The #1 Way to Make her Gush


Oct 20, 2006
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Pig tai

Any man says this to me and I immediately know I am in control of the frame. He's catering to me.

This also made me realize ... I've been replying to this thread with the expectation that the parties involved are mature, and your plate is 22, right? Makes sense you would say that to her.

I hate to tell you but she is a lot smarter than you are giving her credit for. If she's appearing to buy the BS you are trying to sell here, she's got you straight frame managed. She's so good, you can't see what's going on because she had your head buried in her pvssy and she is fake orgasming 50 times to keep you on the hook.

Again, good luck here.

P.S. Compete beta move to dismiss my contributions to these boards because of my gender . An opinion makes you feel uncomfortable has nothing to do with gender.
Wait, any man who you agree to wear their fantasy hair style for, just to drop some minor issue (which wasn't even revealed) you "control" that man? Really? Ok, so if you would show up tonight with braids I would be happy to admit you are correct. Control me, baby.

And wait, did you just say she faked 50 orgasms? Enlighten us: did you ever fake 50 orgasms with any man before? Would you be willing to try later?

Tell us: what can a woman do to prove herself, if you are pretending she might fake 50 orgasms over 7 months?

Men, call me beta, but take a good look at how the women on this forum will act when we start to undercover the secrets of controlling their sorry ass-es.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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A girl I dated several months back told me she only had 1 real orgasm with her ex-husband whom she was married to for 5yrs. She faked them almost all of the time to keep him happy. This isn't the first time I've heard of women faking it.


Oct 20, 2006
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A girl I dated several months back told me she only had 1 real orgasm with her ex-husband whom she was married to for 5yrs. She faked them almost all of the time to keep him happy. This isn't the first time I've heard of women faking it.
So what? Let's imagine she faked it, who cares? I only wish more girls in my life faked having 50 Earth-shattering orgasms with my penis inside them at the time, in 10 cites. The point was, I didn't fake my orgasms, b!tch (albeit more like 15 for me).


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I actually understand this concept. But this is far advanced, and logistics need to perfect, like legit PERFECT for it to work. Plus, it only works on women who are already damaged. I think the biggest thing is that she has to have had most of the men/people she's dealt with NOT trust her, even when she was being honest. And if you make her think that you trust her, she will automatically latch onto you and use you as her main source of self esteem. Almost like when a child looks to his/her parents for approval to play with their friends or do something else. It starts to get rooted deep inside them if she looks at you like that for a while.

However, if she was constantly able to manipulate people and abuse them to get what she wants, this will NOT work.

In short, it only works on girls with trust issues.


Oct 20, 2006
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Any man says this to me and I immediately know I am in control of the frame. He's catering to me.
To be fair, I took your advice anyway and I tried to break our date for this weekend on account of what happened. I actually acted rude to be honest and braced myself for her to tell me off. However, without my replying she contacted me 7 straight times over 2 days and multiple channels and was sweet in every message. Just now I replied and we patched things up. I think she likes me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2014
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YES. Ignore the rest of that garbage though. :rofl:
Number one way to "Keep her on her toes" is to NEVER let her know where she stands, and that means you never say you like her or love her and when she says she likes you or loves you, you reply Han Solo style: "I know.", or with some other funny sht, obvious exceptions are the day you get married of course, and the day you kids are born.
He shouldve simply said this instead of that other junk.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Number one way to "Keep her on her toes" is to NEVER let her know where she stands, and that means you never say you like her or love her and when she says she likes you or loves you, you reply Han Solo style: "I know.", or with some other funny sht, obvious exceptions are the day you get married of course, and the day you kids are born.
He shouldve simply said this instead of that other junk.
That could also be taken as you don't love her though. Chicks notice if you don't say 'I love you too' and sometimes will take it that you don't. It's okay to say it every once in a while though.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2014
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That could also be taken as you don't love her though. Chicks notice if you don't say 'I love you too' and sometimes will take it that you don't. It's okay to say it every once in a while though.
I know that. Which is why i believe the day you marry, the day she gives birth to your kids, maybe even on anniversaries would be fine, problem is, many guys wear their hearts on their sleeves and that kills the challenge that women love.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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The thing that leaps out at me in your original post Neil is your concern (however casually mentioned) that you don't want her to turn off the sex spigot. That tells me she will use sex to discipline you. Nice Neil gets sex. Not nice Neil does not get sex.

A woman who loves you does not withold sex.

She is manipulating your behavior in subtle ways. She is push pulling. That's ok and I'm not criticizing you or the are push pulling also. But that she would withold sex from you ever at all is not a good sign.


Oct 20, 2006
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The thing that leaps out at me in your original post Neil is your concern (however casually mentioned) that you don't want her to turn off the sex spigot. That tells me she will use sex to discipline you. Nice Neil gets sex. Not nice Neil does not get sex.
First, she never withheld sex. I said I didn't want to argue and that arguments basically mean no sex.

Second, did you read the part about my putting my foot down anyway, against my original advice, and her sending 7 messages over 2 days begging me not to cancel our date?

I've now been dating her for 7 full months and people are still grasping for straws to prove that somehow she doesn't really love me. It's like an anti-relationship forum.

Notice the two women on the forum are basically saying that men should argue with their women? The women are assuming the men were in the right regarding the argument, and that the man must be tolerating her bad behavior if he doesn't lay down the law.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Notice the two women on the forum are basically saying that men should argue with their women?
Nobody said that Neil. Rather you said this:

arguments basically mean no sex
Now probably you aren't having sex WHILE arguing...I don't know, but the thing about you seeming afraid to rock the boat because you don't want sex interrupted. This devolves into statements from the woman such as "well, none for you tonight", which IS witholding sex and many women do this. I personally think it's a bad idea (my stance is why withold sex from MYSELF in this way - so I always found this a silly thing to do as a woman...but I digress).

I am not debating whether or not anybody loves anybody, I'm all for your happiness and joy, and if going along to get along creates happiness and joy for you then great. I also have no idea what the spat was about. I want to see you HAPPY!!! :)

So as long as you are happy that's great!! I'm simply saying a man needs to lead at all times. If the woman is being petty over something stupid then you should drive on and ignore and not worry about it, but you should also make clear your expectations (which you say you do - and you say she knows you could leave at any time - so you should be just fine there.) And if the man is being petty, well try not to be petty. Petty arguments erode things over time if they are allowed to fester.

All I'm saying (for all the other men here) is that a man should not allow his behavior to be modified according to whether or not a woman will allow him sex. This erodes many many men over time. And it happens very gradually and in subtle ways over time. Until one day the man wakes up and he is emasculated and not getting the sex like he once did, and then he realizes the woman is in control. That is how AFCs become AFCs. I think it is important for men to appreciate how the process starts. It's like boiling a lobster in a pot. This obviously does not apply to you in your situation, which is great, but it does happen to many men, and it best avoided. The way a man avoids this is to lead and do what he will anyway. My father was the king of this. And women always wanted him because he was such a MAN.