No. I think there is just a profound lack of eligible men around. Many are too soft, skinny-fat, needy, overly-romantic, irresponsible with their investment, emotionally unstable and entitled; all the things they shouldn't be in evolutionary terms. To an extent, the world of women are just reacting to that.
Just take the nature of your question as a perfect example; it has an undercurrent of slut-shaming, and promoting a romantic ideology of monogamy.
Women are still putty in the hands of strong men as and when they meet them.
A few minor changes can make all the difference; for example, my flatmate is a raging vegan feminist with a self-righteous attitude towards almost everything. That being said, I've probably converted 5kg of body fat to muscle bulk in the last 3 months, and got a good base tan going for start of summer. Cue the marked change in her attitude towards me; which has gone from indifference to borderline flirtatious, actually asking me out for a drink herself the other night.
Take another, who I know through mutual friends via FB; a solid 9/10, self-made wealth, drives (her own) supercars etc. She has an absolute army of orbiters on FB, yet it's me she seems to 'follow' on FB, commenting on things just after I have, responding to my comment, because I never once reacted to her any differently than I would the next person.
For guys with the right attitude towards life, the market is just the same as it always was.
A man's personal success is less about 'the entire population of men/women', and far more about himself as an individual. It's not about people desiring him, it's about him being desirable.