BPD ex reached out, what is the proper response?

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Oct 20, 2006
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True BPDs cannot love you. After a couple of weeks after a break up, it might as well have been like they were never with you.
Ok, so she is not BPD then. Why do you assume one random thing a person says is true and struggle to prove another random thing the same person says is false? So, you're saying "Don't believe anything bigneil says that is good for bigneil, but keep a list of anything bad"? It's called bias. You guys need two things: jobs and dates. Just think, once you get them, the virgins here will say you paid for it. And you did. It's called Sweat Equity.


Apr 25, 2016
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I don't have to prove it. Nor do I have to come on here and flex my financial or social status muscles, although I easily could. I'm just tired of hearing it. I mean, who in their right mind walks into a strip joint with a pocket full of hundreds and feels esteemed over the attention? Is a false front, smoke in mirrors.

The chicks I smash and date are real life and it's real life game. I'm not getting into a p!ssing contest with you because I really don't care. But just because you can buy fresh fish doesn't make you a fisherman.


Apr 25, 2016
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You act butthurt when these strippers/hookers end a relationship with you. What do you expect? They are salespeople, and quite fvcked up ones at that. You sometimes act surprised at their actions later on.....not sure how you even get to that point with the STD carriers you're paying off for the goods.

I buy drinks for real women and escalate. It's fun. Sometimes there is more there and sometimes there isn't. They aren't out there selling their pvssy to anyone that can afford it. 90% of them have masters degrees and higher and can hold conversations above snorting coke, sucking c0ck in the VIP room and trashing their ex. You should try it sometime. Real life game is what proves your worth gaming women. ANYONE with a few coins to rub together can play the game you're playing.

Just my 2 cents.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Ok, so she is not BPD then. Why do you assume one random thing a person says is true and struggle to prove another random thing the same person says is false? So, you're saying "Don't believe anything bigneil says that is good for bigneil, but keep a list of anything bad"? It's called bias. You guys need two things: jobs and dates. Just think, once you get them, the virgins here will say you paid for it. And you did. It's called Sweat Equity.
Neil, my bpd ex is a millionaire former stripper (pretty damn wealthy family) that has hung out with rich Silicon Valley CEOs that wanted her. She quit stripping because some real estate millionaire guy got her to quit, one of the regulars at the club and got her into a relationship for a few months. She fvkced him over badly. So don't feel too proud yet. The DJ (don juan, music producer for big time artists) I spoke of earlier who smashes supermodels on a regular basis and is rich is friends with Justin Timberlake and they smash girls together. He is married and his wife allows him to fvck other girls. This DJ, he is still obsessed with my ex and reaches out to her all the time, even after 3 years. I met her after she was done stripping and went back to school.

I may have said too much. I was by far her longest relationship at 10 months (prior to that it's been 3 months and under) and I had prior BPD experience so I had an idea of what I was doing, but eventually, I could not take it anymore and sh1t fell apart. I had enough of the games and started telling her to fvcking stop and we got into huge arguments all the time, insulting the fvck out of each other.

The breakup was mutual. The first 2-3 weeks, I felt so completely over her. A month or two later, it hit me bad, and I tried to get back with her, and my bpd ex refused and acted like I never existed. This was with me hanging out with other girls.

This girl is going to break your heart. You watch and see. Be careful. I'm just happy she gave me the golden opportunity to be the one to reject in the end. I may have been the only guy to manage this with her in history.


Oct 20, 2006
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This girl is going to break your heart. You watch and see.
Wow, this might be the lamest comment in the history of So Suave.

Here we have a forum where men like "Apple Goo" actually have the audacity to tell other men, with a straight face, that they are an authority on how to seduce women. They say they can help other men seduce women. Then, when one member shows that the girl he's been dating is a model whose photos regularly score 99% on an impartial photo rating web site, we hear "She is a wh0re! She is using you! You must be paying for sex! She will hurt you one day, you watch!"

Meanwhile, when she blew me off last week I got 2 other dates and she came running back. I have dozens of girls at my disposal, which is why all of the above is moot. I chose this girl out of several options. She's the greatest girl I ever dated.



Oct 20, 2006
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Who in their right mind walks into a strip joint with a pocket full of hundreds and feels esteemed over the attention? Is a false front, smoke in mirrors.
Wait, you're saying my 7 month relationship is (perpetual) smoke and mirrors because she works at a strip club?

I haven't had sex with a girl who I met in a strip club since May 2014, three years ago. I met my girlfriend when she was a waitress at a 5 star hotel. She became a stripper later. I actually seduced her twice 9 months apart, then realized it was the same girl. I hope you find your true love someday. When you do, observe the venom from virgins!


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Wow, this might be the lamest comment in the history of So Suave.
I see why you like BPD girls. You like being a **** and you like girls who are ****s, too. Why the fvck do you do that to yourself with that girl? It sounds like you get validation from women. Second of all, I don't care about being a "seducer." I don't care about being a PUA. I don't care about any of this. I came to this forum because of my first experience with a BPD girl. You spend too much time trying to show off on the forum and talking sh1t instead of actually helping. When I said the girl is going to break your heart, I wasn't trying to be a ****. It was more me telling you to watch out in a sympathetic way. I don't think you get it. Every thread I see you getting into arguments with people here, and your overall dating preferences reflect that.

"Applegoo" was a joke that eric schmidt, former CEO of google, made about apple and google combining and becoming one company because they were on such good terms before the iphone/android. I was thinking about what name to use that can't be traced to my normal IDs and that crossed my mind.

By the way, that girl you posted, to be honest, I've been with better looking girls. I don't get why you keep posting her pic like she's some trophy. Relax. Hot girls are a dime a dozen. It's the BPD in some of these hot girls that can get us hooked.

You are gonna be like that 42 year old DJ texting this blonde chick you are smashing for years after she finally cuts you off. Just watch, lol.
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Don Juan
Apr 26, 2017
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Ok, so she is not BPD then. Why do you assume one random thing a person says is true and struggle to prove another random thing the same person says is false? So, you're saying "Don't believe anything bigneil says that is good for bigneil, but keep a list of anything bad"? It's called bias. You guys need two things: jobs and dates. Just think, once you get them, the virgins here will say you paid for it. And you did. It's called Sweat Equity.
Perhaps your woman in question doesn't have BPD, but something else?


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Perhaps your woman in question doesn't have BPD, but something else?
Exactly. I find my dream girl and she SAYS she has BPD but actually acts awesome in every way, and people here say "NO! Listen to what she SAYS, don't look at what she does!" which of course is backwards. Here she was last night. Precious time.



Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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You gotta ignore her @applegoo as others have said. She is rich and crazy/BPD.

The Hollywood man I saw for about 18 months after I had been divorced a little while had a seriously BPD ex who was also rich.

Women like this have REAL princess syndrome. They are spoiled typically, no man is ever good enough for mommy & daddy, and usually the parents are neglectful helicopter type parents. The type of parents who throw lots of money at them but who are emotionally cold so it's all money & no love. Parents often VERY concerned with keeping up proper appearances.

This really screws up children. They are abandoned in the sense that they are never shown love but yet they are showered with material wealth.

Women from this type of BPD want to feel warmth & love & protection...but they also want to stick it to the stuffy rich family by doing something scandalous or embarrassing to that family. So they may become extremely promiscuous, date men who they KNOW mommy & daddy disapprove of (sound familiar), become strippers, hookers, druggies, etc. These are NOT healthy behaviors of well adjusted emotionally healthy women.

Any time a woman from a wealthy family gets into stripping or turning tricks I assure you there are deep seated issues stemming from her childhood/parental relationship, daddy issues, or other pathology.

Emotionally healthy women from wealthy families do NOT take up vocations that disgrace their family.

It is no use to contact this chick applegoo. There are emotionally healthy women out there. Ignore this witch and her plastic family.

Only by staying strict NC can you regain the mental & emotional stability to recognize an emotionally healthy woman.

I get that what the parents did was hurtful. They will never see their fault in why their princess ended up a fvcked up w h o r e. You might as well sing Chinese Christmas carols to a grizzly bear. You'll have a better chance at success than at explaining it to mommy & daddy.

Just ignore & NC the whole rotten family. Don't engage any of this crazy. Keep healing & moving yourself forward.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Just stay NC, no reason to stir the hornets nest


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
This thread is worthless without...oh WAIT!!!:eek::D:p


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Whats weird is that the girl on the pics looks really similar to my bpd ex apart from mine was skinnier (eating disorder).

May 4, 2017
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Definitely ignore. You ll have her chasing you in no time. Then if she was a ***** with you you should consider the 4)**** her option.

Whatever you do don't go back with her, she obviously doesn't think you are good enough, eventually somebody 'more worthy' will show up and then you are out of the picture again.
May 4, 2017
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Why so many pictures of this woman? I find her slightly above average... she has really mind ****ed you Bro.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2016
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My BPD loves me. Your BPD had to have her parents talk to you after what you did at the family cookout. Could it be that all BPD women (and all seducers) are not alike?
LOL man. Why do you think EVERY guy on here is telling you that either she doesn't have BPD or that you're going to be destroyed?


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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My BPDex destroyed me. Take it from someone who's been there. No contact has and always will be the only way. These women crave attention even if you tell her phuk off she will be happy. Any contact to them shows they still have control over you. If you do make contact, it will keep your mind occupied on her and potentiality trap you back in her web no matter how strong you think you are. These women are professional mind fhokers, the only way to beat them is to stay nc and live a happy life. Easier said than done of course.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2015
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Stay no contact, its been 2.5 years since I had any contact with my ex, I did see her briefly last year all I got out of her was giggles and shy eyes. I'm glad she's moved to another town there is no chance I will cross paths with her again, a BPD woman will never change.
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