Victory Unlimited said:
I think that a man IS, and SHOULD be the protector in a relationship. And on the subject of what is the likelihood of a woman staying with a man when he is down, or has taken a significant hit, physically, financially, or even emotionally------I think it depends on what TYPE of woman he has hooked up with.
Of course, most people (not just women) will NOT be there for you indefinitely, but SOME will stay with you a surprising length of time. I am not a subscriber to the horizontal thinking or to the “text-book-speak” that repeatedly plays in endless loop the phrase: “People are ONLY as faithful and/or as loyal as their options”.
Multiple Options alone, are not what tests a man’s faithfulness OR loyalty. But rather, how SATISFIED, CONTENT, or FULFILLED he is WITH the options he has chosen. We must not fool ourselves the very concept of “choice” itself has the reality of “sacrifice” imbedded within it.
For instance, for you single guys, who ONLY have the ability to juggle 6 women at a time-----you are sacrificing juggling the other millions of women on earth BY DEFAULT. And for you “monogamously” married guys who have chosen to legally marry ONE woman, you have chosen to reject the other millions of women on earth BY DEFAULT.
So again, due to mental, physical, financial, TIME, or whatever LIMITATIONS-------everyone is FORCED to choose in ALL areas of their lives, and in every moment of their lives.
Now, to address the subject of what kind of woman is MORE likely to stick with your ass LONGER than some others during times that are NOT so esoterically beneficial to HER, we must first recognize what kind of woman we’re dealing with.
I subscribe to the belief that all women (and MEN TOO, actually), generally fit into one of three personality categories. But since the subject is “women” let’s just focus on them. The three categories are: a FREAK, a HO, or a GOOD GIRL. And if you find that the girl is a more pronounced mixture, then judge her category by whatever you see as her PRIMARY personality trait.
Here are some abbreviated definitions:
A babe who is all about herself. She's all about experiencing anything NEW. She loves variety in all things to a fault----and not just sexually, but otherwise, as well. She gets bored very quickly with a variety of things. She's the type that flirts heavily with you to either actually fukk you or just to tease you. Yes, she is a MAXIMUM_STRENGTH attention whorre. Whether she actually fukks you or not just depends on HOW attracted to you she really is.
She's a thrill-seeker. She's likes the hunt. She MUST be “challenged” constantly to keep her wild-side either catered to, or “tamed”. She' like a female Pick Up Artist. These types will even marry you for the thrill of it. But once the honeymoon is over, she’ll get bored, os then it’ll be time for her to go Fukk your next door neighbor. LOL
She's the type that will withhold her "goods" in order to sellout to the highest bidder. HOs are Role Players---they are Oscar-Winner level Actresses. They are always trying to "come up" in some way. They will assume ANY behavior or personality in order to get what the want from a man---whether it's money, status, provisions, or whatever.
The thing about HOs is that they can easily masquerade as Freaks or Good Girls----IF they know that that's what YOU'RE looking for. So don't tell'em! Let a babe BE what she is, then decide whether or not you want to deal with her long term or not. Yes, they are the women who are with you for some very specific REASON.
The killing part is that that reason isn't ALWAYS material. I know a woman who married a guy just so that her kids would have a certain kind of "hair texture"! She divorced him not too long after that...sick, I know.
The biggest thing to remember about HOs is that they will always disregard many of the man's shortcomings as long as THEY can still continue to get whatever that thing is that they’re actually with him FOR. But once you cut off, or LOSE whatever it is she’s “milking” you for------her ass is OUT THE DOOR, with the quickness.
Good Girl
She's the type of woman who MAY wholeheartedly believes in the Disney Fairy Tale about Prince Charming. Or she may just be a woman with a more well-rounded, and realistic view of what a man can add to her life------and at the same time, be a flexible, giving, type person herself. She is NOT perfect or above temptation----she’s just more ethical than MOST. So don’t misunderstand my point on purpose-----and convulse into the usual Knee-Jerk reaction many here seem to have over just the mention of the term “Good Girl”.
What I am saying is that she's the type who comes the closest to actually loving you just for who YOU are on the inside. She's the marrying kind----WIFEY material.
One of her best characteristics is that she will gladly assume the role of the Freak just to please you. And she will also work to subdue her HO-ish tendencies (the sides of her that drives her to fulfill ONLY her wants and needs at the COMPLETE inconsideration of YOURS), because she "LOVES" you. A Good Girl will gravitate towards an exclusive LTR faster than the rest because she sincerely FEELS the connection that she has with you.
This is different from a HO, in that HOs can be satisfied a little longer with "sharing" you-----just as long as they are getting their most PRIMARY need met. HOs are the ones who are MORE prone to actually enjoy being some guy's mistress or Bytch on-the-side.
By the way, all women have a little "HO" in them. In fact, a married friend of mine told me that the base level is probably around 25%. LOL
So here’s the breakdown:
A Freak will be the first to leave your ass.
A HO will be the second to leave your ass.
And only a “Good Girl” will hang in there with you and stick it out with you-----and sometimes for FAR LONGER than you’d think.
Could not have been written this better. I am a public speaker , writing is my weakness.
This black and white thinking was my only problem with the OP.
Life is just not black and white. You cannot characterize men or women. Alongside all the bad woman I have met, I have met some GREAT women.
I think our genetic code and different levels of primary hormones testosterone and estrogen lay down the law of who should have the dominant and providing role in a relationship. There can be no arguements there. That is black and white backed by blood work.
However to say,
1) First signs of weakness , a woman leaves
2) There are no GOOD women out there, its a myth
3) All women are the same
is black and white thinking and are only opinions. Let's understand it as such.