Wonder (Mexican) Woman

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Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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Males have always been fans of the fantasy, scifi, and superhero genres. They've been trying to broaden the appeal for females for awhile now, with some success. I don't see that as being all that sinister.

There's some devious sh!t going on, but I'm not sure this is a good example of it. This is just about going where the money is. China didn't have the economy before to support a lot of movie goers. Now they do, so of course we're going to want to profit from it.
Well no problem with that... I only hope its not '' JUST THAT ''

I used to read books with alot of female heroine... good stuff (even if wrote by a man), some of my favorite movie/book are heroine focus (Rogue One was the best startwars ever even if it lack the jedi/sith greek drama), Mists of Avalon...

China wants to appeal moviegoers so it hires ''western'' stars etc...

There are some Sci-fi that predict ''Female only'' space world.... one day all men will be enslaved and kept only for sexual reproduction ;)

More reason to be a ''DJ'' and a Alpha.

Btw... i am gonna go see that movie aka WonderWoman tonight


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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There are white mexicans. I know quite a few. They are desended from the Spanish instead of the native mexicans.
I've seen a couple of ''green eyed white mexican'' too... they hot


Oct 20, 2006
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Man, I always have so many typos and grammatical mistakes in my posts when I type up stuff so quickly.

Anyway, that likely won't happen for another 2-3 decades. You'll be 70 or 80. And it's not exactly true that the government doesn't create money. They can and do through the Fed and Treasury. The Fed creates/destroys billions everyday.
Wait, you think printing money is the same as increasing wealth??

Increasing the money supply is called inflation. If they double the amount of dollars (for example, by printing $15 Trillion in 2008 to give out to their friends, doubling the US money supply), that causes prices to double (for example, our rent went from $750 to $1500 for the same crappy 2 bedroom apartment).

If you or I printed money we would be arrested and charged with the Felony of Counterfeiting and locked up. Because that brings everyone else's prices up.

When Bernanke and Yellen do it, you call it Sound Monetary Policy. They print Trillions and us it to fund endless wars. See how many wars we'd have if we used Gold for money and they had to do a fundraiser to have a war.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Wait, you think printing money is the same as increasing wealth??

Increasing the money supply is called inflation. If they double the amount of dollars (for example, by printing $15 Trillion in 2008 to give out to their friends, doubling the US money supply), that causes prices to double (for example, our rent went from $750 to $1500 for the same crappy 2 bedroom apartment).

If you or I printed money we would be arrested and charged with the Felony of Counterfeiting and locked up. Because that brings everyone else's prices up.

When Bernanke and Yellen do it, you call it Sound Monetary Policy. They print Trillions and us it to fund endless wars. See how many wars we'd have if we used Gold for money and they had to do a fundraiser to have a war.
All I simply said is that the government can and does create money because you said they couldn't.

The money supply/inflation thing is a whole separate topic.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Gold for money and they had to do a fundraiser to have a war.
Also, I just read this.

Yes, I agree, I hate the endless wars, and the wars are a form of corporate welfare. The military industrial complex lives off welfare.

However, a gold standard is not possible or desirable at this point.
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Oct 20, 2006
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Also, I just read this.

Yes, I agree, I hate the endless wars, and the wars are a form of corporate welfare. The military industrial complex lives off welfare.

However, a gold standard is not possible or desirable at this point.
So you're saying we MUST have a privately owned cabal of legal counterfeiters who run the country for their own personal profit, called the Federal Reserve? No wonder you want to take the guns.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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So you're saying we MUST have a privately owned cabal of legal counterfeiters who run the country for their own personal profit, called the Federal Reserve? No wonder you want to take the guns.
Neil, you are misinformed on how the Fed actually works. The money isn't counterfeit. Also, I said nothing about guns.
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Oct 20, 2006
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If you have a point, state it, don't send me some link that Jewish, bankster-owned Google provided in your first search. Authors provide references to the information they paraphrase, they don't just send the reference.

And why do you need to do a search to debate me on this? I'm speaking from knowledge, not click bait. You're quoting one of the Federal Reserve owned banks on their myths??

Creating inflation is a form of theft that hurts people living on a fixed income. It causes artificial inflation rates and encourages malinvestment.

It allows the welfare warfare state to persist, and allows a country where 45% of the people work and pay 55% of the rest who don't work MORE THAN THEY MAKE - hence the Budget Deficit and $20 Trillion National Debt.

This is not sustainable. It will lead to hyperinflation and a collapse of the US Dollar.

Banking Simplified
  • Per supply and demand laws, if lots of people have savings, the bank has a lot of money (supply high) so interest rates are lower. It's also a good time to borrow because more people have money to buy your product.
  • Per supply and demand laws, if few people have savings, the bank has little money (supply low) so interest rates are higher. It's also a bad time to invest because less people have money to buy your product.
  • But then the Fed comes in, pretending to prevent boom and bust cycles but actually causing them by creating artificially low interest rates by printing paper money.

You live on an island that has on average 10 apples per day (trees provide more). And there are 10 people. Everyone pays $1 per apple. But one person has a printing press and prints $5, buying 5 apples. Now there are only 5 apples left, but you still have 10 people, so apples now cost $2.

applegoo is saying "let that guy have 5 apples, it's for the best".
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
If you have a point, state it, don't send me some link that Jewish, bankster-owned Google provided in your first search. Authors provide references to the information they paraphrase, they don't just send the reference.

And why do you need to do a search to debate me on this? I'm speaking from knowledge, not click bait. You're quoting one of the Federal Reserve owned banks on their myths??

Creating inflation is a form of theft that hurts people living on a fixed income. It causes artificial inflation rates and encourages malinvestment.

It allows the welfare warfare state to persist, and allows a country where 45% of the people work and pay 55% of the rest who don't work MORE THAN THEY MAKE - hence the Budget Deficit and $20 Trillion National Debt.

This is not sustainable. It will lead to hyperinflation and a collapse of the US Dollar.

Banking Simplified
  • Per supply and demand laws, if lots of people have savings, the bank has a lot of money (supply high) so interest rates are lower. It's also a good time to borrow because more people have money to buy your product.
  • Per supply and demand laws, if few people have savings, the bank has little money (supply low) so interest rates are higher. It's also a bad time to invest because less people have money to buy your product.
  • But then the Fed comes in, pretending to prevent boom and bust cycles but actually causing them by creating artificially low interest rates by printing paper money.

You live on an island that has on average 10 apples per day (trees provide more). And there are 10 people. Everyone pays $1 per apple. But one person has a printing press and prints $5, buying 5 apples. Now there are only 5 apples left, but you still have 10 people, so apples now cost $2.

applegoo is saying "let that guy have 5 apples, it's for the best".

Neil, I was linking you to a source that has this stuff organized in a nice point by point basis when it comes to the Fed.

Now, Stephan Molyneux is a very intelligent man, but his economic views are very misguided.

You need some inflation for growth. Modern, developed nations tend to have a target of 2%, which is considered a healthy middle ground.

Also, there was plenty of war even when there was a gold standard, including the world wars. This not a good argument.

Gold was used as money in the past because it was rare and not everyone could create their own coins and was hard to fake. Just because it was used in the past, it does not mean it needs to be money today. Currently, only the U.S. Mint can create tender, and it is extremely difficult to fake. Doesn't corrode, similar to gold.

The gold standard was part of the reason for the great depression. Many countries had to abandon the gold standard in order to get themselves out of the depression. It was not a jewish banker conspiracy. Even here in the US, the devaluing of the dollar, believe it or not, was one of the primary reasons that the great depression ended (the dollar still devalued even with the gold standard in place). If you are interested to read more about this, check this:

Plausible estimates of the effects of fiscal and monetary changes indicate that nearly all the observed recovery of the U.S. economy prior to 1942 was due to monetary expansion. A huge gold inflow in the mid- and late 1930s swelled the money stock and stimulated the economy by lowering real interest rates and encouraging investment spending and purchases of durable goods. That monetary developments were crucial to the recovery implies that self-correction played little role in the growth of real output between 1933 and 1942.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
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Neil, you are misinformed on how the Fed actually works. The money isn't counterfeit. Also, I said nothing about guns.
Actually, it is you who is woefully misinformed. This is a corrupt organization that has no legitimacy. This is a corrupt organization that is run by foreigners. Why in the world would any foreigners be involved in the printing and management of our money supply?


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Neil, I was linking you to a source that has this stuff organized in a nice point by point basis when it comes to the Fed.

Now, Stephan Molyneux is a very intelligent man, but his economic views are very misguided.

You need some inflation for growth. Modern, developed nations tend to have a target of 2%, which is considered a healthy middle ground.

Also, there was plenty of war even when there was a gold standard, including the world wars. This not a good argument.

Gold was used as money in the past because it was rare and not everyone could create their own coins and was hard to fake. Just because it was used in the past, it does not mean it needs to be money today. Currently, only the U.S. Mint can create tender, and it is extremely difficult to fake. Doesn't corrode, similar to gold.

The gold standard was part of the reason for the great depression. Many countries had to abandon the gold standard in order to get themselves out of the depression. It was not a jewish banker conspiracy. Even here in the US, the devaluing of the dollar, believe it or not, was one of the primary reasons that the great depression ended (the dollar still devalued even with the gold standard in place). If you are interested to read more about this, check this:
Again, misinformed. The depression was largely created by the government, the federal reserve in particular. This also spawned the great society programs, which still plague us to this day and will haunt us until our elected officials have the balls to fix the problem, instead of pandering to voters who have no skin in the game.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Actually, it is you who is woefully misinformed. This is a corrupt organization that has no legitimacy. This is a corrupt organization that is run by foreigners. Why in the world would any foreigners be involved in the printing and management of our money supply?
Wrong. It is not run by foreigners. It is not an organization with no legitimacy. This is so wrong, I don't know what to say. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the Federal Reserve. And no, the nonsense of most the congressman not being there to vote is not true.

Did the federal reserve play a role in the great depression? Yes. Milton Friedman did a good job explaining how (he is a libertarian, nobel prize winning economist). Did they make mistakes, yes. Did the gold standard play a role? Yes. The adherence to the gold standard prevented the Fed from expanding the money supply enough to stimulate the economy, prevented the fed from pumping up insolvent banks, and to fund government deficits. The gold standard limited their ability to deal with the crisis.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Lol, funny comment on reddit I saw today

A reminder that Infowars has, in the past, claimed the following:

Infowars has claimed the following things:

  • 9/11 was an inside job. The CIA controlled the jets with remote control. Also Israel was involved.
  • Sandy Hook was a hoax. The grieving parents were lying because the government paid them to.
  • The 2012 Colorado theater shooting was staged by the government.
  • The Boston marathon bombing was was a false flag by the government.
  • The Madrid bombing was staged as a false flag.
  • The BP oil spill in 2010 was staged by the government.
  • Operation Jade Helm was the military planning to conquer the United States.
  • The 2015 San Bernardino shooting was staged by the government.
  • They literally had this headline: "Every Single Terrorist Attack in US Was a False Flag Attack."
  • The OKC bombing was an inside job.
  • The government is planning a fake alien invasion to usher in world government.
  • Anton Scalia was murdered by the Illuminati.
  • Democrats use pizza parlors to operate a worldwide network of child slavery and rape.
  • Actual headline: "NWO Opening Thousands of Portals to Ancient Demons: Temple of Baal Arches will be put in multiple large cities around the world."
  • The government is using FEMA camps as concentration and extermination camps.
  • Actual headline: "Feminism is Designed to End Humanity: Modern feminism exposed as tool of elite."
  • Another actual headline: "Real Women Don't Need Feminism."
  • Obama was caught running ISIS.
  • Obama brought ebola to the US to benefit the government.
  • The government is slowly poisoning everyone in America as part of the a "slow kill holocaust."
  • Hurricane Sandy may have been created by the government using weather modification technology.
  • Obama is gay.
  • The government is turning the frogs gay with chemicals.
  • Michelle Obama is transgender.
  • Beyonce is using secret CIA mind control techniques to brainwash America.
  • Eminem is part of the Illuminati's transhumanist agenda.
  • Cartoon Network's Adult Swim is propaganda from the Illuminati.
  • Kim Kardashian's baby was named after the Illuminati.
  • Katy Perry has admitted to selling her soul to Satan and used the Superbowl halftime show to advance Satan's agenda.
  • Prince was murdered by the Illuminati.
  • Lady Gaga's Superbowl halftime show was a Satanic ritual.
If you are not interested in being informed, continue receiving your information from places like that.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Wait, you are switching from providing an argument to dismissing evidence from my sources??


1600 - Rothschilds take over banking via Fiat Currency (printing paper money not backed by gold)
circa 1870 - They change the family name to Rockefeller to not sound Jewish
circa 1875 - John Rockefeller takes over oil (it was an ugly battle)
1913 - Rockefeller Trust buys Harvard - it becomes Allopathic (chemical - ie Oil based) only
1913 - Rockefeller Trust buys Yale - it becomes Allopathic only (no naturopathy, no chiropractic, etc)
1913 - Rockefeller Trust creates Federal Reserve Bank on Jeckyl Island (during Christmas break)
1913 - American Medical Association created to enforce standards set by Harvard and Yale professors, and we start worshipping doctors and calling people who made you healthy quacks.
1914 - World War 1 (something that can ONLY happen with some central bank that will profit from both sides)
1917 - Espionage Act (no free speech)
1920 - Depression that we never heard of because we let the free market correct itself
1929 - Great Depression - when we let the Fed handle it (after saying they would prevent booms and busts, they created a boom then a bust, then said it was essential they handle it, and AppleGoo Senior Senior defended that notion)
1933 - Last of Gold money
1933 - The New Deal
1933 - End of Alcohol Prohibition
1933 - Reefer Madness published - DEA switched from restricting alcohol to weed
1933 - The Cocaine Fiends - DEA conveniently demonized that via same propaganda film company - note that (high quality) weed and coke are the safest drugs, much safer than pharmaceuticals and vaccines
1935 - Petrochemicals used in World War 1 now used on crops, causing increase in crazy people. We start prescribing oil based pharmaceuticals to "treat" them for "manic depression".
1938 - US starts getting into World War 2
1941 - Bogus Pearl Harbor event (we knew they were coming but wanted excuse to go to war because the same bank profited on both sides)

applegoo, where do you work? For Baybank?

I have watched this (now 20 years old - it predicted the Dot Com and Housing crashes) TEN times - please watch this before commenting.

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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Wait, you are switching from providing an argument to dismissing evidence from my sources??


1913 - Rockefeller Trust buys Harvard - it becomes Allopathic (chemical - ie Oil based) only
1913 - Rockefeller Trust buys Yale - it becomes Allopathic only (no naturopathy, no chiropractic, etc)
1913 - Rockefeller Trust creates Federal Reserve Bank on Jeckyl Island (during Christmas break)
1914 - World War 1 (something that can ONLY happen with some central bank that will profit from both sides)
1917 - Espionage Act (no free speech)
1920 - Depression that we never heard of because we let the free market correct itself
1929 - Great Depression - when we let the Fed handle it (after saying they would prevent booms and busts, they created a boom then a bust, then said it was essential they handle it, and AppleGoo Senior Senior defended that notion)
1933 - Last of Gold money
1933 - The New Deal
1933 - End of Alcohol Prohibition
1933 - Reefer Madness published - DEA switched from restricting alcohol to weed
1933 - The Cocaine Fiends - DEA conveniently demonized that via same propaganda film company - note that (high quality) weed and coke are the safest drugs, much safer than pharmaceuticals and vaccines
1938 - US starts getting into World War 2
1941 - Bogus Pearl Harbor event (we knew they were coming but wanted excuse to go to war because the same bank profited on both sides)

applegoo, where do you work? For Baybank?
Neil, I don't understand what you are getting at. Can you please elaborate?

I am a full stack developer and run two online sale businesses on the side of my main job. I don't work for a bank.
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