Ironically, the male ego would much prefer to believe they caused someone to cheat because then they can continue the fantasy that they have more control over the situation and future situations than they actually do. Cheating is an ever present existential threat to your future relationships, not just a one-off thing that you can prevent in the future. That's what makes it difficult for men to deal with or even admit happened.
Let me use this opportunity to tell you a story.
During prehistoric times, men grouped together in small tribes instead of being alone to ward off predators, conserve resources to ensure survival.
There was always an alpha whose word was revered by everyone in the tribe.
Having bigger muscles to challange predators, a sharper mind, risk taking behaviour and utter selfishness were all assets for the survival of his tribe.
But none of that made him alpha, there could be stronger or smarter men than him to whom he could outsource different kinds of specialised tasks to ensure survival.
Enter Warriors/Representatives of sub tribes /Strategists/Explorers et al.
He used his unemotional and detached mindset to seek solutions to fulfill the needs of
the entire tribe and its survival.
He has better things to do than try to fvck women, women themselves want to fvck him.
They follow the alpha.
It's not a joke to be the alpha.
Fvcking women doesn't make you alpha.
I've slept with dozens of women and I am not even close to alpha.
As the tribe needed to reproduce to ensure its survival, it took women by force or show of strength and ensured that the women survived childbirth.
The women were treated as prized possessions to ensure survival and the only work they had was to nurture the kids, be available for sexual access and provide intimacy to the male.
Say a woman had prior kids, they would be killed or left to die while the mother was taken with the tribe.
The women in the tribe knew that if they mated with any male of another tribe without being included in his tribe, they might be killed or left to die alone during pregnancy.
This kept their most of their behaviours in check.
Modern times
Women these days arent part of tribes but nomadic with higher survival value than earlier times. There are no predators other than other humans against whom they have the false security of the government.
Modern feminism has empowered women to ride the CC which helps them exploit the attention and resources of males while fulfilling their hedonism.
Blatant cheating by a female is mental violence against a male as it leads to extraction of his time and resources for raising other men's offsprings and in casual relationships, there's no law against it.
Cheating by a man
who can provide for all his women doesn't lead to problems for a female as her genes are still being passed on, except for
dread which gives her vagina tingles to lock a man down for fear of losing his resources and masculinity.
Idiotic females project their dread on guys thinking that making us jealous makes them more desirable, it definitely makes them more desirable to guys with low self esteem.
Dread is physiologically dangerous to a man and not to a woman.
My advice:
Think what an alpha would do if one of his women got impregnated by another man.
Would he forget his purpose and his tribe to focus on a woman who's useless to him?
Or would he banish her from his tribe and move on to greater pursuits?