girls are fu**ed seriously....

May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
You guys ever hear the expression, "It takes 2 to tango"?

We don't operate in a vacuum. In order for a QUALITY relationship to be formed, you need two people who are operating on quality, integrity, and morality. GOOD LUCK finding 1 woman in today's market that operates on said foundation. Women only care about WHAT you can do for them and IF you are going to do the process of that, if she "feels like" fvcking you, then she would, if not, she won't.

All decent guys can do is become a Pseudo-Player today, and focus on getting A.SS as soon as possible and as cheaply (fewer dates) as possible. After you get her A.SS and decide to enter a relationship, just be prepared to learn how to handle her "bullshyt" that she brings to the table.

But with all that of that being said, more Elliot Rogers are being formed on a daily basis, as a direct result of the shyt the OP went through in this thread. The bytch could have just LEFT him alone 5 months ago. NO, I'm not saying a guy is entitled to anything that belongs to a woman, but the common decency of these women are gone. These women do not give TWO SHYTS about us guys, they don't. Understand that shyt. So stop giving two shyts about them other than fvcking.
I just quit smoking. When I used to smoke, every time I took a puff, I would think of myself on my deathbed dying of lung cancer and the fact that none of these girls I'm trying to impress would care.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Let's discuss this further.

When I say it's NOT HIS FAULT, I'm referring to the behavior of the woman in question. You see marmel, a woman of quality, integrity, and morality, would NOT string a guy along like this. If she's not feeling him, she already would know that within 1 - 3 times of hanging out with him. SHE would tell him she's not interested. Instead, like most women, she plays games. That's NOT HIS FAULT that this woman lacks integrity, morality, and quality.

Now, there were a couple of things he could have done more efficiently in regards to dealing with this woman who lacks integrity, morality, and quality:

- He could have cut her off sooner if she wasn't going to put out after 1 - 3 dates
- He could have not fallen for the pseudo "I'm a quality woman, thus I don't have sex" routine
- He could have withheld his feelings for this woman and not invested in a woman 10 years older than him

But NONE of these things negate the facts that this woman lacks integrity, mortality, and quality based on how she goes about handling men. She probably is also a serial dating chick who FLAKES a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if she's on or pops up on an Online Dating website. IT'S NOT HIS FAULT that the personal character/personality/attitude of this woman is fvcked up.
If you are working under the faulty assumption that the woman is supposed to have YOUR best interests at heart then yes, this would be valid. But since both men and women generally have THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS at heart, there is no merit to this point.

The OP is responsible for ACTING in his own best interest, not just passively sitting around like a bump on a log expecting the woman to act in his best interest.

In fact, this comes down to being lazy. It's easier to hope for something with a person you are stuck at 20% with than try to find another woman starting over at 0%. However once you realize how to turn the tables in your favor you will be getting rid of chicks that are at 70% to start over at 0% because it becomes easy to get sex from chicks...this isn't hard...this sh!t is so easy if you just always have your own best interests at stake.


Jun 23, 2014
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If you are working under the faulty assumption that the woman is supposed to have YOUR best interests at heart then yes, this would be valid. But since both men and women generally have THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS at heart, there is no merit to this point.
Is it possible to make sure your interests get met, while at the same time caring about the interests of others? For example, in the sales profession, can I NOT be a good sales consultant that makes sure I get my due bonus/commission pay out, while at the same time, making sure that my client's needs/requirements/desires are fulfilled?

So what you are saying Marmel, is actually what I've been saying, and it's that women of today's market have no integrity. They only care about serving their own needs/interests and can give a rat's about that of their man's interests. That's unethical, immoral, and wrong. And it's NOT MY FAULT nor ANY GUY'S FAULT on this website that we are dealing with unethical people Marmel.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
If you are working under the faulty assumption that the woman is supposed to have YOUR best interests at heart then yes, this would be valid. But since both men and women generally have THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS at heart, there is no merit to this point.

The OP is responsible for ACTING in his own best interest, not just passively sitting around like a bump on a log expecting the woman to act in his best interest.

In fact, this comes down to being lazy. It's easier to hope for something with a person you are stuck at 20% with than try to find another woman starting over at 0%. However once you realize how to turn the tables in your favor you will be getting rid of chicks that are at 70% to start over at 0% because it becomes easy to get sex from chicks...this isn't hard...this sh!t is so easy if you just always have your own best interests at stake.
Please explain how it's so easy.


Don Juan
May 20, 2017
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Was seeing a woman 10 yrs older then me, im 29 and shes 39 and has a couple of teenage kids. We met through work conferences and immediatley clicked. We were both instantly attracted to each other, shared loads in common and had an amazing connection (or so i thought). We were seeing each other for about 5 months, and i thought everything was going great. We were both looking to eventually be in relationships but she wanted to take it slow as she had been hurt by guys in the past and didnt want to rush in to anything so i guess we were never "official''. I wasnt in a rush to be in a relationship and was content being friends and going with the flow.

We were speaking on the phone earlier and she comes out and tells me that she prefers to be single and doesnt want a relationship anymore and enjoys her independence. She says she really likes me and thinks i deserve someone who can give me their all and that she cant give me that and doesnt see a future between us. I dont know if she's being legit about her reasons or shes just changed her mind about me, i have no idea? Its come as bit of a shock and i wont lie, im a bit cut up by it. I actually really liked her and as much as i hate to say it, i was starting to gain strong feelings for her. I really thought for once i may have actually found a winner...HA! Once again this all just proves why i shouldnt even bother with women. I guess shes another one to add to my already long list of girls who weren't "feeling it" for me. I dont think im ever meant to be in a relationship. Ive only had a couple of short term relationships in my life that went nowhere and everytime i think i may have found someone good,this sh1t happens. Totally over it. And to be honest its this kinda crap that makes you not want to bother going through the whole dating process and getting to know them.

The worst thing is, i have tickets to a party i was meant to be going with her to next weekend and now im having second thoughts about going. I only really got them so i could have "fun" with her but clearly that wont be happening now so i dont even know if i want to go. I'm thinking about ghosting her completely, she said she wants to still be friends but i dont know if its a good idea? I really dont know what to do and could use some good advice!! Please help!
5 months and no sex is a problem man. That's off the bat.

I'd say let this one go, chalk it up to a weird experience and move on. I'm in my 30's and just got out of a bad relationship that was along the same time. This women doesn't seem BPD or anything like that, she seems honest and just was not that into you. It blows man. I get it. We've ALL been there.
Hit the gym, meditate, read as much as you can and you will heal. We are here for you brother.

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
5 months and no sex is a problem man. That's off the bat.
I'm slow to sex a guy up in general but after a month or so of of solid dates and consistency on his part (and a talk of monogamy) and I'm good to get it started in the bedroom.
I hope you weren't buying things for her this whole time!?
Seriously, after 6 weeks if she is still sayng no, you can assume SHE has a hangup and you need to move on. Wow.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Is it possible to make sure your interests get met, while at the same time caring about the interests of others? For example, in the sales profession, can I NOT be a good sales consultant that makes sure I get my due bonus/commission pay out, while at the same time, making sure that my client's needs/requirements/desires are fulfilled?

So what you are saying Marmel, is actually what I've been saying, and it's that women of today's market have no integrity. They only care about serving their own needs/interests and can give a rat's about that of their man's interests. That's unethical, immoral, and wrong. And it's NOT MY FAULT nor ANY GUY'S FAULT on this website that we are dealing with unethical people Marmel.
Why would you give a woman qualities she hasn't earned? That's the real issue here. You are giving her all these great qualities off the bat instead of making her earn these qualities.

You are basically saying "this woman is awesome" instead of making her prove she is awesome. This is again a faulty position to take. This isn't a criminal trial...they aren't innocent until proven guilty.

The bottom line is stop working under the assumption a woman is a quality woman intil she proves that she is. Then none of this would happen.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Please explain how it's so easy.
You invite women out on dates, you meet them, you escalate properly and then you fvck them. Why do people act like having sex with a woman is like climbing Mt. Everest? As if these women have no interest in sex and you have to work really hard to get them to be interested.

It's more like crossing the street in terms of difficulty.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Sure thing guy.
WEll, maybe I shouldn't say that since so many younger guys these days have low or missing testosterone levels, them acting like women might actually be the norm these days.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
You invite women out on dates, you meet them, you escalate properly and then you fvck them. Why do people act like having sex with a woman is like climbing Mt. Everest? As if these women have no interest in sex and you have to work really hard to get them to be interested.

It's more like crossing the street in terms of difficulty.
With a given woman, it's usually either impossibly easy or impossible to have sex with her.

After the first date with my last girlfriend she eagerly invited herself back to my hotel, I reminded her she didn't have to, but she wanted to. When the elevator doors closed she kissed me. My life was never the same. Hers was never the same either as she would go on to divorce her then husband.

Tonight I had a second date with a girl who seems equally interested, but I barely got a pity peck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
OP has been on here 4 fvckin years!!? He HAS all the tools necessary and knowledge at his fingertips.

I think @evil_tomato has posted a similar troll like thread before. If not OP has NO ONE to blame but himself. Learn some self-discipline and play by your own rules. Seriously 39yr old single mom too!?!?

This is seriously text book 101, b*ng by date 3.
Ok maybe a newbie stretch it out to 4/5 tops. COME On MAN 5 fvcking months! Get the fack out of here. Smells trolly in here.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
With a given woman, it's usually either impossibly easy or impossible to have sex with her.

After the first photo shoot with my last girlfriend she eagerly invited herself back to my hotel, I reminded her she didn't have to, but she wanted to. When the elevator doors closed she kissed me.

Tonight I had a second date and barely got a pity peck.
Exactly...your job as a man is to actively get rid of the women who make it impossible and actively search for and find the women who make it easy, cultivating as many of those as possible. that's why I say it's easy...once you understand that and implement that, you will have 4-5 plates to fvck at a time after a month or two of going on long as you are fvcking them properly.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
My only hope is to stop asking this one out and see if she bargains for another date. She asked me out tonight for Saturday so there is hope, but IMO you should get an unforgettable kiss on the first date, at least. Tonight she said "I'm going to make you wait until the third date" (for a French kiss). That might not fly. Plus, her second photo shoot totally flopped. You have no idea how critical that site is. So far her 3 photos rated 6, 28, 16. It's the tattoos.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
My only hope is to stop asking this one out and see if she bargains for another date. She asked me out tonight for Saturday so there is hope, but IMO you should get an unforgettable kiss on the first date, at least. Tonight she said "I'm going to make you wait until the third date" (for a French kiss). That might not fly.
I'd probably make her put in some effort've done your part, she hasn't done enough to warrant any more effort at this time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
WEll, maybe I shouldn't say that since so many younger guys these days have low or missing testosterone levels, them acting like women might actually be the norm these days.
It was the actions of being somewhat disempowered through feminism and the market that decreases ones testosterone levels.

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
It was the actions of being somewhat disempowered through feminism and the market that decreases ones testosterone levels.
Its actually an environmental one as the main culprit from the studies they have done...pesticides, plastics, BPA, soy(especialy soy baby formula) and the other environmental toxins all wreak havoc on the male endocrine system, which are extremely susceptible in young children...every generation of male has had on average, a decrease in testosterone levels from the generation before since the 1950's when these started to really become commonplace.

These act as XenoEstrogens which bind far more strongly to the estrogen receptors in the body than estradiol or estrone does, and is much harder and takes far longer for the body to rid itself of it than estradiol or estrone. Since estrogen is the hormonal marker in the body(just like leucine is the protein marker in the body), the body sees elevated estrogen levels and says "Oh sh!t! There must be too mcuh testosterone being produced! I better slow it down and release more SHBG to bind to it!", since the only way a male should NATURALLY have elevated estrogen levels is through the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen, which would only occur(to get elevated estrogen---the male body NEEDS some estrogen--it actually repairs the T receptors to allow T to bind effectively to it, and has heart protecting benefits) with very high levels of testosterone. The body then decreases T production and also increases SHBG production which then binds to testosterone and renders it inactive, further decimating their already lowered levels.

This literally is a pandemic that has been going on for decades now and nobody wants to admit the ugly the hell are 18 and 20 year old boys having low T issues? That was unheard of 20 years ago---even 10 years ago. Whats next? Boys needing to be placed on TRT due to not being able to go through puberty without it?

And truth be told, the rise of feminism can be traced to the environmental lowering of testosterone, NOT the other way around. You think there would be any way in hell dudes with high T levels would allow this bullcrap to be passed into law and making rules and regulations that favor this idealogy? Hell fvck no. Feminism keeps growing because more and more men who are making decisions are doing so with high estrogen levels and low testosterone levels, literally causing them to have female thought processes instead of male ones and making emotional decisions instead of logical ones.
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Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Also watch out for Phytoestrogens in unfermented soy (Soy Milk, Soy flour, Soybean oil, Tofu). Only fermented soy like Miso and Tempeh should be eaten (but Miso usually contains Tofu bits).

Microwaving food in plastic is another culprit.

Since I started working out my voice got one octave deeper.

When a man has an orgasm he produces Testosterone which makes him want to travel to spread his seed further, but a woman produces Oxytocin (cuddle chemical) which makes him want to stay. The more polarity between the couple, the more intense the orgasms and the more of these chemicals are produced. It can literally be as mind blowing as a crack hit. This is what keeps couples together. This is probably why marriages are failing, because of this (true) chemical imbalance.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Its actually an environmental one as the main culprit from the studies they have done...pesticides, plastics, BPA, soy(especialy soy baby formula) and the other environmental toxins all wreak havoc on the male endocrine system, which are extremely susceptible in young children...every generation of male has had on average, a decrease in testosterone levels from the generation before since the 1950's when these started to really become commonplace.

These act as XenoEstrogens which bind far more strongly to the estrogen receptors in the body than estradiol or estrone does, and is much harder and takes far longer for the body to rid itself of it than estradiol or estrone. Since estrogen is the hormonal marker in the body(just like leucine is the protein marker in the body), the body sees elevated estrogen levels and says "Oh sh!t! There must be too mcuh testosterone being produced! I better slow it down and release more SHBG to bind to it!", since the only way a male should NATURALLY have elevated estrogen levels is through the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen, which would only occur(to get elevated estrogen---the male body NEEDS some estrogen--it actually repairs the T receptors to allow T to bind effectively to it, and has heart protecting benefits) with very high levels of testosterone. The body then decreases T production and also increases SHBG production which then binds to testosterone and renders it inactive, further decimating their already lowered levels.

This literally is a pandemic that has been going on for decades now and nobody wants to admit the ugly the hell are 18 and 20 year old boys having low T issues? That was unheard of 20 years ago---even 10 years ago. Whats next? Boys needing to be placed on TRT due to not being able to go through puberty without it?

And truth be told, the rise of feminism can be traced to the environmental lowering of testosterone, NOT the other way around. You think there would be any way in hell dudes with high T levels would allow this bullcrap to be passed into law and making rules and regulations that favor this idealogy? Hell fvck no. Feminism keeps growing because more and more men who are making decisions are doing so with high estrogen levels and low testosterone levels, literally causing them to have female thought processes instead of male ones and making emotional decisions instead of logical ones.
I knew about the environmental issue. I was saying it's part genotype and part phenotype so part of your environment. If you are disempowered and people are able to achieve physical dominance over you, you will have lower testosterone, than if you where the master of your environment. Your mind makes a big difference.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I knew about the environmental issue. I was saying it's part genotype and part phenotype so part of your environment. If you are disempowered and people are able to achieve physical dominance over you, you will have lower testosterone, than if you where the master of your environment. Your mind makes a big difference.
In any case some theorize that ALL of the things causing men to have lower testosterone and be more "controllable" are due to the elite. None of it is an accident.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Why would you give a woman qualities she hasn't earned? That's the real issue here. You are giving her all these great qualities off the bat instead of making her earn these qualities.

You are basically saying "this woman is awesome" instead of making her prove she is awesome. This is again a faulty position to take. This isn't a criminal trial...they aren't innocent until proven guilty.

The bottom line is stop working under the assumption a woman is a quality woman intil she proves that she is. Then none of this would happen.
Lol, Marmel this would WORK if we as Men had true power in the dating market..........we don't. Women dominate, control, and own today's dating market. A woman isn't going to go out of her way to prove shyt when she doesn't have to, remember, she has multiple messages awaiting in her POF/OKC inbox along with lines of guys trying to get with her.