Day 7.
Not much new to report, beyond what I normally experience by this point. If I go one more week to next Friday, I think it will probably be my longest streak ever on hard mode (no pun intended). I intend to go even way beyond that. Having momentary urges, particularly Wednesday on my rest day, but otherwise keeping mind distracted and energy dissipated with strenuous exercise. Also watching a lot of motivational tapes on youtube.
-Able to lift almost all the way through all sets - 4 x 10 reps. Usually stating to fail by 28-30 reps, but now able to push through. Still failing during reps 30-40. Feel like I could do the whole workout over again by the end, at least mentally.
-Played pick up for 2 hours Tuesday and Thursday; stamina much better than usual and again, could probably continue for another hour.
-At the moment, really feel like I could exercise to this level every single day and feel no ill effects. Thought do need start eating more.
(also have not smoked nor drank alcohol since last week, which is obviously contributing)
-Probably most noticeable change in the immediate short term - after only 2-3 days. Sleep patterns stabilising, probably for the first time ever. Asleep by midnight; waking, ready to get up by 7.30 on average. Previously 'snoozing' for at least an hour until last possible minute. As results, now early to work for a whole week straight. Struggled to get out of bed my entire life until this point.
-Always, after only a couple of days, women seem to start paying more attention. Only five minutes ago, a solid 10/10, like supermodel-looking bird, is checking me out and smiles out of her car window as I walk out for lunch.
-I am a guy who is very observant of of people, especially women, as I'm out in public and I really do notice the increased attention and IOIs when I'm abstaining. I don't really know why it is, but I'm keen to get out on the town and start talking to some girls. Maybe not tonight as am a bit tired, but probably tomorrow.