America first


Oct 20, 2006
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By backing the United States out of Obama's bogus Paris Climate treaty (as Paris welcomes refugee rapists) Trump just stuck a knife it the heart of the globalists who wanted to remove 86% of US Coal jobs and hand them to India and China.

I've eaten organic for 21 years and some people will now try to tell me I don't care about the Earth.

F*ck you, globalists. Let's hear from you pieces of sh!t who pretend to hate Infowars when you really hate the United States (who you ask for a handout from).

The same people who say money doesn't mean anything will now say Trump hurt planet Earth.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
You didn't want to reduce pollution, you wanted to reduce America's economy. Alex Jones now thinks the globalists will assassinate Trump. Pray for Donald Trump. If anything happens to him, I vow to take out 10 globalists.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
I gave up on organic...I'm strictly robotic now...more iron!!!:p


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
If anything happens to him, I vow to take out 10 globalists.
Hope this is hyperbole. If Donald Trump is assassinated it will be the result of in house collusion & corruption. The Trump administration is well aware of the bad blood and tension present within the deep state and elite. If Trump falls there were be massive civil unrest and riots.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Coal is a dying industry. Solar already employs five times as many Americans as coal. Within ten years, the cost to produce solar power will be the same or lower than the cost of coal power. The days of coal are numbered, regardless of any politician's actions.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
Coal is a dying industry. Solar already employs five times as many Americans as coal. Within ten years, the cost to produce solar power will be the same or lower than the cost of coal power. The days of coal are numbered, regardless of any politician's actions.
Yes, but it still does not make the Paris treaty a good one for the US right now. And with the policies Obama followed, of course coal industry is dying and the solar one employs 5 times more. I mean, you got the president of a country strongly financing them...they will develop


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Agree with withdrawing from the Paris agreement.

As a side note, I don't believe that the globalists want to kill coal per se. They just want to drive the American coal industry into bankruptcy so that developing countries can buy our mines at pennies on the dollar. That's what I'm really concerned about.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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This is where Trump's business experience and moxy as a billionaire is of tremendous value.

He recognizes the money grab parading as do gooders for the environment as the shell sham that it attempt to redistribute American wealth elsewhere on Earth while shaming America and the freedom it stands for.

Like Neil I'm wholly organic in my diet and have been for 25 years. I appreciate and support through my purchases organic, fair trade, non GMO, tree hugger businesses. I'm teaching my children to eat this way too & teaching them that the dollars spent actually support a value system. It is an expensive lifestyle choice but one I am happy to provide my family.

But make no mistake, I am an Adam Smith capitalist and although a bit of a granola I'm a conservative granola. Tax policy is extremely important to me as is responsible stewardship of my tax dollars. This decision is responsible toward my tax dollars. I'm tired of seeing China get a pass when the pollution they are creating is a serious emerging public health & sanitation problem and it is poisoning the sea and the air, which of course circulate to other reaches of the globe.

That is where the environmental crowd should focus...if the environment was truly important to them...

Shhhhhhh. It isn't what's important to them. Don't tell anyone.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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My money's on the vampire squid. That motherfvcker always wins in the end.

It could be this is all kabuki theater. Trump backs out of Paris and people's eye's are off the ball (Goldman Sachs who benefits most from Paris, source).

Meanwhile Trump gains points, looks like a hero, (yay 'Merica). Meanwhile, Goldman's boy (Cohn, source) is next Fed head.

Goldman is the mastermind behind Paris, (see link) and All of Trump's advisers are Goldman folk. Trump's doing what he's told.




Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Pulling out of the Paris Agreement is a mistake. It's not a perfect agreement, but it was a good start. It wasn't a binding agreement and could have been worked into a better one over time.

1) Global warming is real. The science is clear on this. CO2 emissions are contributing to it. Something should be done. But, let me guess, the science guys are bought and paid for by the NWO.

I know paranoid Alex is always acts like it's the Globalists vs Patriots. He is very misguided. After WWII, the US created the current World Order in order to secure US hegemony and to push our economic and political ideas on the rest of the world. Part of the reason for this was the threat of communism. The US saw the spread of communism to Europe as a major threat to free trade and capitalism. If most of the world went communist, the US economy would surely suffer, as capitalism needs trade across the globe to truly thrive. Europe was in shambles following WWII, and the US believed Europe could have gone communist, which is why you had things such as the Marshall Plan to rebuild Western Europe.

Following WWII, these newly global institutions helped push the US's economic and political agenda abroad.

There weren't globalists behind the scenes installing puppets into the US government trying to get us to join these institutions to destroy America. It just isn't true.

One of the reasons for American decline is corporatism: money in politics causing our representatives to represent the interests of the very rich. This was not caused by the so-called "Globalists." When politicians learned they could raise more from the rich and big corporations, things began to change. Instead of representing the American worker, they began to represent the global corporations that wanted to continually increase their profits at the expense of the American middle class.

Also, when you have other countries adopting some our economic and political ideals, them becoming more prosperous is only a natural consequences. This is not because of globalists and evil NWO boogeyman keeping America down.

2) The green energy market is going to be one of the next economical booms. Instead of us taking the lead on the world stage when it comes to green energy and renewables, China will. And they will get to write the rules in subsequent agreements and their economy will benefit greatly from it:

Whether or not you believe in global warming, the world is going to move toward green energy, and we should take the lead on this on the international stage for the economic benefits alone. It's always best to go to where the puck is going.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Agree with withdrawing from the Paris agreement.

As a side note, I don't believe that the globalists want to kill coal per se. They just want to drive the American coal industry into bankruptcy so that developing countries can buy our mines at pennies on the dollar. That's what I'm really concerned about.

Oh my god...something needs to be done about Alex Jones. He is fvcking up the country with his paranoid bullsh1t. I used to watch him from time to time for entertainment on youtube when I was bored, but people are actually taking him seriously. Fvcking Roger Stone goes on his show all the time cause he knows how gullible the average infowars viewer is and knew he could get them to rally around Trump. Roger Stone, while he is an actual libertarian, actually doesn't believe all that NWO/Globalist garbage. He is just doing what he needs to do to keep Trump's base together.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Oh my god...something needs to be done about Alex Jones. He is fvcking up the country with his paranoid bullsh1t. I used to watch him from time to time for entertainment on youtube when I was bored, but people are actually taking him seriously. Fvcking Roger Stone goes on his show all the time cause he knows how gullible the average infowars viewer is and knew he could get them to rally around Trump. Roger Stone, while he is an actual libertarian, actually doesn't believe all that NWO/Globalist garbage. He is just doing what he needs to do to keep Trump's base together.
The thing about the coal mines is my own theory; it's not from any website. I didn't say anything about AJ.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Pulling out of the Paris Agreement is a mistake. It's not a perfect agreement, but it was a good start. It wasn't a binding agreement and could have been worked into a better one over time.

If it is so good, what is the point of a non-binding agreement? What if we keep up our end of it and other countries don't?

1) Global warming is real. The science is clear on this. CO2 emissions are contributing to it. Something should be done. But, let me guess, the science guys are bought and paid for by the NWO.

I'm not a global warming denier. We are cutting our CO2 already by using more natural gas. To make huge cuts in carbon, we should consider more nuclear.

My concern is not all of those behind doing away with American coal are motivated by CO2 reduction. Other countries might seek to purchase this US resource if the price collapses.

I know paranoid Alex is always acts like it's the Globalists vs Patriots. He is very misguided. After WWII, the US created the current World Order in order to secure US hegemony and to push our economic and political ideas on the rest of the world. Part of the reason for this was the threat of communism. The US saw the spread of communism to Europe as a major threat to free trade and capitalism. If most of the world went communist, the US economy would surely suffer, as capitalism needs trade across the globe to truly thrive. Europe was in shambles following WWII, and the US believed Europe could have gone communist, which is why you had things such as the Marshall Plan to rebuild Western Europe.

Following WWII, these newly global institutions helped push the US's economic and political agenda abroad.

There weren't globalists behind the scenes installing puppets into the US government trying to get us to join these institutions to destroy America. It just isn't true.

One of the reasons for American decline is corporatism: money in politics causing our representatives to represent the interests of the very rich. This was not caused by the so-called "Globalists." When politicians learned they could raise more from the rich and big corporations, things began to change. Instead of representing the American worker, they began to represent the global corporations that wanted to continually increase their profits at the expense of the American middle class.

Also, when you have other countries adopting some our economic and political ideals, them becoming more prosperous is only a natural consequences. This is not because of globalists and evil NWO boogeyman keeping America down.

The globalists of the past are very different from the globalists of today. Today, the globalist and corporatist are really two sides of the same coin. It's about global corporations screwing the American worker.

2) The green energy market is going to be one of the next economical booms. Instead of us taking the lead on the world stage when it comes to green energy and renewables, China will. And they will get to write the rules in subsequent agreements and their economy will benefit greatly from it:

Whether or not you believe in global warming, the world is going to move toward green energy, and we should take the lead on this on the international stage for the economic benefits alone. It's always best to go to where the puck is going.
Solar doesn't run at night. Unless there is a huge breakthrough in energy storage, we still need baseload* plants.

*A baseload plant has a capacity factor** of about 60 percent to 100 percent. Most baseload facilities are natural gas, coal, nuclear, or geothermal.

**Capacity factor is the ratio of the actual electrical energy a plant generates in a year to the amount it would generate if it ran at 100 percent output for the whole year.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
The thing about the coal mines is my own theory; it's not from any website. I didn't say anything about AJ.
The agreement is non-binding. Each nation gets to set its own targets. There is nothing in the agreement prevents us from building new coal plants or anything that promotes China & India building more coal plants. In fact, China announced the cancellation of over 100 coal plants very recently and are investing very heavily into new green energy technology & research. If this trend continues, they will be the ones selling green technology of the future across the globe.

@Danger, read my previous post in this thread. This isn't really something we should whiff on. By backing out, we are opening the door for China to take the lead on this issue and write the rules in subsequent agreements. The paris agreement was simply a small step in the right direction. It was never intended as the final piece.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
If each nation sets its own targets and its all non binding, then it sounds like we lost nothing at all.

So why all the concern?

And can you share the agreement or document? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
We lost respect and our leadership role on the international stage when it comes to this, and we left the door open for China to take the lead on an inevitable economic boom.

Because of the agreement, China pledged that it will cut its carbon emissions by 60-65% per unit of GDP below 2005 levels by 2030. India will reduce between 33-35% below 2005 levels. Will they for sure meet these targets, no. But they are actively trying and it's a step in the right direction.

China & India are still part of this agreement.

Believe this is a PDF of the agreement in English.
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Feb 1, 2015
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
...In fact, China announced the cancellation of over 100 coal plants very recently and are investing very heavily into new green energy technology & research. If this trend continues, they will be the ones selling green technology of the future across the globe.
I'm sorry, that is false. China is exempt and will be till 2030 with meeting its emission goals. But quite frankly, they are more concerned with maintaining their economic growth.
pg.15 pdf paragraph 2

I really like to see the source with that move towards green energy on China's part.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sorry, that is false. China is exempt and will be till 2030 with meeting its emission goals. But quite frankly, they are more concerned with maintaining their economic growth.
pg.15 pdf paragraph 2

I really like to see the source with that move towards green energy on China's part.
Actually, they've already begun and are ahead of schedule.

If you go through my post history, I posted a link in another thread about all the investment China is doing abroad in green technology. Don't feel like finding it.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Additionally if you read pages 9 and 13 you see that we are obligated to provide financial support to lesser developed natioms and to share technologies.

So basically we raise the cost of our products, destroy our economic base, and then give away the newer technologies we have invested in.

Trump was right, this is a terrible deal for us.
Drop in the bucket compared to what China is investing on their own overseas because they want to buy allegiances so that they can sell their green technology abroad.

Danger, the point of the investment to lesser developing nations (which is actually a very small amount of money, less than 1% of our budget) is that developing nations tend to use dirtier forms of energy while developing, and this is to encourage them to use greener forms during their development. They would have likely used that money to buy green energy technology from American companies.

Green energy boom is going to kind of be like the internet boom. Lots of new jobs will and are being created. The world is moving that direction. We need to take the lead on the international stage, like we did with the internet. Let's not let China and the Chinese companies get most the benefit.

Speaking in Beijing at the inaugural Belt and Road Forum, a gathering of 130 nations with which China hopes to build a massive trade network, Xi called finance “the lifeblood of modern economy” and pledged to spend $900 billion on infrastructure abroad.

“We propose the establishment of an international coalition for green development on the Belt and Road, and we will provide support to related countries in adapting to climate change,” Xi said at the conference, which drew 29 heads of state and established what CNN called the makings of “China’s new world order.” The full text of his keynote speech was published in English by the government-run propaganda newspaper Global Times.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Where are you getting your china numbers?

I thought the point was to end climate change and that we were at the tipping point?

If we are at the tipping point, how can we let massive economies pollute on such a scale as India and China are allowed to per this agreement?
Edited my post you quoted, check the quote/link as far as China's investing abroad

As far as China/India and their emissions, check this:
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