this is flat out not true, at least coming from my point of view. Women don't care about receiving intimacy...they care about wanting intimacy.
This is exactly why I am pointing this out. There are things about women that many men do not understand, and this is one of them. It is ABSOLUTELY true that women crave connection/bonding/intimacy, (whatever term you want to use) if you marry a woman that is worth marriage. In fact older men tell me all the time that they seek this as well...its just tough to find a woman WORTH taking the risk. A woman cannot support a man's aspirations if he never reveals what they are. A good woman is a good partner. You can't have a good or even great partner if you do not reveal who you are and what you are about. A good woman will not turn on you if you reveal your weaknesses. In fact she will appreciate the GUTS and STRENGTH it takes to reveal yourself.
This is one of the things some guys here do not seem to get at all.
Vulnerability in a man is from a position of strength. You are choosing to be vulnerable despite the fact that someone could use it against you. You are choosing to trust the other person. Pick a woman you can trust. Don't know how to do that? Get some more life experience and/or don't get married. You don't have to. It's not required.
But if you look at life all of society functions based on trust agreements. Ever flown on an airplane? Were you the pilot? Why did you trust a man (or woman EEK!) you don't even know and who might be having a bad day with your life? Because it's an implied trust, that's why.
In the same vein when you start dating a new person a wise person (an emotionally mature person) leaves whatever baggage from prior relationships behind and extends trust to the other person. You are setting yourself up for failure if you go into every relationship with these AWALT ideas. You bias and predispose the relationship and poison it. Now I am a big believer in "Trust, but verify" a la Ronald Regan (who had an amazing marriage with his second wife, Nancy, by the way) and was as alpha as they come. If you are THAT concerned about divorce, don't get married! Problem solved.
There are many myopic things in this thread. I agree completely with
@Mike32ct that this thread from the OP is about marriage. It is NOT about dating casually. Marriage is a serious commitment for both the man and the woman.
I've said before a woman's primary need is for intimacy. Her sexual response derives from that sense of chemistry, closeness, connection etc.
Women are VERY different from men in this regard. Women pick up cues all day long from her mate's behavior. If his behavior is closed off, guarded (which many of you here are, and for very rational reasons), then she will feel his cues as being guarded and closed off TO HER. Over time this builds resentment. This is a barrier to intimacy and over time will create a barrier to her sexual response to her husband. There are lots of resources about this phenomena. Educate yourself. Read some.
Now some women are just plain old lazy. Don't reward such women with marriage for crying out loud. Back to vetting properly.
When you are married you must consider the needs of your partner for the marriage to succeed and flourish. That's the deal. You don't like that? You are afraid of that? No problem. Do not get married. Simple. Marriage is different than being single, it's different than dating.
what do you need a woman for?
Well children for one thing if you ever expect to have offspring, descendants, heirs, etc.
Biology is still biology and you are going to need a woman to accomplish the bearing of children. Now you may not want any. You may not want any
yet. But I know of men who wish they had become fathers as they age. I know a 55 year old multimillionaire in the energy industry. He was a professional hockey player, and by his own accounts a player with women too. He has explained to me in great detail how he regrets never becoming a dad. I said, well you know, you still could if you found a younger lady, and his response was interesting. He said that he felt that at his age and facing 2 knee replacements in the near term due to the abuse from the hockey, that he wasn't interested in fatherhood and parenting and all it's demands. But he is envious of his friends who have their sons and daughters and families and grand kids surrounding them and adding meaning to their lives.
The woman you choose to bear YOUR children is in my estimation one of the most important choices a man makes in his life. Choose wisely. Vet thoroughly. Screen, screen and then screen some more. If she does not pass your need to pass on her. Period, end of story. If I were a betting person I would bet that most of the men here who are really angry about women do not screen well (or did not screen well), and also that they choose/chose to overlook or ignore signs of characteristics they do not want in a woman in favor of hotness or crazy sex or etc. There is a red pill blogger by the last name of Ironwood who discusses in great detail how to vet for a WIFE. Google him. I will be disclosing his information to my high school son soon.
You can't just blame women and rail on endlessly. Men have agency. Exercise it and never give it up. I mean it's interesting also to me that some men in this very thread are saying well marriage in 2017 is a raw deal. I've responded quite flatly, OK. Don't ever get married. Nobody said you have to. Then these same men complain about the state of affairs and lament AWALT this and AWALT that. Well if AWALT is the total reality, then use women for sex, don't get married, and enjoy yourself. And when you reach the point where that is not fulfilling to you as a man? Only then will you be ready to face the disillusionment and actually move forward.
This is a chicken or the egg type of discussion. Well you didn't give me vulnerability, so I'm not giving you sex. Well you didn't give me sex, so I'm not giving you vulnerability. Think about it, the guy, many guys, not all, have already opened themselves up by letting a woman into their world and fusing their lives to hers through relationships, marriage and children. Unless you are a train wreck of a woman, you're getting custody and even in some cases when they are, they still get custody when you divorce.
Most courts will default strongly to joint custody. My dad practiced family law for many years and I know many family law attorneys. This is the default setting in the US.
The children's needs come first unless one parent or the other is so demonstrably irresponsible that the child's welfare is questionable.
Secondly the courts look to seek equity and distribute from the provider to the non-provider for the benefit of the children. The court does not care what gender the provider is. In my marriage I was the provider. That meant I had to be concerned about custody, "divorce rape" etc.
If you want to know more about being married as a red pill man, seek advice from happily married red pill men. They exist and they are out there and they are doing well. There are some here.