Let's talk about these so called warrior genes first, let's find out who the real warriors are, and how whites have behaved in times past. WHITES are the truly the sickest and most depraved and sadistic people, but they like projecting their sickness on to other races esp blacks. The real PROBLEM is that MOST blacks are unaware of just how sick and demented white people TRULY are and yes this includes YOU brother Tenacity.
During The jim crow and civil rights era, they became merchants of the macabre as they cut up the victims bodies into parts for resale as, souvenirs, mementos, and mantle pieces. Black victims had hearts, lips, ears, fingers, spleen, liver, lungs, intestines, penis, hands, heads, scrotum and all other body parts and even the Black fetus was not spared. A poor Black pregnant woman Mary Turner in Georgia, had her unborn child cut from her womb as she burned at the stake. While she was inflamed a white man stepped from the crowd, slit her stomach with his pocket knife, and when the fetus fell to the ground, he stomped it and said "One less niigger". Thousands of curbside spectators slapped their knees as they laughed in amusement. Mary's crime: She had disputed the word of a white man that falsely accused her husband of murdering a white man in a dispute over money owed him by the white man. A shoot out ensued. The white man died in what otherwise was a fair fight. For her protest after they lynched her husband before her eyes, they tied her to a tree, poured gas on her, oil and set her on fire. After she writhed silently in the flames in defiance of the "mad and hungry dogs", she was doused a second time as white children danced and chanted in song and rhyme. In the terms of property damage.
Whole city blocks in Black communities have been burned to the ground and many Black property owners had to abandon their homes while running for dear life, with only the cloths on their backs, if they were lucky enough to live through home invasions, hails of bullets, and fire bombs during the initial attack. Many of the aftermaths resemble ground zero of a nuclear blast. In the Tulsa riot, you could see from one end of the Black business district, and see clear to the opposite side without the obstruction of your view by any physical objects. The land was totally leveled for 3 miles through Black Tulsa.
Tenacity was cool as long as he was taking about black on black crime, but soon as he started talking about whites, everyone's true colors begin to show and that's because white supremacy never went away.