Someone has to say it and even if we agree with the feminists on this, it is true.
There are simply too many guys.
For most of us DJs, this spells a massive issue. We talk about how Eastern European countries are great for men but the reason for this is because the gender ratios there are even. Here in the US, among most people in the 18-35 age range, they are actually more rigged towards men being more common and this is a big problem because now we have the epidemic of thirst.
There are thirsty guys because there aren't enough women to go around let alone fit ones.
Even if we had to deal with the misfortune of thirsty men in a society where fit women were more common than men, it would hardly mean much. But the reality is we live in an American society where men outnumber women during the prime years (18-35, pull up a population pyramid and you will see I am right), there are not enough women to go around for the amount of men we have.
So now we have to deal with what truly is the worst enemy of men, it isn't feminism, it is thirsty trash from our gender who inflate the egos of 3s and 4s.
The problem isn't feminism, they have feminism in Europe too but the issue is not as bad as it is in the US or the Anglo world. Problem is that we have too many guys and not enough women.
First of all the issue is competition, there is too much of it, but then there are a lot of guys who just get in the way.
There are thirsty beta males that inflate egos of 4s and boost the ego of plain looking women.
All of these issues the average guy experiences he experiences because the problem is there are way too many men.
Now I know @bigneil might call me a feminist but lets ask a simple question to any guy on here.
Would you rather live in a city where the single female to single male ratio is 2:1 or one where it is 1:2?
I am sure even @skinnyguy knows the answer to that.
There are simply too many guys.
For most of us DJs, this spells a massive issue. We talk about how Eastern European countries are great for men but the reason for this is because the gender ratios there are even. Here in the US, among most people in the 18-35 age range, they are actually more rigged towards men being more common and this is a big problem because now we have the epidemic of thirst.
There are thirsty guys because there aren't enough women to go around let alone fit ones.
Even if we had to deal with the misfortune of thirsty men in a society where fit women were more common than men, it would hardly mean much. But the reality is we live in an American society where men outnumber women during the prime years (18-35, pull up a population pyramid and you will see I am right), there are not enough women to go around for the amount of men we have.
So now we have to deal with what truly is the worst enemy of men, it isn't feminism, it is thirsty trash from our gender who inflate the egos of 3s and 4s.
The problem isn't feminism, they have feminism in Europe too but the issue is not as bad as it is in the US or the Anglo world. Problem is that we have too many guys and not enough women.
First of all the issue is competition, there is too much of it, but then there are a lot of guys who just get in the way.
There are thirsty beta males that inflate egos of 4s and boost the ego of plain looking women.
All of these issues the average guy experiences he experiences because the problem is there are way too many men.
Now I know @bigneil might call me a feminist but lets ask a simple question to any guy on here.
Would you rather live in a city where the single female to single male ratio is 2:1 or one where it is 1:2?
I am sure even @skinnyguy knows the answer to that.