You gotta ignore her
@applegoo as others have said. She is rich and crazy/BPD.
The Hollywood man I saw for about 18 months after I had been divorced a little while had a seriously BPD ex who was also rich.
Women like this have REAL princess syndrome. They are spoiled typically, no man is ever good enough for mommy & daddy, and usually the parents are neglectful helicopter type parents. The type of parents who throw lots of money at them but who are emotionally cold so it's all money & no love. Parents often VERY concerned with keeping up proper appearances.
This really screws up children. They are abandoned in the sense that they are never shown love but yet they are showered with material wealth.
Women from this type of BPD want to feel warmth & love & protection...but they also want to stick it to the stuffy rich family by doing something scandalous or embarrassing to that family. So they may become extremely promiscuous, date men who they KNOW mommy & daddy disapprove of (sound familiar), become strippers, hookers, druggies, etc. These are NOT healthy behaviors of well adjusted emotionally healthy women.
Any time a woman from a wealthy family gets into stripping or turning tricks I assure you there are deep seated issues stemming from her childhood/parental relationship, daddy issues, or other pathology.
Emotionally healthy women from wealthy families do NOT take up vocations that disgrace their family.
It is no use to contact this chick applegoo. There are emotionally healthy women out there. Ignore this witch and her plastic family.
Only by staying strict NC can you regain the mental & emotional stability to recognize an emotionally healthy woman.
I get that what the parents did was hurtful. They will never see their fault in why their princess ended up a fvcked up w h o r e. You might as well sing Chinese Christmas carols to a grizzly bear. You'll have a better chance at success than at explaining it to mommy & daddy.
Just ignore & NC the whole rotten family. Don't engage any of this crazy. Keep healing & moving yourself forward.