Man, I know I ****ed up things that day. That's what I am trying to fix right now...
Speaking about being needy. agree. I am working on it. reading many books (david d, mistery, the rational male etc). So really trying to improve.
Let me ask you a question......
Do you know what
basic training is? When a person joins the army/the military,they go through a process called basic training.
It's where they learn how to fight,how to survive....they get pushed to their mental and physical limits. The whole purpose of it is to prepare them for BATTLE.
You get basic training FIRST.....
then you get sent off into battle AFTERWARDS.'re trying to do both at THE SAME TIME. You say you're reading books and trying to work on your neediness,but you're out on the battle field in the dating arena at the
SAME TIME. You're trying to learn the basics,while being shot at and having bombs go off all around you at the same time.
That's why you got this situation here with this girl. This mess YOU CREATED,all it lets me know is even though you've been reading all these different books,they haven't helped you enough yet. Either that,or you're not following the information that's in them.
You would have been better off taking some time to yourself to read and work on yourself first for a while,then trying to date.
I am not saying romantic relationship. I should better use "Interaction". Just didn't use the right word.
Well it's too late now. You used the word you used,and she got the impression she got. You can't go back to her and go,"Oh,I didn't mean that word,I mean this other one instead". Too late now,what's done is done.
As I said earlier I am really working on fixing my neediness. That's why I am asking your opinion on the situation, because being needy I may not make correct decisions.
Well that's least you recognize that. Only problem is,you can't run to us everytime there's a decision to be made.
I mean what are you going to out on a date with this girl,she asks you a question,then you be like,"Excuse me,I need to go to the bathroom for a second".....then you to the bathroom,get in a stall,pull out your phone,get on the internet,log in here,then ask us what your response should be? You see what I'm saying?
Sooner or later,you're going to have to make your own decisions,and if you haven't read enough of your books and learned enough,
WILL MAKE the wrong decision.
but consider that may intention is to win her (I know I have to fix my neediness first and I will)
I know your IMMEDIATE goal is to win this chick....we know that. I just want you to know that,even if we were to say to you "do A,B,and C".....and you did it,and you DID get the girl.....if you did "A,B,and C"
WITHOUT FIXING YOUR NEEDINESS,in a week or two,you'd lose her all over'd be right back where you started. You have to GET that.
It's YOUR NEEDINESS that's causing all this. So it doesn't matter what "trick" someone here comes up with. Even if you got her back short term,you being needy would just drive her away again.
It'd be like a car having a bad battery. Your car won't start,so someone gives you a boost. Yeah...the car is running now,you can go anywhere you want to go,but you didn't fix the still have the bad battery. As soon as you turn the car off and try to start it back up again,'re right back at square one.
So do I have a chance to fix the situation with her ?
Hmm. Well i don't want to say "no". It kinda depends. If the girl has some interest....ANY interest,you MIGHT be able to turn it around....but you'd have to re-do
EVERYTHING you've been doing...I mean 100% the complete opposite. And that's gonna be a problem for you,cause your "needy" mind is driving you to do all the wrong things.
There's has to be SOME TYPE of interest on her part. Even if it's just a little. If she has zero interest,you might as well just drop the whole thing.
How do I act further ? do I initiate a contact or wait for her ?
This is too much to explain.Check this out here....
Five simple steps. It can produce results. Only problem is,you being needy will most likely destroy any progress you make.