With all due respect, already field tested all that. You think an 18 y/o will pick up the phone for a guy she just met? HINT--this isn't 2005; she barely has the social skills to talk on the phone. It will go straight to voicemail; chances are her VM isn't even set up. Now, if you have established some rapport via text & she's chasing but a little wishy washy, a phone call can be super useful since you can put in more subcommunications, etc., but it's a near 0 percentage play starting out.
Or let's say you meet a girl Saturday night and don't have another time slot until Wednesday. You text her when you get her number and then schedule the meetup on Sunday. Then you disappear. You know what happens between Sunday and Wednesday? SHE FORGETS--even if she was really excited about you Sunday. This isn't 2005. I like talking to girls I have over about what kind of DMs they get on Instagram or whatever. A lot of them show me their phone (since it lets them DHV). Take two of the girls I had over this summer--one of them had like 250 unread text messages, 400 Instagram notification, 600 Snapchat notifications (she's C-level IG famous); the other, who has a much more modest social media presence, still had 150 unread texts. Think about that for a minute.
Between Sunday and Wednesday she's received more validation & more offers for her time than your wife did in 12 months, or possibly ever. If she's even responding to your texts, you're in the top 1%; but disappear and see if it even registers.
I've gone on record as saying the DJ Bible is outdated in 2017. The mindsets & core advice is timeless, but the practical application advice is pretty much handing guys bows & arrows when everyone else is using drones. I don't pretend to have things anywhere close to figured out--but you can always tell who has their boots on the ground & what level of girls they're dealing with. That's not a knock on you, but things are changing at a ridiculous rate.
Like I said, you seem to be a good guy, you just don't understand how the female mind works. You are probably charismatic in person, but there are so many mistakes here I will only touch upon the largest. When you say women have changed between 2005 and 2017 are you implying that they have evolved, that their brain structure is new?
No, we have not changed much in the last 8 thousand years. The principles of generating romantic love are the same. Newer techs like text messaging have not changed the mind one bit. If you understand brain chemistry and evolutionary hard wiring you will understand how and why text messaging early on in a relationship creates problems AND kills interest level.
I advocate running a three woman rotation (Tue, Thursday/Sat) because (among other things) it creates situations an feelings that work on the female brain
Our brains are fundamentally different. Have you studied evolutionary psychology/biology? Do you understand how more than 100,000 years of evolution have structured the mind? Before you do anything you must first understand these differences. My system is based upon the science of the human mind
Grey matter areas of the brain are information to action centers. Grey matter contains lots of cell bodies and relatively few myelinated axons, while white matter contains relatively few cell bodies and lots of of myelinated axons. White matter affects learning distribution and coordinates communication between different brain regions. It is more process oriented. That is why females operate from what I call a “Process Oriented Paradigm.” You must understand how women operate.
You say you "field tested all that." What do you mean? Here are the basics you need to reject understand my position. Do you understand the basic structural and operational paradigm that women have? It is different from men. There is an article in the Bible regarding texting you should read. Yes, when you are getting a woman's number, text her while you are still in front of her to make shure the number is legit, but absolutely no more. You don't set up the date, you disappear for 3 4 days then you CALL. TYexting is weak. Women have a biological drive created by evolutionary adaptations to pair bond with only the
strongest men! Texting is weak, weak, weak. Be a man, call.
You illustrate this point perfectly: Fastlife: "Or let's say you meet a girl Saturday night and don't have another time slot until Wednesday. You text her when you get her number and then schedule the meetup on Sunday. Then you disappear. You know what happens between Sunday and Wednesday? SHE FORGETS--even if she was really excited about you Sunday. This isn't 2005. I like talking to girls I have over about what kind of DMs they get on Instagram or whatever. A lot of them show me their phone (since it lets them DHV). Take two of the girls I had over this summer--one of them had like 250 unread text messages, 400 Instagram notification, 600 Snapchat notifications (she's C-level IG famous); the other, who has a much more modest social media presence, still had 150 unread texts. Think about that for a minute.
Please re read what you posted...she is getting 1,500 texts, Instagram, Snapchats a week. Of course she is going to forget someone who texts, you are competing with 14,999 other guys. Weak! Texting says "I am too scared to actually call you up, so please go out with me please, please, please!"
Women want men.
Only two men called her, and those are the ones she will remember. The have larger balls, the are men. Remember "Machete don't text" he knows because textingh is for weaklings.
Women are biologically driven to find men who can hunt/gather, and protect. Texters don't hunt, gather, or protect, they run away and live in their parents basement.
If you call you have much better prospects. Finally, if a woman forgets you that means she never had any interest you in the first place. You MUST game them properly from moment one, go look at some of my openers. hardly any women ever forgot about meeting me, and if she did I would drop her right then and there as she was never interested in you in the first place. When you have generated interest in a woman, she will remember.
I game women so that they will NEVER (or at least for a long time) forget me. Go read the field report I made yesterday....Actually, I will post it up