Sex - more important to guys or girls?


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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My question is more framed like this: When I have a good orgasm with a woman that really turns my mind on, it is a relief, it is a mental boost, an emotional one, it is like I just conquered life and that effect holds on for a day at least.

Now, when a woman has a strong, good orgasm that she really felt, does she feel the same? Does she feel like the superwoman? Maybe @sazc and @BeExcellent could shed some light with their perspective.
When a normal women (non cluster B) has an orgasm with a man shes into, she will produce oxytocin, in which it creates a bond with that man. The more orgasms you give her, the more oxytocin is released in the brain, which causes the bond to become very strong. It also betters the chance that women will be more honest and faithful to you. A women with cluster B produces less oxytocin which is one of the reasons why they cheat so much. They are unable to create a healthy bond. They're constantly bouncing from cawk to cawk as new experiences and honeymoon phases brings them the biggest dose of oxytocin they can produce.


Aug 19, 2015
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My question is more framed like this: When I have a good orgasm with a woman that really turns my mind on, it is a relief, it is a mental boost, an emotional one, it is like I just conquered life and that effect holds on for a day at least.

Now, when a woman has a strong, good orgasm that she really felt, does she feel the same? Does she feel like the superwoman? Maybe @sazc and @BeExcellent could shed some light with their perspective.
For a lot of men who are thirsty, any sex equals good sex. Any sex is better than jerking off constantly. So "bad sex" is "good sex" just because it was sex.

For women, bad sex equals bad sex. Only good sex equals good sex.

If she thinks that you're a man who knows what he's doing in bed, who's sexually confident, she'll be back for more and she'll want to boast to her friends. A man will boast when he gets laid, a woman will boast when it's a good lay.

A man who's not getting laid regularly will probably get over excited and nervous and it will probably get off too soon or have erectile difficulties. He may be happy that he got laid all the same but may or may not feel an underlying "shame". A man that tries too hard to please the woman can end up entering into a supplication frame (beta) and may eventually turn her off and will be later fuming that she didn't appreciate him. A man that enjoys fvcking and knows how to fvck (sexual confidence) and as a byproduct of "enjoying and gorging on the feast" pleases the woman, is coveted by the woman and she will kill to keep him around.

So with regards to sex being more important to guys or girls, there is no black or white answer.

He wants to fvck, she wants to be fvcked well.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2017
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Women can be strange. When my wife was s3xual, things were great. I studied techniques like s3xual massage to keep things interesting. She loved it. She just stopped wanting s3x, and became less intimate over time.

She was upset when I left her. She knew it was possible that I would, but gambled with it by not doing anything about the situation. Some women use sex to hook a guy, and then no matter how awesome you are in every way, they become comfortable and sex goes away. It is a potential danger to having an LTR.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
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London, UK
Sex is more important to men and women know this. Women like good sex, they have told me in the past they would pass up sex if they were convinced it was going to be good, bare in mind there was rarely any evidence in their decision making. Except one example where I was sleeping with a girl casually and she told her friends about how good I was in bed and I ended up banging like 3 of them off the back of it. I met another girl last month who hadn't had an orgasm in almost 2 years, I gave her 3 the first time we slept together and needless to say she hasn't left me alone since.

Recently I've got to know a girl who doesn't like sex, she actually told me that she's asexual and she hates everything about sex. However, you would never guess this, she's got very sexual pictures on his social media profiles and in that sense she's a typical girl. She said she'd marry a guy then stop sleeping with him and only sleeps with guys occasionally so they like her.

I don't need to tell you about how men feel about sex, there is no female equivalent to this site. Women do not need to learn how to bang dudes, they are selective.

Men want sex, women know how to use sex to their advantage.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Quality of MAN or quality of PERFORMANCE?

What @Reykhel says is quite true. Women want good sex, otherwise why bother? Why expose yourself to the risk involved and why settle for a ho hum lover? Women also want an accomplished man. If you attract accomplished men you sort for one who will be a good lover...if you attract good lovers you sort for who is also an accomplished man.

I personally routinely meet accomplished men. However finding one who is also a good lover is much more difficult. You can tell a great deal about how a man will be in bed by how he kisses, how he moves, how/if he dances...there are lots of little cues a woman learns to read and interpret very quickly. I've run into I can't tell you how many accomplished guys who are also good looking who I can tell are not going to be what I want in bed. I need more of a rascal type man or I'm going to get bored quickly. I had my first relationship with a man who was both ambitious/intelligent as well as a good lover & I was also married to such a man.

The biggest issue I observe is that so few men have the courage to connect with a woman in a genuine way that they are incapable of being a good lover. Men who are good in bed are not the "well just use her for sex and worry about yourself" type men. Rather they are men who are willing to be engaged in the bedroom, who are attentive to the woman as well as open about their own desires. That does not mean supplicating. Attentiveness and engagement with your partner sexually is NOT supplication.

The man I dated recently since my divorce was a curious example. While he was quite handsome, a success, a leader, quite genuinely alpha etc...and I found him very sexy & attractive, once we got into the bedroom there were some roadblocks. He worried about size, he had issues with staying hard (the condom tended to kill the erection) and he was in his head too much about both of those things. No amount of understanding seemed to help. I liked HIM but he was still insecure about those two things. He was passionate and a great kisser but didn't know his way around a woman's body really which was surprising to me. Maybe his ex wife faked her orgasms a lot, who knows WHY but he was unsure there and seemed to get frustrated if I wanted to gently show him what would work well for me. I found myself wondering if I could date someone long term who was disappointing (the ultimate end result) in bed.

And I really respected and admired him in so many ways. We have parted amicably and I am quite fond of him...perhaps our sexual expectations were not well matched...who knows.

I actually think so many men think they are good lovers when they actually are not. If a guy thinks just pound her hard for a long time and that makes a good lover without otherwise interacting too much or worrying about her pleasure then that man is likely to be seen as selfish and inattentive. If a girl sleeps with a man and then she never responds again it's a high percentage bet she didn't like the sex.
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Aug 19, 2015
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Guess I'll pass. Thanks man! :D
It would be along way to go for good head....

The next woman you're sexual with.....mention your ex (this girl who's addicted to given head can be your ex in this
nlp scenario..).......say she wasn't good for you (you weren't really compatible or something) but the reason you stayed together longer than you should have......was because....she was addicted to and gave amazing head..... know you should have got rid of her a long time ago because she was sort of goofy/annoying (whatever) but you
kept her around a little longer because of the amazing head addiction she had....

You'll set down the challenge for the new girl. She's now competing with the ex as the queen of giving head.

Reward her with positive validation: "I think you are becoming better than my ex at giving head."


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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It would be along way to go for good head....

The next woman you're sexual with.....mention your ex (this girl who's addicted to given head can be your ex in this
nlp scenario..).......say she wasn't good for you (you weren't really compatible or something) but the reason you stayed together longer than you should have......was because....she was addicted to and gave amazing head..... know you should have got rid of her a long time ago because she was sort of goofy/annoying (whatever) but you
kept her around a little longer because of the amazing head addiction she had....

You'll set down the challenge for the new girl. She's now competing with the ex as the queen of giving head.

Reward her with positive validation: "I think you are becoming better than my ex at giving head."
Ha, very good technique that I can see working. Its all mind games man. Im sure if that tables were turned, Id be trying to eat her snatch better than she ever had. Also, I can see how it might backfire depending on the girl. Most chicks who enjoy giving head are sloots. The ones who give really good head and swallow are super sloots.

I'll be honest, Im so broken from this past 2 year relationship with a BPD. She gave the best head I ever had in my entire life and lots of it! She drank every drop, deep throated, she was flat out so intense and seductive. She even told me she spoiled and that Ill never be the same from it (she was right). Now that shes gone, I feel there is no hope anymore. Its like Im programmed to only think of her, no other women really attracts me, I long for her affection.

I sound like a beta phagot, I know. I've hit up at least 40 girls on POF, only two girls have taken the time to start a conversation. The others just say a word or two and disappear. One of them i was supposed to go on a date with. Well she stopped responding, and the other one as well. I get too attached too fast. Im sure its because I was being overly sweet and attentive with my last message. Not going to respond back, just wait it out I guess. Im losing hope in life, in myself and women in general. Being my ex was a *****, it only reminds me how hard you have to work with a women who respects herself vs a *****. My heart is so broken I have no idea how to move on, while my ex is sucking cawk and starting new relationships Im here crying some days hating life. Feel stupid for even letting all that out, but better than holding it in I guess.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Sex is important to women. Very important.
But it's more important to men. Just a quick read of this forum should be enough to tell you that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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My heart is so broken I have no idea how to move on, while my ex is sucking cawk and starting new relationships Im here crying some days hating life. Feel stupid for even letting all that out, but better than holding it in I guess.
It's healthy to vent. What did you enjoy doing before the ex BDP? Concentrate on getting back out there and having fun. OLD should be a back-burner outlet if you're busy approaching elsewhere. Have so much fun doing cool hobbies that women/plates become a lower priority. That's how you get your life back after a breakup.

Every time I've done well with women it was when my life was full, loads of hobbies, studying and working hard and full of energy. They were curious and wanted to be apart of that fun lifestyle. Dating just fell into place so to speak.

Whenever I was down, lacked confidence or searched to make a prospect a plate; they sensed the desperation and ignored my approach or ended set abruptly.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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It's healthy to vent. What did you enjoy doing before the ex BDP? Concentrate on getting back out there and having fun. OLD should be a back-burner outlet if you're busy approaching elsewhere. Have so much fun doing cool hobbies that women/plates become a lower priority. That's how you get your life back after a breakup.

Every time I've done well with women it was when my life was full, loads of hobbies, studying and working hard and full of energy. They were curious and wanted to be apart of that fun lifestyle. Dating just fell into place so to speak.

Whenever I was down, lacked confidence or searched to make a prospect a plate; they sensed the desperation and ignored my approach or ended set abruptly.
I can so much relate to your last paragraph. Like crazily much.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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You want a woman who wants to please you. But you also want to please her. Being a great lover is about giving. You give affection, you give love, you give your body, you create an experience for your partner. Your partner does the same for you. This builds intimacy which women crave.

Men crave sex & women crave intimacy. These needs are complimentary and it is no accident that healthy sexual expression is how you arrive at satisfaction of both sets of needs.

When you look at it this way it is easier to understand the disconnect between men & women. If one partner is unwilling to give what the other needs, then sex becomes perfunctory and unfulfilling.

Regarding oral, not all women who are good at it are s L u t s:

I recall my mother-in-law, a virgin on her wedding night who was planning to be a nun until she met her husband, talking about the importance of sending her man to work happy and also talking about giving him kisses "down there", and she would always giggle just a bit about it. They were very happy marrieds but she ended up a widow in her 30s. She never remarried and never had sex with anyone other than her late husband.

My ex husband had a very healthy attitude about oral sex because his mother understood how much his father enjoyed it. He (my ex) also really enjoyed it. I wanted to please him the way his mother delighted in pleasing his father. So it was lovely to do that for him.

Too many people, particularly women, think of giving head as a dirty thing. One of my sisters won't do it at all because urine also comes out at the same location. I think she is tremendously short sighted about it & I have told her so. I think her husband occasionally runs around on her because she is prudish in her sexual views...and if he does I don't exactly blame him. They otherwise have a good marriage & partnership & I doubt they will split.

I recall the male model I dated before my husband did not like or want any sort of oral sex. I have no idea why but he must have had some sort of taboo programming or some sort of awful experience that put him off of blow jobs. He wasn't exactly willing to discuss it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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male homosexuals bang each other like crazy.

Female homosexuals not so much.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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For females it's more about the companionship.
True. Men really could care less about companionship, they just want to bust a nut. Women mostly have ulterior motives when giving up the snatch, they wanna lock you down (most of the time).


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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So you are saying it's easier for women to get sex? You guys are trying to use the fact that men want sex more as proof that women actually want sex more.

Women have lower sex drive because they are not as visual as men. Yes, the women you see at strip clubs are called lesbians.
Yes, many of the women who strip are bi or straight up lezbo's. Don't even like men AT ALL...


Mar 12, 2011
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Is sex really that important to women, in general?
Sex is what a woman has to do to keep the man. Good sex or bad sex doesn't really matter to her. It's about what the sex it will get her; it's a means to an end.

It's the same reason married woman don't care about sex after several years of marriage. Why should they? Husband isn't going anywhere. She doesn't have to make him happy. Plenty of other guys willing to bend over backwards for her. Why do you think rich guys have wives AND mistresses and their wives still stay with them? They don't need "good sex", they need image, status, novelty.

That's not to say women don't enjoy sex, but it's ultimately about what it will get her.