etc. and etc. Reworking and reworking and reworking again. His dedication to his purpose is awesome, even though it has meant sacrifice of many creature comforts over the years.

The Alpha Man has courage.

He proceeds in the face of fear and overcomes obstacles that are in his path. He also has the courage to choose a path that is suited to himself, and will choose his own way rather than be pigeon holed into the expectations of others.

The Alpha Man is caring.

He has humility, empathy, and if he loves, he loves deeply. He is devoted and protective. He loves from a place of strength and choice, never from a place of supplication. He is capable of ruthlessness as well and may inspire fear as well as love in others, but if he does not tend toward dark triad traits he values honor, although he also understands pragmatism. He is observant and understands people and their motivations; what he and others care about.

The Alpha Man is authentic.

He is himself. Because he is himself his game is inner game. He doesn't need to adopt alpha traits, rather he embodies alpha traits. He expects others to conform to his vision and come into his world. I often say here that my father NEVER lost frame. Not once. Not with his mother, not with his wives, not with his children, not with clients or friends. Not EVER. Did he have regrets? Yes. Did he have painful experiences? Yes. Did he make poor decisions at times? Yes. But he owned them all and understood the consequences were natural outcomes that derived from his choices. He was open about his mistakes with those close to him. He wanted others to learn from his screw ups (and he had a few doosies). But he went through his life on his terms no matter what. You could be on the train or off the train, but make no mistake the train was leaving upon his command with or without you.

Notice everything I have mentioned is internal to a man. Nothing is external. Alpha is about leadership and character. People are drawn to this type of character in a man, both women and men.

Please be invited to contribute.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
He also doesn't spend his time on the forum here crying about how to get a woman who dumped him back


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I thought it might be useful to share what "Alpha" looks like to a woman, in hopes that it might assist some of you in developing such characteristics in yourselves.
I like and agree with your definition more so than most that I've read on here. For some reason I kept picturing Don Corleone (first or second one, doesn't matter) when I read it.

Some say alpha is a mindset, which I find a bit ridiculous. You may indeed need to have the right mindset to become an alpha, but that is only the foundation. Some people seem to say that if they think like an alpha, then poof they are an alpha. No, put in the work. Others see an alpha as a brutal sociopath who will most likely end up in prison. That's not a good way to lead the tribe though. Some see an alpha as someone who spends his whole day banging women. Seems a little too one dimensional to me. I also see success with women as being more a result of being an alpha male, rather than a reason for being one.

So again, good definition, well thought out.


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
For some time I've thought about making a thread about what I observe and what I grew up with in dealing with "alpha men." My father was alpha, my grandfathers were, every uncle save one, and I've had the priviledge of the company and friendship of many alpha men in my life.

An Alpha Man embodies certain characteristics that lead to his esteem among men and women

So many here think "Alpha" is about LMS (Looks, Money, and Status). Actually LMS is a by-product, not a pre-requisite. I thought it might be useful to share what "Alpha" looks like to a woman, in hopes that it might assist some of you in developing such characteristics in yourselves.

The Alpha Man is a leader.

He is a leader among men. Men are naturally drawn to him, women are naturally attracted to him. It has less to do with appearance and more to do with presence, confidence and self-assurance. Physical appearance, stature and size are nice, but unnecessary. Think of Napoleon Bonaparte. He was famously short and fairly ugly. Winston Churchill also was no looker, neither was Henry Kissinger. However each of these men are great examples of the Alpha Man who were not blessed with fabulous genetics but were highly sought after socially and by women.

The Alpha Man is ambitious and/or accomplished.

How this manifests is going to vary according to one's tenure in life. A college student will have goals he is working toward, self-discipline, and ambition at the forefront. An established man who is older is going to have accomplishments at the forefront. Typically these are men who are comfortable taking risks and who prefer to be in leadership roles professionally. My dad was a self employed lawyer for many years after serving as an Assistant Attorney General for a state in the US, He was admitted to, argued and won before the US Supreme Court. One grandfather was a successful independent oilman (a wildcatter), the other was a self employed physician and contributor to the Merck Manual. Entrepreneurs are common of various varieties. I married a businessman (that tale is elsewhere), and am dating a businessman now. These men have goals and are going places, with or without anybody else.

The Alpha Man is focused.

He is man who has an agenda for his life and is focused on achieving his agenda, period. His agenda may vary. It may include creation of a family in addition to his professional and leisure pursuits. The Alpha Man constructs his life in such a way to assist him in his focus and surrounds himself with subordinates aimed toward that goal. He is tenacious in his focus and determined. An artist friend of mine comes to mind. Stripped in a nasty divorce after discovering his ex-wife had embezzled over a million dollars from him, he is rebuilding. He does not wallow about what happened to him, he simply continues to re-create himself and that is his highest priority, above women, above comfort, above family obligations, he is the number one priority in life is obtaining the dream he has in his artistic pursuits, obstacles be dammed.

The Alpha Man has strength.

It's not that life never happens to the Alpha Man, its how he copes with it. He has the fortitude and character to get up and keep going when life knocks him down. He takes his responsibilities to those that depend on him seriously and he does not falter in uncertain circumstances. He is solution oriented and finds a way. Those who depend on him may be family members, minor children, his wife...it may be employees and/or business partners. He maintains a cool head through adversity and to paraphrase Churchill, 'if he is going through Hell, he keeps going."

The Alpha Man has wisdom.

Particularly as he gains in life experience he becomes aware of the limitations of his own knowledge and he is a seeker of information, knowledge, and wisdom from those whose expertise may interest or assist him. These are often cerebral men on some level, often avid readers and/or lifelong students in some capacity for they are constantly wanting to understand more about themselves and their place in the world. If he displays arrogance it is generally toward those he considers lessor than himself, (including at times women, lol.)

The Alpha Man has grace.

He has a manner that is borne out of knowing his stature among men and in the world and he is comfortable there in his own skin, imperfections and all. He may be vain, he may not reveal his flaws for public display but he is calibrated and appropriate. He exerts self control and emotional restraint.

The Alpha Man has perseverance.

He is not a quitter. He finds a way and figures out how to get where he wants to go. I have a friend who is creating a revolutionary set of proprietary inventions. He can cite Tesla's principals by heart and has been working on development of his original designs for more than 2 decades. Now he is on the cusp of material success and when he becomes known he will appear an overnight sensation. He is anything but that. He has toiled for years overcoming design flaws, patent laws, permits and etc. and etc. Reworking and reworking and reworking again. His dedication to his purpose is awesome, even though it has meant sacrifice of many creature comforts over the years.

The Alpha Man has courage.

He proceeds in the face of fear and overcomes obstacles that are in his path. He also has the courage to choose a path that is suited to himself, and will choose his own way rather than be pigeon holed into the expectations of others.

The Alpha Man is caring.

He has humility, empathy, and if he loves, he loves deeply. He is devoted and protective. He loves from a place of strength and choice, never from a place of supplication. He is capable of ruthlessness as well and may inspire fear as well as love in others, but if he does not tend toward dark triad traits he values honor, although he also understands pragmatism. He is observant and understands people and their motivations; what he and others care about.

The Alpha Man is authentic.

He is himself. Because he is himself his game is inner game. He doesn't need to adopt alpha traits, rather he embodies alpha traits. He expects others to conform to his vision and come into his world. I often say here that my father NEVER lost frame. Not once. Not with his mother, not with his wives, not with his children, not with clients or friends. Not EVER. Did he have regrets? Yes. Did he have painful experiences? Yes. Did he make poor decisions at times? Yes. But he owned them all and understood the consequences were natural outcomes that derived from his choices. He was open about his mistakes with those close to him. He wanted others to learn from his screw ups (and he had a few doosies). But he went through his life on his terms no matter what. You could be on the train or off the train, but make no mistake the train was leaving upon his command with or without you.

Notice everything I have mentioned is internal to a man. Nothing is external. Alpha is about leadership and character. People are drawn to this type of character in a man, both women and men.

Please be invited to contribute.
Yes. An Alpha gets sh|t done in his own life, and is quite good at it. He helps others if they need direction or guidance because others naturally come to him, but he isn't a white knight. That thought only crosses his mind if he feels compassion for another person.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
This is a good description. However, I imagine that when you wrote this post you had in mind a specific type of man. A man who wears suits own buisnesses and shít.

Life isn't as black and white. Humans operate in many social spheres so who is alpha or dominant in each differs. For instance, you come from an affluent background so alpha for you would be the type of man you described. In the world of music, where I live, those who run the show are entirely different.

Same goes for any social niches, Gothic, Punk, athletic etc.

Everybody's personality doesn't fit into the graceful, suit and tie, briefcase buisness owner mold.

Just food for thought.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
This is a good description. However, I imagine that when you wrote this post you had in mind a specific type of man. A man who wears suits own buisnesses and shít.

Life isn't as black and white. Humans operate in many social spheres so who is alpha or dominant in each differs. For instance, you come from an affluent background so alpha for you would be the type of man you described. In the world of music, where I live, those who run the show are entirely different.

Same goes for any social niches, Gothic, Punk, athletic etc.

Everybody's personality doesn't fit into the graceful, suit and tie, briefcase buisness owner mold.

Just food for thought.
Yes, she is describing a 21 year old Harvard educated man in a tailored suit (all financed by his daddy but hush).

Tomorrow night I have a date with a 21 year old (about to turn 22). In an ironic twist, she was with my last girlfriend and a gorgeous Russian girl when I met them all. I asked her the other night "What are rich guys your age like"? You know, the guys BeExcellent has been preaching about all along. What did this gorgeous, 21.9 year old say? "I don't know any rich guys my age". They don't exist. The guys BeExcellent says defeat da dynamically and myself and others. They don't exist. No, she is talking about old money pretty boys from a 1980's Madonna video.


Jul 30, 2003
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Alpha isnt a fkin person, its not a list of characteristics. its something illusory. it is a MOMENT, something that you can just FEEL. Not some idealized image of whatever the fuk you think a man should be or look like.

To me ALPHA is the old lady who takes no **** from the scumbags an punks she has to deal with everyday. Hell, that old lady could be a mean hag who hates puppies and was a slut in her younger years. but that doesnt matter because her making the choice to ALPHA up and go about her life dealing with scumbags who try to target her everyday, now thats alpha.

Alpha is the infantryman on the front lines. Alpha is also the gunsmith who makes sure that M4 is firing on point. Alpha is the kid who steps in and stops a bully from fkin up some geek. Do you understand now what alpha means? Alpha isnt just for men or for women. Its something else entirely. I could write forever but then my post would be as long as yours, fuk that. <----thats alpha.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
This is a good description. However, I imagine that when you wrote this post you had in mind a specific type of man. A man who wears suits own buisnesses and shít.

Life isn't as black and white. Humans operate in many social spheres so who is alpha or dominant in each differs. For instance, you come from an affluent background so alpha for you would be the type of man you described. In the world of music, where I live, those who run the show are entirely different.

Same goes for any social niches, Gothic, Punk, athletic etc.

Everybody's personality doesn't fit into the graceful, suit and tie, briefcase buisness owner mold.

Just food for thought.
I agree. @zekko asked on another thread what my personal observations have been. I will say the underlying characteristics in your world are probably quite similar, they are just dressed and presented differently.

I'm not dating a suit.

In fact the man I'm seeing at the moment is more of a t-shirt type man. He's a businessman and very successful but I don't know if he owns a tie or a pair of wingtips (not that I've seen at any rate). He's in an industrial supply type business and is a former pro-athlete. He has a much more relaxed vibe than the men in my family. He will go out to dinner in a t-shirt and flip-flops and a 10K Breitling watch and order a ridiculously expensive bottle of wine because he can. Then he will like to play a little poker or a little blackjack because he can. If anything he is a bit too cavalier with money (something he himself is aware of.)


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
As usual Neil's assumptions are wrong. How surprising.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
As part of my goals for improvement, I have been cutting things out of my life that waste time. Tv was the first and now I've exchanged the radio for podcasts. At least 1 hr a day (30 minute commute each way) listening to wall street journal, history, and now Tony Robbins podcast. I ask myself within the first 5 minutes, can I learn something from this? Anywho, that is not my point, but back to Tony Robbins.

He had a pretty decent podcast called unshakeable. And his definition of the best and brightest minds are those that are completely unshakeable when faced with adversity. Everyone has a switch. Everyone can get bothered. To me, a man, a strong man will not stay there for long at all and he will certainly learn from it. He is essentially unshakeable. His dad dies? He's at work the next day. His wife leaves him? He focuses on his work and has 20 other women lined up. He loses his business? Then he focuses and gets back on track.

I've used to tell a story to my buddies until they decided they didnt like it. A man goes to meet his lady friends family. He wants to marry her. She is so perfect for him and he is looking forward to the evening. As the night progresses, he has talked to everyone but her father. Near the end of thenight, he sees her father on the patio and walks out and says "how are you? Great house..." after talking for a bit, the guy is ready and says to her dad "I would like to marry your daughter". The dad looks puzzled, then asks the man... "Have you ever been bankrupt?" and the man responds "oh no. I have perfect credit. Never been late on a payment."

The father sighs, Looks down and says " you cannot marry my daughter"

The dude is totally co fused at this point. He knows they are perfect for each. So he asks, "well, can you explain?"

And the dad says... " you haven't tried hard enough"


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
West Virginia
The most alpha thing that you can do is not waste time trying to "become alpha". Seriously, some of you guys waste way too much time on ego stroking and conventions...just go do you and don't worry about it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
The term itself makes me laugh.

The more a man wants to be the stereotypical "alpha" man associated with the redpill community, the less genuine men would want to associate with him.

No high value man with options and a life would want to associate with pushy arrogant men.

If alpha is about dominance and confrontation, try messing with an HIV infected dude with needles down the street.

He's the alpha there and you'll be running for your life.

Many guys wanting to be "alpha" are always on their toes thinking "is he better than me?"

They are constantly battling social anxiety, remember Patrick Bateman from American Psycho? Widely considered as an alpha in the red pill community. Meh.

It's great to try to be a man's man and finding an identity when you are starting out, learning evo-psych, practicing dominant body language, vocal tonality, humour, emotional stoicism and seduction.

You can be "alpha" amongst idiots or a peer amongst people of great accomplishments and abundance.

But there will come a time when you really get over this BS.

I'm no alpha and I'd choose abundance over being alpha any day.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
I doubt anyone spending much time here is 'alpha'. Most here are overly focused with wanting to get better with women. Which is not too bad a thing if you are not that great with women... or have been burnt in the past.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I like and agree with your definition more so than most that I've read on here. For some reason I kept picturing Don Corleone (first or second one, doesn't matter) when I read it.
Funny, I thought she was describing me. Amazing how we can carve a specific image at a young age and later become it.

Growing up, I watched Godfather a lot, and picked much of his strength, style, fairness, and charima. Outside of the "family business," Don Corleone is great working example of alpha.


Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
It's a subjective term. No ones interpretation of it is wrong.

Alpha to me is emotional intelligence, the self-awareness and recognition of ones inner states and faculties (which ultimately lead to behaviour and how one carries himself). Mastering oneself one is able to have a greater influence on others and one's immediate environment, as well as the events and opportunities that manifest before oneself.

@guru1000 , I also thought @BeExcellent was describing me to a degree. I believe we 3 have a similar interpretation of "alpha", which focuses on the inner state which ultimately leads to the outer one perceived by others. I attribute this to a by-product (as BeExcellent notes) of emotional intelligence. Mix in some self-discipline, ambition, and charisma to add a little flavour to emotional Intelligence and you end up with a "alpha" inner state that manifests and is picked up on in your interactions with others.

Though, personally, I didn't picture BeExcellents description of "alpha" with a suit and tie at all.