Master Don Juan
And society turning a blind eye too it.The same reasons men cheat, they just have more excuses after the fact.
And society turning a blind eye too it.The same reasons men cheat, they just have more excuses after the fact.
Think of a man who's committed to non-exclusitivity and his preferred method of gaming is through day game. He doesn't believe in marriage and has no intention of entering into a ltr. What need would he have to be jealous? Under what circumstances taking into consideration his sexual strategy, could a woman possibly "cheat" on him. The notion of cheating is not in his reality.You can't quite say that it is a social construct though. Cheating invokes jealousy which is a natural-born feeling/sensation. Animals show this characteristic themselves even. It is natural to want a female and not want anyone else to have her. It is natural to have multiple women and not want anyone else to have them. It is NOT natural for one women to have multiple men though, ever. Not in humans anyway.
I understand the premise of this. But the problem is, we as humans haven't evolved to naturally have this ability unless we dehumanize another aspect of ourselves. And perhaps there is a reason for this. Love and hate are two different aspects of the same coin. Being able to let go this easily means being able to kill/harm or watch someone else kill/harm a beloved, and it also lowers competition and drive as well, which is why we may have not adapted to have this trait.Think of a man who's committed to non-exclusitivity and his preferred method of gaming is through day game. He doesn't believe in marriage and has no intention of entering into a ltr. What need would he have to be jealous? Under what circumstances taking into consideration his sexual strategy, could a woman possibly "cheat" on him. The notion of cheating is not in his reality.
Consider a man who's committed to non-exclusitivity and his preferred method of gaming is meeting woman in bars and clubs at the weekend. He's busy during the week with work, gym, hobbies, friends and sees no room in his life to entertain a ltr. His sexual strategy is basically one night stands. What need would he have to be jealous? Under what circumstances taking into consideration his sexual strategy, could a woman possibly "cheat" on him. The notion of cheating is not in his reality.
Take a man who's mindset is monogamy as a goal and thus is actively pursuing ltr's. He's placing all of his bets on "the one" from the outset. Jealousy and the notion of cheating are part of his reality.
Jealousy occurs when one feels threatened by the presence of another male. Or threatened by the potential loss of a female partner. This is simply making the woman's value greater than your own value. or believing the other male to be of a higher value than you are.
One must rise above the ego to find enlightenment and learn the art of detachment to truly feel the power of being able to let go.
Holding on too tight, crushes the sparrow.
I disagree...I am in a ltr (5 months) and I am not jealous one ioda..if she cheats I am gone and she knows it,she has invested many times more than me in the relationship ( she asked for exclusivity) and it's hot sex on tap.Monogamy is not thought of as a goal in my ltr I just simply have a " see where it goes "attitude.Think of a man who's committed to non-exclusitivity and his preferred method of gaming is through day game. He doesn't believe in marriage and has no intention of entering into a ltr. What need would he have to be jealous? Under what circumstances taking into consideration his sexual strategy, could a woman possibly "cheat" on him. The notion of cheating is not in his reality.
Consider a man who's committed to non-exclusitivity and his preferred method of gaming is meeting woman in bars and clubs at the weekend. He's busy during the week with work, gym, hobbies, friends and sees no room in his life to entertain a ltr. His sexual strategy is basically one night stands. What need would he have to be jealous? Under what circumstances taking into consideration his sexual strategy, could a woman possibly "cheat" on him. The notion of cheating is not in his reality.
Take a man who's mindset is monogamy as a goal and thus is actively pursuing ltr's. He's placing all of his bets on "the one" from the outset. Jealousy and the notion of cheating are part of his reality.
Jealousy occurs when one feels threatened by the presence of another male. Or threatened by the potential loss of a female partner. This is simply making the woman's value greater than your own value. or believing the other male to be of a higher value than you are.
One must rise above the ego to find enlightenment and learn the art of detachment to truly feel the power of being able to let go.
Holding on too tight, crushes the sparrow.
I understand the " it's always your fault" concept, because that means you can always try to improve. I disagree with it, though. Sometimes it's just on her.If you get cheated on, you were
1. Not attractive enough
2. Not rich enough
3. Not moving forward
4. Too beta
5. Not fulfilling her needs
6. Hung up on her
7. More excuses ad nauseum.
There's only one reason women cheat;I am very curious about the thoughts on this one. I personally think it is two main reasons:
1) Lack of leadership and life purpose on the part of the man.
2) ****ed up woman in different aspects, cannot create bonds and strong connections.
The top reason most women cheat is simpleI am very curious about the thoughts on this one. I personally think it is two main reasons:
1) Lack of leadership and life purpose on the part of the man.
2) ****ed up woman in different aspects, cannot create bonds and strong connections.
If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.
Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.
This will quickly drive all women away from you.
And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
This is certainly the most accurate and condensed explanation, you are certainly a Master Don JuanThe reason women cheat:
1.) Man was a challenge early on in the relationship. He went to the gym, had friends, options, scarcity, always looking for the upgrade and made the woman chase. After a while, he decided to be content with the woman, got lazy, wasnt a challenge, etc. Man starts becoming more of a beta than he ever was early on. Woman doesnt like the man he is becoming and starts her search over.
2.) Man gives woman too much attention (texts, calls, dates, spending too much money on the chick, etc) because he put her on a pedestal. Over time, he becomes his normal self and she isnt getting the beta lovey dovey texts all the time, not as much attention, the expensive dates are less frequent, etc.
3.) She is a wh0re who is going to cheat regardless.
How you avoid these things from happening:
1.) Do not lose frame. Its ok to back off the game a little after you're with someone for a while, but you have to remain somewhat a challenge.
2.) Be yourself from the start. Dont try to be someone else. Sooner or later, your normal self will shine through and if she doesnt like that version, she will start looking around. Dont pedestalize a woman and go all out from the beginning. She hasnt earned that yet. Start slow, hold frame. If you go to the gym, keep going. Play golf, keep playing. Dont change for a woman. If she is accepting to your lifestyle early on, she will accept it later.
3.) If she is a wh0re, you should see the red flags early on and should never get into an emotional investment where any of this even matters. Pump and dump.
Right on. All you can really do is strive for a stoic state of mind. Bad things are going to happen in your life sooner or later. All that matters is how you view them and if you let them affect you.I like this way of looking at things.
I often think going into a new situation "Right, what surprises are lurking around the corner for me...."
When there are "surprises", well I'm not really surprised and already expecting them am in the right frame of mind to deal with them
effectively and appropriately. When there are no little surprises, well, it's actually a nice little bonus that I wasn't expecting.
In some circumstances we need to lower or be more realistic with our expectations. Doesn't mean lowering standards or not wanting the best, but more lowering expectations from people or circumstances that are outside our control.
Hope for the best, expect the worst.
If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.
Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.
This will quickly drive all women away from you.
And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.