Does it become a bonus to be Asian/Indian if a player is "assimilated" into western culture?

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I typically notice that people clown on Asian and Indian guys for the accent and "fitting the stereotype" but I am thinking, if you have a more assimilated or whitewashed type of dudes like Harold and Kumar, does the race actually become a bonus at that point?

Unfortunately, even with a lot of the westernized Asian and Indian men, I see them getting married early and going for an arranged marriage type of deal due to parents but I am wondering how it is like for a Harold and Kumar type of guy.

Does it become an exotic bonus at that point or is it still a setback?


Apr 9, 2010
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Setback and/or neutral in my opinion. Especially in the US where racism was a thing since it's inception. Thus racism will remain a thing until its death. Make no mistake. People are racist no matter how much these left-wing liberals try to make it seem like we live in a communist utopia. Some are vocal about it, while others aren't. The negative stereotypes people have on Indians doesn't help either (ie. smell, funny accent, third world nation, customer service, socially awkward, etc). In India, couples are paired together in an arranged marriage agreed and decided upon with both parents on each side. Thus courting and seducing women was never an issue. This leads to social awkwardness and lack of social cues Indians have when interacting with women outside of their country.
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El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Since you are probably talking about white women, no.

No matter how "assimilated" he is. White men and black men will still be on top. Followed by latinos and then Asians.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Since you are probably talking about white women, no.

No matter how "assimilated" he is. White men and black men will still be on top. Followed by latinos and then Asians.
In most parts of the US, especially the south, a well put together Asian guy has way more options with white women than a black guy does if all else is equal. It might not be the case in liberal California or liberal NYC, maybe not even in the horrible midwest (but those women are ugly anyways), but Asian guys most definitely have the highest ceiling of ALL the minority groups in America.

Indian guys might not but East Asian men slay outside of NYC and California. Only reason we don't slay in California and NYC is because liberal media has a vendetta against us.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Setback and/or neutral in my opinion. Especially in the US where racism was a thing since it's inception. Thus racism will remain a thing until its death. Make no mistake. People are racist no matter how much these left-wing liberals try to make it seem like we live in a communist utopia. Some are vocal about it, while others aren't. The negative stereotypes people have on Indians doesn't help either (ie. smell, funny accent, third world nation, customer service, socially awkward, etc). In India, couples are paired together in an arranged marriage agreed and decided upon with both parents on each side. Thus courting and seducing women was never an issue. This leads to social awkwardness and lack of social cues Indians have when interacting with women outside of their country.
That is why I said assimilated and not some fresh off the boat immigrant.


Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
That is why I said assimilated and not some fresh off the boat immigrant.
Doesn't matter. A lot of Indians are first generation immigrants or immigrated one point in their lives.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I typically notice that people clown on Asian and Indian guys for the accent and "fitting the stereotype" but I am thinking, if you have a more assimilated or whitewashed type of dudes like Harold and Kumar, does the race actually become a bonus at that point?

Unfortunately, even with a lot of the westernized Asian and Indian men, I see them getting married early and going for an arranged marriage type of deal due to parents but I am wondering how it is like for a Harold and Kumar type of guy.

Does it become an exotic bonus at that point or is it still a setback?
Being TOO whitewashed can be a bad thing. Let me use myself as an example.

-I'm not a doctor or an IT guy

-all of my friends are white or black

-I grew up in a small town in the middle of America.

For me it's tough cause a lot of Indian girls don't like me (cause they want a surgeon) and other races think I'm a FOB engineer when they look at me.

I hope people don't spin this as me complaining I can't get white women cause honestly I don't care about white women.

I like Latinas which is why I'm going to South America soon.


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
"Assimilated" as opposed to what ?

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I like Latinas which is why I'm going to South America soon.
Don't bother, you complain about the "racism" against a whiny Indian dude like you in the US, you won't get a thing in South America where racism is a real thing. People there worship whiteness and Indians are very dark, you won't get hot girls there at all because of your brown skin and I mean that. People there are not shy about their racism either and are very proud of their European heritage to even consider touching a darkie like you.

If you think the blonde man worship is bad in the US, it is going to be way worse in South America.

I say just tell your parents to get you an arranged marriage, you aren't made to succeed with women of any kind.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Don't bother, you complain about the "racism" against a whiny Indian dude like you in the US, you won't get a thing in South America where racism is a real thing. People there worship whiteness and Indians are very dark, you won't get hot girls there at all because of your brown skin and I mean that. People there are not shy about their racism either and are very proud of their European heritage to even consider touching a darkie like you.

If you think the blonde man worship is bad in the US, it is going to be way worse in South America.

I say just tell your parents to get you an arranged marriage, you aren't made to succeed with women of any kind.
lol you're so wrong. Girls down there love dark skinned guys. Just go to Brazil. Here in America there's a stigma but in South America it doesn't exist cause they don't know any better.

We will see. It cannot be worse than Cali lol I'll take my chances.


Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Plenty have been here for generations, same with Canada, go outside more.
Small minority. I never claimed that was the case for all of them. Go learn how to read more.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
lol you're so wrong. Girls down there love dark skinned guys. Just go to Brazil. Here in America there's a stigma but in South America it doesn't exist cause they don't know any better.

We will see. It cannot be worse than Cali lol I'll take my chances.
Where did you hear this? Brazilian women are suckers for blonde haired men and the only dark skinned guys they might like are African Americans because of media image. I promise you that you won't get hot girls in Brazil, you're clearly delusional.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
Why so many threads about race, this is nothing you can fix. I will say this though, the indian accent is a huge turnoff for any sex/race listening to it. I would do my best to learn propper american english if living in the states

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Why so many threads about race, this is nothing you can fix. I will say this though, the indian accent is a huge turnoff for any sex/race listening to it. I would do my best to learn propper american english if living in the states
I am going to assume you come from a good place with your post.

While you cannot change your racial appearance, you can do a lot to maximize your results from it.

For example, as an Asian Canadian guy who exclusively goes for white girls I avoid Toronto and Vancouver because white women there have major hang ups about going for Asian men even if we are objectively high value, they would rather pick a lower value white guy. Due to this, I spend a lot of time in Montreal where a well put together Asian guy can get hot white girls.

Similarly in the US, I avoid states like California where white women are very anti-ethnic but go for a state like Florida where I can play up my exotic appeal and get hot girls.

On top of that it also helps to know what kinds of girls would be open to going for me and what kinds won't be but I can get hot blondes as an Asian man if I am in the right area.

In b4 "bruh why u only goes fors dem white women mayne"

In b4 "moving for p-ssy? Man that's a ***** move"


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2017
Reaction score
It depends on how assimilated he is in the western culture. My generation has parents who immigrated at really young ages (8-10 years old) so they were pretty modernized.

I live in a diverse community, and racism isn't that bad in Canada and Toronto areas, but I'm not saying it's not present at all. If you're still stuck with the cultural norms then you're gonna have little luck.

If you're more "white-washed" as its termed, you're more likely to score with women since you're something "different" while not being weird.

In my opinion it depends on the guys geological location and how westernized he is. I see it as a double edged sword, you either score big or small


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
No and yes. You'll get better access to white women but remember that most people prefer to date within their race and you'll still get the scraps that white men do not want. Plus, this kind of kills your game with your own race which is most willing to date you. A white washed Asian girl will go for white guys sondont even try on them lol.