Dating and Race

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Jan 28, 2017
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The City
I've noticed a lot of race threads lately with minority guys complaining about how high quality WHITE women don't want to date them. Particularly Asian, Arab and Indian men. They seem to be having the hardest time pulling WHITE women.

Here is what I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around. If you are a minority man and you don't want to date minority women.. why are you upset that white women don't want to date you?

You are a minority rejecting minority women. Yet, you expect WHITE women to want you? Isn't it kind of hypocritical? I'm personally open to any race of woman as long as she's in 8-10 range looks.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I've noticed a lot of race threads lately with minority guys complaining about how high quality WHITE women don't want to date them. Particularly Asian, Arab and Indian men. They seem to be having the hardest time pulling WHITE women.

Here is what I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around. If you are a minority man and you don't want to date minority women.. why are you upset that white women don't want to date you?

You are a minority rejecting minority women. Yet, you expect WHITE women to want you? Isn't it kind of hypocritical? I'm personally open to any race of woman as long as she's in 8-10 range looks.
Plus folks act like White Women are the cream of the, they aren't. If I had to list women by their level of quality today, it would go as follows:

- Foreign Women
- Asian Women
- White Women
- Latino/Hispanic Women
- Black Women

If you're a Foreign man (Indian/Arab) or Asian man, I really don't understand what the issue is with your women (for the most part)? It's us Black men over here having to deal with Tyquesha and Thug/Black Culture that are really getting fvcked over.

Don't take my word on this, do your research and it will show that Black Women are by far, the least desired race of woman to date.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
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Well the guys from Asia are pretty much half the worlds population and like most people, arent born with Brad Pit genetics. I see some at the gym, I would say the foreign students from India are very skinny, even skinny fat. I havent seen an Indian with great genetics yet, but a buddy of mine claims to have seen one in the states. I also saw this mongolian-looking asian with beautiful cheek bones on the bus last month, I couldnt stop staring noh0m0, but he was short so we all got something I guess.

I believe the whole idea is to get a physique to trick girls into wanting to receive your seeds. You dont have to be likable, attraction is not a choice. Im even weighing my food at this point lol


Nov 2, 2011
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@da dynamically
You are not exotic. Someone chinese or extremely asian looking, short, and asian looking is exotic. Someone indian is exotic. Someone arab is exotic, plus there is that muslim terrorist stigma thing. Obviously, if a guy can make himself look less exotic, dress well, act normal, he can get women. But there are individuals which can't change the way they are, they are either too asian or too short, or too arab or too indian. They have their ethnicity working against them. Nothing wrong with that, they just have to realize that they are outsiders and make do with what they have.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
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I have recently thought it was mainly trolling.

Other races often hate white men so much it gives them a sense of satisfaction to somehow think they are "sticking it" to white men. It has practically become the religion upon which the entire state of "liberalism" has become.
This is what makes me mad. White men on this forum start foaming out of the mouth when they see a race topic, but have the inability to just fvcking completely ignore the topic at all. Yet, we have to deal with y'alls constant bvtching and moaning about how y'all can't get a girl because of feminism, liberalism, race mixing, and etc. If you are white male and you are having trouble getting laid then it is 99% YOUR fault. However, I can be in my leanest form, make 1 million dollars in one day, and be on my best game and I can still get rejected by a woman because I am Black. Being rejected for your attitude is completely different than being rejected for something you are. As a result, the mentalities are different as well.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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I am 75% Asian and 25% french and I pull 90% of women from OLD with no effort. I have infinite validation, even on OLD. This doesn't even scratch the surface of my real life validation. Guys here are just a sad sack of excuses. I get Asian women, black women, white women, and hispanic women like there is no tommorow. Granted most of this was in L.A where chicks are abundant. In one experiment, I even told girls I was still studying in college (to prove I am so johnny deppish, I don't even need status, just to sh!t on guys in a private PUA forum). Just look at all the races of women I seduce.

Bottom line is, only f@ggots play the race card to absolve themselves from the game.

One member in here even said "Da dynamically, all you get are 7's." Hahaahahahhaa. As if getting 7's on OLD is a death sentence. Surrrrre buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Pvssy is pvssy.

Now granted this is my body so don't think I am taking shortcuts. Value over everything.

Seriously, at some point, a black chick with big ass tits who wants to go to a fetish party with me is worth way more than a rigid white chick who's a feminist. I totally don't understand guys' racial preferences.

P.S. I can no longer pull girls based on my 6 pack alone in Philly. I need to tell women what I really do (I own a business). The poorer the environment, the more money matters. Here is my nail salon. I haven't completed it yet, but this is the preliminary website

In the end, it comes down to money and looks. Race has nothing to do with it.

Before any of you kj's ever want to argue about women with me again, I want you to know how much female validation I really have.

I am a master in all facets of getting women.

Fortunately you have the luxury of being part white. Also, you aren't Indian. An Indian in the exact same shoes as you would have a 90% tougher time. This is because of drastic cultural differences as well as the stigma associated with the race. (A white woman dating an Indian does 0 to her social value, in fact in may affect it negatively)

I study interpersonal dynamics in the branch of communication at a research University. Many of us don't consider the variables women consider when choosing a partner which are

-Physical Attraction
-Shared Interests
-Shared Social Sphere
-Financial Status
-Social Status
-Ease of Interaction

Minority men score low with white women because typically they are low in many of the variables, liking, similiarity, shared social sphere, proximity etc.

Well the guys from Asia are pretty much half the worlds population and like most people, arent born with Brad Pit genetics. I see some at the gym, I would say the foreign students from India are very skinny, even skinny fat. I havent seen an Indian with great genetics yet, but a buddy of mine claims to have seen one in the states.
I have seen only seen one in my entire life and I live in a city that has a high Immigrant percentage. I frequently see them at the gym. Most people are trying to work around them because a BO.

Other races often hate white men so much it gives them a sense of satisfaction to somehow think they are "sticking it" to white men. It has practically become the religion upon which the entire state of "liberalism" has become.
Other races subconsciously hold the belief that if they are somehow able to score a white chick. This makes them less of whatever minority they are and more white. Sort of like saying:


Has a lot to do with internal identity problems minorities struggle with in the western world. A lot of minorities claim to hate their race. As if they are too good for it and deserve to be white.

also saw this mongolian-looking asian with beautiful cheek bones on the bus last month, I couldnt stop staring noh0m0, but he was short so we all got something I guess.
These guys absolutely slay pūssy in there own race. Especially if they live in a colloge town. I don't know why they are so eager for white women.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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I've seen South Asian guys who kill it. They tend to be pretty acculturated though. And a very high percentage of them are Sikhs or Punjabi Pakistanis.

As for going for White women, there is the rumor (not unfounded) that White women are more open sexually than other races. Certainly more than South Asian girls and most East Asian girls. These guys aren't thinking in racial politics, they are just trying to get their d!ck wet as easily and as often as possible and White women are the most amenable to that.


Jun 23, 2014
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I guess you are right. Most of the time, women mistake me for a latin lover or italian even though I am a happa (asian and white). This was my pic couple years back when I used my company's flip phone (I look even better in 1080p). I had a lot of women mention johnny depp from pirates.

You're a nice looking guy bro (NO HOMO lol).

I love how guys like you and myself will post our actual pictures, plates, etc. on this website to PROVE to people we are who we say we are. Yet, most of these other "Gurus" and "PUAs" on this website, won't post shyt.


Feb 13, 2017
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I've noticed a lot of race threads lately with minority guys complaining about how high quality WHITE women don't want to date them. Particularly Asian, Arab and Indian men. They seem to be having the hardest time pulling WHITE women.

Here is what I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around. If you are a minority man and you don't want to date minority women.. why are you upset that white women don't want to date you?

You are a minority rejecting minority women. Yet, you expect WHITE women to want you? Isn't it kind of hypocritical? I'm personally open to any race of woman as long as she's in 8-10 range looks.
I'd occasionally see the reverse when a white woman would only date black and not her own race. Always found that odd. She'd have in her profile that white guys would give her a hard time about it.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2017
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You're not cursed if you're Indian. Whatever maybe white women might not want you but girls who aren't white still will. Being Indian makes Indian women, and other "non-white" women still very open.

I live in a community where it's very multicultural, with an equal amount of blacks, Indians, Asians and whites are the minority. No race is more popular for women around here. So I guess this could be related to one's geographical region and the norms that exist there.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I'd occasionally see the reverse when a white woman would only date black and not her own race. Always found that odd. She'd have in her profile that white guys would give her a hard time about it.
Yeah, women can be extremely racist. There are a lot of Asian women who only date white guys too.

Red Legg

Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2016
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I am a world traveler (over 70 countries) and everywhere I have been white women are considered goddesses and worshiped(especially in Africa and the middle east) blondes are in a category of super- goddess lol..thank god I am a white man and have no trouble pulling them because white women are the hottest on earth.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I've noticed a lot of race threads lately with minority guys complaining about how high quality WHITE women don't want to date them. Particularly Asian, Arab and Indian men. They seem to be having the hardest time pulling WHITE women.

Here is what I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around. If you are a minority man and you don't want to date minority women.. why are you upset that white women don't want to date you?

You are a minority rejecting minority women. Yet, you expect WHITE women to want you? Isn't it kind of hypocritical? I'm personally open to any race of woman as long as she's in 8-10 range looks.
I'm a minority and I don't care about white women that much. The ones around here are so ugly. I go for Latinas primarily.

People will always be racist when it comes to dating. There is nothing you or I can do about it.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I would usually come in and make the case for how there is a double standard to where minorities, especially non-black minorities, can't admit on this forum that they love white women but white men are free to express their preference for all races but lets get to the point. As an East Asian guy who has gone exclusively for white women, ends up with them exclusively, and refuses to go for anything else.

Even I read through the posts and there was no whining, just wanting to know why things are the way they are, just wanting to have that discussion but apparently its whining to you.

Why the f-ck do you care so much OP?

We know you're not going to spit out any helpful information soon and I see you posting on So Suave way too much for me to even believe you're living anywhere close to a life worth emulating.

Not just OP but why do black users on here as well as black guys in real life care so much?

Is it a way to limit competition?

I can see why white guys (despite going for all races themselves) are strongly against ethnic men going for white women but why black guys? I notice that the majority of the users on here who get all uppity and lose their cool over Asian, Indian, and ethnic men wanting white women are not just white men but also black men.

TBH, as an Asian guy I have stopped discussing my dating life with my black friends because so many want to take their beef with white people and attempt to get me to stop chasing white women. I really don't get why black guys on this forum and even in real life have such a grudge against non-black minorities for going after white women and most all, why the h3ll are you telling us how to live our lives?

You don't see me telling you to stick with black women, why are you trying to put a gun to my head and tell me to stop chasing white girls.

You don't see any of us ethnic guys telling black guys or white guys to stop chasing who they want so why the f-ck do you have a beef with us going after white girls.

What difference does this thread make anyways OP?

You're not telling ethnic guys how to get white girls and I doubt you're ever going to.

You're not going to stop those of us who want white girls to all of a sudden have an epiphany and stop going for them.

I mean how dull and pathetic does your life have to be to where you are that desperate to stop telling a group of men to stop chasing white women? Answer that question OP and other losers who actually liked his post.

How pathetic and how much of a joke does your life have to be to where you are so desperate to stop Asian and ethnic men from chasing white women?

I don't get how guys like OP can live anywhere close to a decent life let alone give others advice when this is what is on their f-ckin agenda.

You don't see me telling black guys who to chase yet for some reason the black users on this forum have a grudge against other minority groups for chasing white women. Why not talk about problems in your own community instead of attempting to live the lives of Asian and brown men for them?

Before claiming you will date an 8 of any race, put yourself in a position where an 8 of any would want to date you OP. Start by trying to dictate what other guys like and fix your own pathetic life first dude.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I'm a minority and I don't care about white women that much. The ones around here are so ugly. I go for Latinas primarily.

People will always be racist when it comes to dating. There is nothing you or I can do about it.
FFS dude grow a backbone, don't let some imbecile make you feel guilty for your preference.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Actually it is.

Any kind of bias based on race is classified as racism.
No. No it isn't. That's not the definition of racism thats something you just made up. The defintion of racism before feminists tried to change it to that 'plus power' **** was:

a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

If you think that not wanting to date minorities constitues as discrimination here is the definition of discrimination:

the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex

The keyword there being unjust. Racism carries a negative connotation. There is nothing wrong with dating preferences which exist for biological reasons.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
TBH, as an Asian guy I have stopped discussing my dating life with my black friends because so many want to take their beef with white people and attempt to get me to stop chasing white women. I really don't get why black guys on this forum and even in real life have such a grudge against non-black minorities for going after white women and most all, why the h3ll are you telling us how to live our lives?

You don't see me telling you to stick with black women, why are you trying to put a gun to my head and tell me to stop chasing white girls.

You don't see any of us ethnic guys telling black guys or white guys to stop chasing who they want so why the f-ck do you have a beef with us going after white girls.

What difference does this thread make anyways OP?

You're not telling ethnic guys how to get white girls and I doubt you're ever going to.

You're not going to stop those of us who want white girls to all of a sudden have an epiphany and stop going for them.

I mean how dull and pathetic does your life have to be to where you are that desperate to stop telling a group of men to stop chasing white women? Answer that question OP and other losers who actually liked his post.

How pathetic and how much of a joke does your life have to be to where you are so desperate to stop Asian and ethnic men from chasing white women?

I don't get how guys like OP can live anywhere close to a decent life let alone give others advice when this is what is on their f-ckin agenda.

You don't see me telling black guys who to chase yet for some reason the black users on this forum have a grudge against other minority groups for chasing white women. Why not talk about problems in your own community instead of attempting to live the lives of Asian and brown men for them?

Before claiming you will date an 8 of any race, put yourself in a position where an 8 of any would want to date you OP. Start by trying to dictate what other guys like and fix your own pathetic life first dude.
i'm black and quite frankly i don't give a shyt if you ****ing emily, becky, natalie.
Sounds like the black guys you hang around with are some haters, I have had some asian wingman in the past really cool guys and we've had some epic times
I woulkd post pics but BigNeil might be around so no lol

I've noticed a lot of race threads lately with minority guys complaining about how high quality WHITE women don't want to date them. Particularly Asian, Arab and Indian men. They seem to be having the hardest time pulling WHITE women.

Here is what I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around. If you are a minority man and you don't want to date minority women.. why are you upset that white women don't want to date you?

You are a minority rejecting minority women. Yet, you expect WHITE women to want you? Isn't it kind of hypocritical? I'm personally open to any race of woman as long as she's in 8-10 range looks.
1. White women are the most desired women on the earth, and for some of us "minorities' we live in white towns, so women of our own race are hard to come by.

2.If a white women doesn't wanna date me, I move on to a woman who does Emphasis ON WOMAN

3. See point number 1, I live in a town where there are more black men than women, this naturally leaves a shortage of women. Since most black women where i live are fuccing obese, hoodrats, weave wearing single mothers. Now the game is in reverse you have 90% of men chasing after the top 10% of black women. Imagine the hypergamy!

4. This thread is sooo 2009, sad that guys still care about who sticks their **** in whut, if it comforts OP, MOST WHITE WOMEN DATE WHITE MEN. AND THAT'S A FACT THAT YOU CAN FIND COMFORT IN

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score

You're a cool dude, not talking about you obviously man. Though I have witnessed that a vast majority of the black dudes on this forum who are haters seem to be over in New Jersey, New York, and the northeast. I have long thought that area is by far the most racist in the USA, the race relations there are just terrible outside of Manhattan itself and maybe Brooklyn, it's a huge part of life there where people kept asking me what my background was, no where else did I get asked as much.

I also notice that the Anti-Asian and Anti-Indian rhetoric among women seems to be quite strong there.

OP is black btw, he just seems to care a lot about who Asian and ethnic men go for obviously.

Honestly Solo, you should not have to say "woman" or defend anything, it is not worth it with these sociopaths. I mean what's the issue?

White guys can say they love latinas and Asian women, there is no beef but the second minorities say they want white women there is a f-cking problem?

I am East Asian, I exclusively go for white and exclusively end up with them. I hope more minorities follow my lead because we have a messed up double standard in America where white guys are allowed to date who they please without any issues but America loses its mind the second a hot white girl gets with a minority.

Screw that, we need MORE hot white girls going interracial in the US so we can push people's boundaries.

Lets see how that white guy dating an Asian girl feels about his yellow fever when he sees an Asian guy with a hot blonde.
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