I use to be active on the forum from 2008-2013. Since than it's of and on the quality of posters since 2013 has gone down sharply and in a weird way
all of a sudden these "MGTOW" guys came on the forum, this forum was never meant for mgtow because if you're a man going your own way what's the point of studying seduction?
MGTOW focus to much on female nature and not self improvment i.e. angry mgtow. sandman etc
I think the most logical conclusion to draw is the posts on this forum reflect what is going on in the field and in society.
Clearly the quality of women has degraded even more from 12-13 years ago. These "millennial" c*nts are more dysfunctional and self-centered than their Gen-X sisters. And MAYBE another factor is a lot of guys studied seduction along with self-improvement, self-improvement, self-improvement, up the ying-yang only to realize they were self-improving to appeal to a batch of low quality, chicken-head, shallow, trash women.
I don't regret getting my finances together at all because MONEY is good to have regardless of the market. But self-improvement for the sake of attracting women is not much of a reward if the women are garbage. Men were expecting a pot of gold at the base of the rainbow. They traveled long and far to reach the base of that rainbow only to find a pile of cow turds.
So of course the forum has changed.