I know the original post is from back in 2013, so maybe nobody is going to actually see this. But the post was incredibly validating for me, and I wanted to share a few crazy anecdotes from my 3-year relationship with an attention-seeking woman...
One of the most ****ed up, but also most revealing anecdotes occurred when we were at a resort in Mexico, about 1.5 years into the relationship. We were in a hot tub and drinking a lot, so she was being really open and uninhibited. We were sharing our sexual fantasies and she was reluctant to share hers, but I encouraged her, assuming they would be a little kinky and maybe fun to play out. But her fantasy totally ****ed with my head. She disclosed that sometimes when we were having sex she imagined that an ex-boyfriend (it could be any of them, she said) was watching us having sex and masturbating. In other words, not only was her arousal based on my desire for her and NOT her own desire for me (the one-way street that the original post talked about), she was actually getting off on imagining BOTH me AND an ex-boyfriend desiring her at the same time, and knowing that the ex-boyfriend still wanted her but couldn't have her.
Now listen to this... After hearing that fantasy, I woke up early the next morning and took her phone and read her texts. There was a guy who she had told me was only a friend, who had been her friend before we met, and who - I knew - she continued to be friends with. She had gone out alone with him a couple times during our relationship, and I trusted it was purely platonic. But I found texts from about 4 months into our relationship where he was outrageously flirting with her about wanting to have sex with her and telling her how hot she is (and she is really hot), and she was really into it during that text conversation, flirting back with him, calling him "handsome," and even said "You always want what you can't have." (She never acted upon her interest in him, and was never unfaithful to me with anyone, but of course that's not the goal for an ASW, it's just to know guys want her.) And here's the punchline ... she had actually been planning to take me with her to his birthday party during the week we ended up in Mexico, but then we planned this last-minute vacation so we couldn't go. So, stop and think about this. She was going to take me to this guy's party where she would know from these past texts that he was attracted to her and wanted her, and he would know that, but I wouldn't know that, I would just be the sucker next to her, and she could enjoy him watching her with me and wishing he could be with her. JUST LIKE THE SEXUAL FANTASY!!
One more anecdote, so small but SO revealing. We took her leased Nissan to be serviced at a Nissan dealership and she finished the paperwork with the guy behind the counter. She was wearing her workout clothes, with tight exercise pants (she had a flawless ass and legs). As we walked out, she turned around quickly, then turned back (I can only speculate why) and said to me, "Oh my god I just caught that guy totally checking out my ass." So I assumed she was offended and grossed out that a car dealership guy was checking her out so obviously after she had just finished interacting with him as a customer, and I said, "Yuck." And she said, "No, I like it! I'm 50 years old and I like knowing that guys still find me attractive." Again, think about this. My attraction and attention isn't enough. It's not enough that I think she's sexy and beautiful and show her that in many ways. She NEEDS other men to show her that they think she's hot to feel good about herself, and she doesn't care WHO it comes from (a guy at a car dealership is fine), and doesn't care if I'm standing right there next to her, and doesn't even realize that telling me all of this feels really ****ty to me. And she's oblivious because she doesn't understand any of what's going on for her. She doesn't see the connection between her father abandoning her and her family when she was a kid, she doesn't see how pathetic her need for male attention is, she doesn't see why it would hurt me for her to need more attention than just mine. And how sick that someone so hot actually needs constant affirmation that she's hot and doesn't feel good about herself without that affirmation!
I could go on and on and on about the **** that happened, but those are two great examples. I hope this continues to help validate guys who have been the victims of attention-seeking women. One last thought ... if you know this is your girlfriend's deal, get out. Seriously. You will not change her. You will not get her to see herself. She will always need outside attention. Even if she doesn't act on it, it will slowly demean you, emasculate you, and break you down. I stayed for way too long, and in the end it was actually unfair to her because she invested her whole life in believing we were getting married, and I finally realized I did not want to be in this kind of relationship and left and broke her heart. I should have left way before she got so invested, I should have trusted my instincts and that inner voice. Good luck!!