Tinder dates


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
At what point should I suggest a date on tinder? How much chit chat should there be before asking them out ?


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Kinda comes from experience. You gotta feel her out and use your gut. I'd say a few days of chit chatting.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
4-6 messages back and forth and set up the date.

"Hey good talking to you but I have to run. Lets meet up for a drink to continue this on ______ at _________."

Cut to the chase and establish her interest quickly. If you get a low interest response, cut ties and you're not out 2-3 days of chit chat.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
I agree with 4-6 and will add, In my observations, when she stops asking you questions she is ready for you to suggest a meet up.

This idea may not result in her saying yes, but if she isn't asking you questions then she has gotten bored of the interaction and was hoping it would move along quicker. So take the plunge and ask.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
In my opinion, the dates I got and even s3x came when the response was positive from the get go and then I went for the date as soon as possible. Like some of the others here I believe you must close as fast as possible, but the way you close is also something you can practice, but you will get the feel for that too after some time in the tinder game.

How a woman responds to your first opening line tells me everything most of the time. When I look back at the dates I had what you want to look for within the first couple of lines back and forth is ofc her will to invest in you and ask you about yourself, if she only says "haha" to stuff you write I just remove them cause by experience that means they are only there to be entertained and I have absolutely ZERO patience for the haha-sloots.

Its funny how your brain subconsciously takes note every time you text a girl back and forth again and again until it hits you that for instance this "haha" reply is often not followed up by further investment and therefore a dead end. Look for emojis and dont use them urself, limit as much as u possibly can so u dont look like a fagg0t.

Depending on your country, culture etc many girls will say they think its scary to go on a date with someone they dont know. In my country we actually dont have a dating culture, people only get to know each other through friends or work 99% of the time. Still, if DiCaprio or some gym hero asks a woman out I am firm in my belief that they will say yes, and thus, any excuse from a woman for not saying yes to a date with you is just a simple fuk off in my book and instantly removed from my tinder. I only want interested girls because I know they are out there, even if its hard as hail to find when your know your profile is crap.

Only tried this in a few cities in Norway, cant wait to try it out in Texas to see how much the market changes depending on where you are.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
In my opinion, the dates I got and even s3x came when the response was positive from the get go and then I went for the date as soon as possible. Like some of the others here I believe you must close as fast as possible, but the way you close is also something you can practice, but you will get the feel for that too after some time in the tinder game.

How a woman responds to your first opening line tells me everything most of the time. When I look back at the dates I had what you want to look for within the first couple of lines back and forth is ofc her will to invest in you and ask you about yourself, if she only says "haha" to stuff you write I just remove them cause by experience that means they are only there to be entertained and I have absolutely ZERO patience for the haha-sloots.

Its funny how your brain subconsciously takes note every time you text a girl back and forth again and again until it hits you that for instance this "haha" reply is often not followed up by further investment and therefore a dead end. Look for emojis and dont use them urself, limit as much as u possibly can so u dont look like a fagg0t.

Depending on your country, culture etc many girls will say they think its scary to go on a date with someone they dont know. In my country we actually dont have a dating culture, people only get to know each other through friends or work 99% of the time. Still, if DiCaprio or some gym hero asks a woman out I am firm in my belief that they will say yes, and thus, any excuse from a woman for not saying yes to a date with you is just a simple fuk off in my book and instantly removed from my tinder. I only want interested girls because I know they are out there, even if its hard as hail to find when your know your profile is crap.

Only tried this in a few cities in Norway, cant wait to try it out in Texas to see how much the market changes depending on where you are.

What kind of opening lines do you use?

The last match i got was this morning and i commented on something in her description.
She seems to be showing rather high interest (emojis and last i got was an emoji giving a kiss lol)

However when there is not much to comment about i find it hard to get a conversation going


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
What kind of opening lines do you use?

The last match i got was this morning and i commented on something in her description.
She seems to be showing rather high interest (emojis and last i got was an emoji giving a kiss lol)

However when there is not much to comment about i find it hard to get a conversation going
That's where creativity comes into play. Comment on her cloths, nose, hair, ears, smile, ect. Say something to make her laugh, feel complimented or both.
Some chick said she always wanted to wrestle gator. She also said not to message her a list of opening lines, that she wants something original. So I told her I know guy who will let me borrow his 12ft so can practice. That I would need to watch some who to's before I attempt, but she can go first if she feel confident. What do you know, a couple days later she writes back this long message playing along with my joke.

It doesn't always work, the more you try to be original n creative, the more hits you get. Seems most guys say the same chit over n over again. Women get tired of it...Wouldn't you? I get black women weekly messaging saying Hi. Really? From a mans point of view thats boring and bland.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
She wants to know your height and your occupation. This information should already be in your profile.

Your job is not to entertain her with frivolities. You are screening for interest. Ask for the date between 2-3 messages:

<respond to her last statement> <Name>, would you like to meet me Friday night, 8 pm, at XYZ Lounge for a drink?

That's it. Anything other than a yes or counteroffer, move along.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
I wouldn't spend long chatting. It should be obvious within 6 messages give or take if she's positive towards you or not. If she is then ask her on a date, if not or it's unclear then stop messaging and move on. Should be able to go from introduction to asking for a date within the same day, could take a couple of days if she responds horribly slow.

What matters is the type of response you get, not so much when you get it. In conclusion there shouldn't be a lot back and forth, you want to meet women, not get pen pals.

About opening lines, creativity is good but it's a fine line between clever and cheesy. With only the limited information in picture and description there's not always much to play on, I don't think it's a shame opening with something common. I think it's better to start with "Hey, you seem nice, I'd like to get to know you" than some cheesy joke. The latter looks like an attempt to impress as if you're not just good enough to be more direct, I don't think I'm alone in seeing it like that.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2015
Reaction score
In my opinion, the dates I got and even s3x came when the response was positive from the get go and then I went for the date as soon as possible. Like some of the others here I believe you must close as fast as possible, but the way you close is also something you can practice, but you will get the feel for that too after some time in the tinder game.

How a woman responds to your first opening line tells me everything most of the time. When I look back at the dates I had what you want to look for within the first couple of lines back and forth is ofc her will to invest in you and ask you about yourself, if she only says "haha" to stuff you write I just remove them cause by experience that means they are only there to be entertained and I have absolutely ZERO patience for the haha-sloots.

Its funny how your brain subconsciously takes note every time you text a girl back and forth again and again until it hits you that for instance this "haha" reply is often not followed up by further investment and therefore a dead end. Look for emojis and dont use them urself, limit as much as u possibly can so u dont look like a fagg0t.

Depending on your country, culture etc many girls will say they think its scary to go on a date with someone they dont know. In my country we actually dont have a dating culture, people only get to know each other through friends or work 99% of the time. Still, if DiCaprio or some gym hero asks a woman out I am firm in my belief that they will say yes, and thus, any excuse from a woman for not saying yes to a date with you is just a simple fuk off in my book and instantly removed from my tinder. I only want interested girls because I know they are out there, even if its hard as hail to find when your know your profile is crap.

Only tried this in a few cities in Norway, cant wait to try it out in Texas to see how much the market changes depending on where you are.
Good post.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Chit chat is useless. If she needs more than 3 messages to make a date, ask for her number and call her up for 5 minutes to "talk." If she refuses both, move along. Get the date ASAP. Women that won't meet up are Online dating *****s. They have no intention of meeting you


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
What kind of opening lines do you use?

The last match i got was this morning and i commented on something in her description.
She seems to be showing rather high interest (emojis and last i got was an emoji giving a kiss lol)

However when there is not much to comment about i find it hard to get a conversation going
I use anything of low investment to see what kind of response I get, but I have tried everything. One date I got quickly I opened with "Hey, where have u been?", I think I used that on the last date I had too. Sometimes I even leave out the question mark. Anyway, she answered gladly and with a playful line. Back and forth a few times and I closed very quickly with a coffee date only a few days after and some kissing.
She was cute but I wasnt that interested and logistics was bad at the time so that was it, but I take all experiences I can get.

Last time I was out in the club I did the same thing, an opener means nothing to me. "Who are you?" Pull her in. She obviously liked my looks enough and my frame to come home with me later. "Anything you say has value simply because it comes from you", this kinda stuck with me from one of the PUAs Tyler Durden, or Owen from RSD. Interesting guy but I enjoyed his earlier material until he became a Hollywood woowoo.

A match on Tinder by default means zero, its sad. You would think a girl feels like you do when you swipe but then again they have infinite number of matches on tinder lol not even a joke. Brutal competition as we know.

I also have a theory on super likes, for the life of me they do not work for me in my area. I have gotten several matches through the super likes, but this is my take on the female view of a received super like: "Oh look, he super likes me, that feels super nice for my ego! But now I subconsciously respect him less cause of that needy looking like." So opening on these girls after super liking them is even worse in my experience.

Now I have an example of a situation where I gave the artistic writer in me a chance cause I know if she is young and hot enough, you might have to open a bit harder to stand out, thats at least a popular theory, so I had to try it a few times as well. BUT, you NEVER know whats gonna hit anyway, she might be a pretty girl who has values (loooow chance I know)

Anyway, so I opened on this hot 18 year old girl with a great body, I couldnt understand why I matched but I gave it a go. I said I was a spy and that I was searching for someone highly skilled to accompany me on this dangerous journey. She loved the mysterious vibe I kept the whole time and we agreed to a meet, which due to work and distance wasnt possible in almost two weeks. In my opinion, if a date is too far ahead it wont happen anyway, and by reference experiences I knew she was going to ghost. If you give a woman a great feeling somehow, you must date her in the next coming days or a new guy will take your place if she is hot enough, or the feeling you gave her simply starts to fade away and fear sets in. Like I have said, in my country we dont have a dating culture, thats why I am very interested in trying out America to make comparisons.

Point is, I chatted with her back and forth for hours that night, entertaining her like a clown. Perhaps if our schedule was different and distance closer we would have met? Who knows, what I do know is that I am not going to waste my time on writing a tinder sloot many quality lines in order to meet her when I have only had success with girls when i use few lines like a man who goes for what he wants. Right on the money goddammit.

I have a tinder girl traveling a looong way to see me after a few dates (with no s3x cause of logistics) to sleep over. What was my opening line? "Hey". Then she replied with all kinds of emojis and girly stories. I replied some boring stuff about what I was eating after a workout, I just looked at it actually, horrible stuff lol. I just didnt give a shiet. I still followed the sacred procedure, close fast. It must be noted, this girl can still change her mind and it wouldnt surprise me one bit cause Im used to it.

If you know a muscular instagram-body douchebag who is single, take a look at his tinder game. There is no game, it is your sexual market value through pictures. If you have to talk about all your hobbies and life story by text, she is not interested in you sexually, at least not enough. If you saw her tinder account you would see that she has said yes to other douchebags who just opened with "hey", and their closing game was something like "lets meet up at xyz". The more you write, the bigger the chance for a screw up.

And please guys, lets throw all these attention-seeking hores away from our tinder. If they reply "Haha" with no followup, right in the toilet. Not getting ANY free attention from me. NEXT


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
"Haha", "LOL OK", etc...... they go right in the sh!tter.

I have no time for some low value woman who feels that she has "abundance" because she has overpowered pictures of herself online.

If I make an effort to communicate and she isnt putting for AT LEAST the same amount of effort (if not more), I give them the old "LOL this isnt working. I think I will pass and go with other possibilities. Good luck ;) " message.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
I use anything of low investment to see what kind of response I get, but I have tried everything. One date I got quickly I opened with "Hey, where have u been?", I think I used that on the last date I had too. Sometimes I even leave out the question mark. Anyway, she answered gladly and with a playful line. Back and forth a few times and I closed very quickly with a coffee date only a few days after and some kissing.
She was cute but I wasnt that interested and logistics was bad at the time so that was it, but I take all experiences I can get.

Last time I was out in the club I did the same thing, an opener means nothing to me. "Who are you?" Pull her in. She obviously liked my looks enough and my frame to come home with me later. "Anything you say has value simply because it comes from you", this kinda stuck with me from one of the PUAs Tyler Durden, or Owen from RSD. Interesting guy but I enjoyed his earlier material until he became a Hollywood woowoo.

A match on Tinder by default means zero, its sad. You would think a girl feels like you do when you swipe but then again they have infinite number of matches on tinder lol not even a joke. Brutal competition as we know.

I also have a theory on super likes, for the life of me they do not work for me in my area. I have gotten several matches through the super likes, but this is my take on the female view of a received super like: "Oh look, he super likes me, that feels super nice for my ego! But now I subconsciously respect him less cause of that needy looking like." So opening on these girls after super liking them is even worse in my experience.

Now I have an example of a situation where I gave the artistic writer in me a chance cause I know if she is young and hot enough, you might have to open a bit harder to stand out, thats at least a popular theory, so I had to try it a few times as well. BUT, you NEVER know whats gonna hit anyway, she might be a pretty girl who has values (loooow chance I know)

Anyway, so I opened on this hot 18 year old girl with a great body, I couldnt understand why I matched but I gave it a go. I said I was a spy and that I was searching for someone highly skilled to accompany me on this dangerous journey. She loved the mysterious vibe I kept the whole time and we agreed to a meet, which due to work and distance wasnt possible in almost two weeks. In my opinion, if a date is too far ahead it wont happen anyway, and by reference experiences I knew she was going to ghost. If you give a woman a great feeling somehow, you must date her in the next coming days or a new guy will take your place if she is hot enough, or the feeling you gave her simply starts to fade away and fear sets in. Like I have said, in my country we dont have a dating culture, thats why I am very interested in trying out America to make comparisons.

Point is, I chatted with her back and forth for hours that night, entertaining her like a clown. Perhaps if our schedule was different and distance closer we would have met? Who knows, what I do know is that I am not going to waste my time on writing a tinder sloot many quality lines in order to meet her when I have only had success with girls when i use few lines like a man who goes for what he wants. Right on the money goddammit.

I have a tinder girl traveling a looong way to see me after a few dates (with no s3x cause of logistics) to sleep over. What was my opening line? "Hey". Then she replied with all kinds of emojis and girly stories. I replied some boring stuff about what I was eating after a workout, I just looked at it actually, horrible stuff lol. I just didnt give a shiet. I still followed the sacred procedure, close fast. It must be noted, this girl can still change her mind and it wouldnt surprise me one bit cause Im used to it.

If you know a muscular instagram-body douchebag who is single, take a look at his tinder game. There is no game, it is your sexual market value through pictures. If you have to talk about all your hobbies and life story by text, she is not interested in you sexually, at least not enough. If you saw her tinder account you would see that she has said yes to other douchebags who just opened with "hey", and their closing game was something like "lets meet up at xyz". The more you write, the bigger the chance for a screw up.

And please guys, lets throw all these attention-seeking hores away from our tinder. If they reply "Haha" with no followup, right in the toilet. Not getting ANY free attention from me. NEXT
How would you rate this:

Matched yesterday morning sent 3 messages back and forth in a few hours.
She seems to have high interest judging on what you said (last message had a kiss emoji)
However she hasn't replied for a bit more than 24h
I am a bit disapointed to be honest cause she was a solid 9 in looks

Either she is actully busy or she matched with someone hotter than me


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Try to get or give a telephone number within the first 10-20 messages.
Send a few extra pictures with WhatsApp.
Set up a date asap preferably within 3 days.

Remember, chicks on Tinder lose interest extremely quick, so don't be offended or take it personal if they don't reply anymore or unmatch you for no aparant reason.
Women get an endless supply of matches and numbers and guys hounding them for dates so don't take it personal. I was swiping with a plate on her account one day for fun and she got 25 matches in one round of 100.
And 10 of them were instantly messaging her account trying to hook up.

But once you do get on a date most of them are DTF the same night, especially the 30 year olds lol.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
Try to get or give a telephone number within the first 10-20 messages.
Send a few extra pictures with WhatsApp.
Set up a date asap preferably within 3 days.

Remember, chicks on Tinder lose interest extremely quick, so don't be offended or take it personal if they don't reply anymore or unmatch you for no aparant reason.
Women get an endless supply of matches and numbers and guys hounding them for dates so don't take it personal. I was swiping with a plate on her account one day for fun and she got 25 matches in one round of 100.
And 10 of them were instantly messaging her account trying to hook up.

But once you do get on a date most of them are DTF the same night, especially the 30 year olds lol.
For now i have not had a lot of succes on tinder (15 matches but no dates).
I am probably not direct enough.
In my situation i find it difficult with logistics though because week days and week ends i am not in the same town (for uni) and it's difficult to set up dates


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
How would you rate this:

Matched yesterday morning sent 3 messages back and forth in a few hours.
She seems to have high interest judging on what you said (last message had a kiss emoji)
However she hasn't replied for a bit more than 24h
I am a bit disapointed to be honest cause she was a solid 9 in looks

Either she is actully busy or she matched with someone hotter than me
Yes I forgot to add the time limit. In my experience, if an answer doesnt come rather quickly, within hours, its usually over. If I dont get an answer within 24 hours I remove them, I also find it disrespectful so it turns me off a lot. There are no excuses for a girl not to see your message within that time limit if she is single and ready to hookup, which is what you want. If Dicaprio matched her on tinder she would answer within seconds even if she was in the shower or in a funeral, girls have their phones with them ALL them time. I just came home from the gym and this semi-ugly chick with a nice butt was lying on the floor and typing like hell, I just think it looks ridiculous but they love attention from the right guy.

I have tried this many times and the girls I have gone to a date with or s3xed (still not good enough field experience when it comes to s3x off of tinder cause of very bad pictures and smaller cities but I have done everything with what I currently have, and I am very aware of what I need to fix, working on physique and school atm but will get better pictures soon) have always responded within a few hours.

Its hard to judge when we dont know the messages, but a kiss emoji is a good sign, but then 24 hours is very bad. Which makes me wonder, what was it that she was suppose to reply to? Cause if you threw in a boring comment after her kiss emoji, she didnt feel a need to respond to it, but again, I dont know what you said. Anyway, someone who is interested enough will reply to you even if its a boring comment. Like I mentioned, the girl that will travel several hours to see me (for now, said she bought the ticket) answered after my "Hey" opener rather quickly and even after my other boring comments about what I was eating after the gym. Point it when I look at it now its just clear that she is helping me cause she was interested lol. It is suppose to be easy, its just so rare it happens that we forget.

What you can try to do is make a comeback from your comment by straight up asking her out and wait another 24 hours. "Hey Im going to xyz, you should join me, lets get to know each other". Something chill. The odds are low now though. GL anyway!


New Member
Apr 2, 2017
Reaction score
If there is a match, she most likely wants to meet you. Basically, usually after three messages back and forth you can suggest a meeting... don't waste too much time messaging, however nice girls will keep writing though even after a few days of messaging but you still have to message them every day (my way of testing them, not insterested in slvts at all) - the "popular" ones usually stop messaging after a day or so and it is almost impossible "to win" them back.

Btw, best place to tinder is HKG. It was crazy, it was like I was the superchick, at least 10 matches a day (and I wasn't even tindering most of the time), at least 80% of these girls replied (some even initiated) and wanted to meet. I was just visiting for a week, so didn't have much time (and yes, many lost interest when I mentioned it) - of course tons of Asian girls, but many other girls were expats from Australia, Canada, etc and weren't interested in dating local guys - does anyone have similar experiences with other cities?
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New Member
Apr 2, 2017
Reaction score
I also have a theory on super likes, for the life of me they do not work for me in my area. I have gotten several matches through the super likes, but this is my take on the female view of a received super like: "Oh look, he super likes me, that feels super nice for my ego! But now I subconsciously respect him less cause of that needy looking like." So opening on these girls after super liking them is even worse in my experience.
Super likes shouldn't be wasted on attractive girls, use it rather trying to get matches with avg or slightly above avg girls, expats, solo travellers, etc